Example sentences of "[noun pl] [v-ing] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , there may be statements from engineers or surveyors suggesting that the building is physically unsound .
2 On 3 October , a certain Brigadier McLean wrote to the Director of Military Operations suggesting that the ‘ S.A.S. , L.R.D.G. and 1 L.R.S. be combined and that armour , artillery and infantry the size of a regiment should be added for seaborne operations .
3 Some environmental groups maintaining that the birds should be left to their own devices rather than being raised in captivity .
4 Most of the fragments detected by the ( T 2 AG 3 ) 4 oligonucleotide are very small in the Mbo I and Alu I digested DNAs suggesting that the telomeric repeats can be as short as 300 bp or even shorter .
5 Pass through the village , and off to the right you will find a farmyard with chickens pecking , ducks waddling and a couple of horses grazing peacefully .
6 However , to assert that there is a very great deal remaining to be said about the mutual effects of semantics and syntax may seem a bold claim , perhaps even a surprising one , given the number of those who have worked on both areas and the many publications with titles suggesting that the two have been linked inside their covers .
7 ‘ A fine night for a fight ! ’ the Hearthware leader said , his teeth flashing and the blood shining on his sword .
8 There is also currently much debate about the possibility of a dichotomy between explicit and implicit learning and memory ( e.g. Lewandowski , Dunn & Kirsner , 1989 ; Nissen & Bullemer , 1987 ; Reber , 1989 ; Roediger , 1990 ; Schacter , 1987 ) with many researchers suggesting that the acquisition of knowledge about even apparently complex relationships proceeds without conscious awareness .
9 I was less impressed by a news story in the Sunday Times announcing that the Pope is cracking down on sinners for Easter week : ‘ The Pope has ordered priests in the confessional box to clamp down on sin as churches prepare for the traditional Easter rush of sinners seeking forgiveness this week , ’ it announced knowingly .
10 On 17 December , its officials woke to radio bulletins announcing that a bill to ban all remaining forms of tobacco advertising had , in the small hours , finally passed through both houses of the federal parliament with the support of all parties .
11 There is some authority for saying that the ‘ sufficient interest ’ test applies to such actions ; but there are also dicta suggesting that a stricter rule should apply to such actions on the ground that leave is not required to bring actions begun by writ or originating summons .
12 The style of the book is almost cinematic , with images unfolding before the viewer reads the " titles " , as if to bear out Avedon 's remark " I do n't think the West of these portraits is any more conclusive than the West of John Wayne " .
13 And er I always remember the lawyer who was acting on behalf of the union er said to these blacklegs , How would it be possible for you to see it though your window who was throwing the bricks seeing that the windows are so black and filthy you ca n't see the curtains that 's hanging up from the outside ?
14 One minute she had been on her hands and knees scrubbing and the next she was being wined and dined by the owner of the largest store in town .
15 These ideas were discussed with the maths and computing adviser , who Subsequently wrote to all schools suggesting that the microcomputer might be Placed in the library and that it would be advisable for schools to have their school librarians attend in-service courses on microcomputer use which this adviser was organizing .
16 Harriet Shakespeare 's desperately serious expression , with the eyes widening and the eyebrows flickering up and down .
17 Of these omissions , one quarter were inflected forms , one quarter were proper nouns , one sixth were hyphenated forms , one twelfth were misspellings and one quarter were not yet resolved , but were likely to be new words occurring since the dictionary was published .
18 As I have told my hon. Friend before , I do not think that there has ever been any prospect of any member of the European Community or of the United Nations believing that a United Nations or a Western European Union peace-keeping force could force its way into Yugoslavia against the opposition either of the Yugoslav national army — the JNA — or of any armed force .
19 Although the Government have already banned Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams from travelling to the Commons to address MPs Glasgow district council says it wo n't stop Thursdays meeting because the city has a policy of freedom of speech .
20 A good man , Ephraim Cook , with a good , strait-laced , sensible wife , a man who 'd keep the looms turning and the profits coming in long after John-William himself was in his grave .
21 I would watch the brothers sparring and the women , heads down , picking into their food with a concentration more usually associated with ruminants , and wonder how this family had cohered in the past .
22 A trip chain is a sequence of trips beginning when a resident leaves home , and ending when they next return home .
23 As the term suggests , these are letters from the Commission to notifying parties stating that the Commission does not believe that there is any need to take action in relation to the agreement or arrangement either because it falls outside Article 85(1) or because it may satisfy the requirements of Article 85(3) , although in such a case the issue of a comfort letter does not amount to an exemption pursuant to Article 85(3) .
24 This presumption can be rebutted by any words indicating that the preferential dividend for a year is to be payable only out of the profits of that year .
25 Under ‘ running costs ’ there is a small box for RHAS and a large box for DHAs indicating that the bulk of expenditure is actually incurred by the District Health Authorities .
26 All I really remember is the kids crying and no one doing anything about it . ‘
27 In our analysis , copy-dependent expression ( Figures 2 and 3 ) is lost above five copies of Ea in the Short transgenics indicating that the region containing DH I and II ( 2.0 kb 5' of Ea ) does not contain the appropriate elements to isolate the transgene from adverse chromatin effects , or does not contain all of the enhancer elements necessary for position-independent , copy number-dependent expression .
28 Likud , meanwhile , rejected any " land for peace " formula , with some party supporters arguing that the Iraqi Scud attacks had demonstrated that a secure Israel required broad territorial margins .
29 ‘ I 'm going to cry until I 'm ill ! ’ and she dropped on to the floor , her shoulders shaking and the tears rolling down her face .
30 For them , it must be almost a relief to walk around listening to the cocks crowing or the cows mooing — it must help to keep them sane .
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