Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb pp] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The birds , at Ryde on the Isle of Wight , were to be trapped and their necks wrung because of complaints by traders .
2 This may be satisfactory in a matter where there is substantial work involved , but in many cases , such as minor motoring offences , where the client , after being advised , may wish to plead guilty , there may be more trouble in having the English forms completed than in assisting the client .
3 More successful , indeed , than even contemporaries realised because of inaccuracies in the official statistics which were available .
4 Views differed as to whether the review procedure was also an efficient means of arriving at prescriptions for changes and motivating their implementation .
5 The Greek authorities protested when in January 1991 the US government warned its nationals against travelling to Greece for fear of Gulf-related incidents .
6 Six patients had planned operations cancelled because of the test result .
7 The Mongolian Religious Democratic Party , chaired by Tserengiyn Bayarsuren , was founded in late June [ for list of parties registered as of May 1990 see p. 37454 ] .
8 This is surely to be explained by the paramount corporate and legal sense of identity which the clergy enjoyed and by the institutional roots which convocation had in the church 's own provincial councils ; the assembly of merchants , for example , was nothing like so well established or defined .
9 Labour has promised a system of independent public inquiries which will look into all proposed school closures , and it believes this will protect schools threatened because of their decision to opt out .
10 Their eyes met and in the distance a romantic gypsy began playing — Ned knew that from that moment on he could n't live without her !
11 Once again , there is considerable imprecision in the various regression formulae used and in some of the indicators .
12 At last the shops opened and like a kid with a tanner , I hunted and sniffed and tasted and tried , imagining what I 'd buy if I had all the money in the world .
13 We are continuing to lobby for full compensation for the commercial value of hens slaughtered and for equivalent testing legislation to be introduced throughout the European Community .
14 ( 1980 ) point out that statistical classification methods are by their very nature exploratory data-analysis techniques , dependent on the methods used and on a number of arbitrary definitions , and it is therefore inevitable that the results should be seen as a pioneering first attempt , rather than as a polished final product based on the application of well established proven methods .
15 They checked on the possibility that saccadic movements made with the eyes closed , or in the dark , might be slowed , or that the velocity may then be independent of length of saccade , and found that they were not : that is , waking eye movements with eyes closed , or in the dark , are the same as with eyes opened and in the light .
16 I do n't think the SNP is dishonest either in brushing aside the doubts raised as to whether Scotland would be immediately admitted to the European Community : it really believes there would be no difficulty .
17 When he did , his eyes narrowed and for a moment Kelly thought he was going to bound across the room and hit her .
18 The toasts to Gaby , the protestations persisted and in the end the two reeled out of the café arm-in-arm at two in the morning swearing eternal friendship .
19 Her eyes widened and for a moment she looked scared , but her model 's training stood her in good stead and she showed no other sign of what must have been a shock .
20 He had but three vessels left and despite urgent pleas from his men — now demoralized again , fretful once they realized another ship was gone — to abandon the voyage and sail back to the Guadalquivir , he pressed on north-westwards , passing through scenery of a wild grandeur and beauty he had never known before .
21 There were still many family units left although in the last two decades there has been a tendency for farm sizes to increase .
22 We grouped false positives into two classes : words identified because of errors in scoring and labelling acoustic-phonetic segments ( e.g. girl , curl ) , and homophonic phrases caused by word boundary ambiguity ( e.g. party , par tea ) .
23 For the three sectors combined and with 1980 as base year , calculate current-weighted ( Paasche ) price index numbers for 1976 and for 1986 .
24 The boys at school who had to have their heads shaved because of nits were always fair game for the rest of the school .
25 Overall there was a much more varied selection of entries this year both in regard to the wide assortment of subjects tackled and to the quality of the writing .
26 Being in office had not been easy , for he inherited situations which he and his supporters created when in opposition .
27 business opportunities lost because of impaired judgement ?
28 Isaac Walton , Donne 's biographer , relates the tale : ‘ Several charcoal fires being first madde in his large study , he brought with him into that place a winding sheet in his hand , and having put off all his clothes , had this sheet put on him , and so tied with knots at his head and feet , and his hands so placed as dead bodies are usually fitted , to be shrouded and put into their coffin , or grave … with his eyes shut and with so much of the sheet turned aside as might show his lean , pale and death-like face . ’
29 ‘ A higher proportion of experienced rather than newly-qualified drivers failed because of driving too fast for the conditions , approaching junctions too fast and not anticipating the actions of other drivers .
30 Figures are not produced for the lengths of old field boundaries removed or watercourses canalised but in 1983 , SAFER Auvergne spent 163,481FF on building new farms and buildings ; 470 , 165FF on irrigation , drainage and straightening water courses ; 1,859,119FF on roads , clearance for cultivation ( scrub etc ? ) and boundary construction , much of it attracting state subsidies .
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