Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Before that , tin extraction followed either from metal ‘ streaming ’ — collecting tin deposits from rivers , the flow of the water doing a reasonable job in separating the heavy tin particles from the soil — or from shovelling up the ore from lodes exposed to the surface .
2 The syllables heard at the two ears differed only in the initial consonant or only in the middle vowel .
3 This ambitious presentation of amateur radio to young people involves inviting Novice trainees , Scouts , Guides and ATC members to take part in amateur radio related activities arranged over a whole weekend plus some social activities .
4 Groups formed as a result of a parent company , such as Matsushita Electric , spinning off its own operating divisions to form separate companies within the same field to act as suppliers , distributors and even retailers .
5 The most useful definition is that of groups formed on the basis of occupational difference .
6 The groups formed by the females and kids are small , and solitary animals , usually males , are far from uncommon .
7 Reader 's interest coincide generally with the news values listed at the start of the chapter .
8 It is realistic when one considers the number of new operations developed as a consequence of medical research .
9 This gives an IR spectrum containing absorptions belonging to methane , ethane , ethylene and three new peaks assigned to the methyl radical .
10 These brick buildings are on three storeys , the first two being unexceptional Victorian terraced houses arranged round a courtyard , but the floor above them has the characteristic long windows of textile workshops .
11 For a few months he stood on a European par with Adler and Liebknecht and tried to take responsibility for Russians interned after the Brest–Litovsk peace .
12 A good proportion of our work concerned our availability to act as an unacknowledged arm of the social welfare service to drug users in crisis situations , providing a front-line service for the ‘ speed freaks who 's OD 'd on the results of a bent script ’ , or the ‘ acid heads having a bad trip ’ , for we were in the streets , the pubs , the clubs , the crash pads , and communal houses frequented by the new ‘ alternative society ’ .
13 When this last measure failed to force some authorities sufficiently into line , the Conservative government , in 1984 , introduced a measure called rate capping that made it illegal for authorities designated by the Secretary of State to levy more than a certain amount in rates , their only form of independent finance .
14 Raw council estates spilled over the fields at the edge of town , marring the views .
15 Outside the press , groups developed in the 1970s and 1980s from several directions .
16 They have eight pairs of walking legs , with their genital openings situated in the top segment .
17 Prayer meetings in the great barn-like churches of East Berlin , Dresden , Leipzig and other cities have been the focus of protest , drawing many thousands of people until no more could squeeze in and the crowds spilled into the streets .
18 Most States developed during the century some system of compulsory service ; but all of these were in varying degrees incomplete , haphazard and inequitable .
19 The primary source of this would be accounts given by the Banking , Insurance and Finance Union .
20 Meiklejohn says , " Every adjective is either an explicit or an implicit predicate " , the former corresponding in his book to appearance in predicative position and the latter to attributive use ; and he goes on to show , with examples , that he takes exactly the same view as is found later in accounts given within a Chomskyan framework .
21 She was examining a few canvases stacked against the wall but she looked up at his question .
22 The table below gives an indication of possible early encashment values per £1,000 of single premium invested and are calculated in accordance with the rules prescribed by the Securities and Investments Board ( SIB ) .
23 The establishment of the NIRC was a political act aimed at trying to contain trade union power within particular rules prescribed by the Industrial Relations Act 1971 .
24 The clash of ginger on pink as a small skipper butterfly lands on petals of camp ion ; gorse pods popping in the hot sun ; small striped snails creeping out on to the wet path after a cloud burst ; soldier beetles gathered on the white umbels of wild carrot : these sights and sounds I can enjoy at my pottering leisure — whilst the hordes of laden hikers tramp by with stern faces and never a glance to left or right .
25 Almost all the colonies the English ever acquired were of one or another of these three types , and in a number of other ways the overseas activities undertaken between the 1550s and the 1640s laid down the pattern for all that was to come .
26 The video would show activities undertaken during a typical school day , including lunch times and break times , the routines for meeting children at the end of the day , introduce the staff and the chair of governors and the chair of the parents ' association .
27 In dealing with the Renaissance , we are assuming , as de Man above indicates , that there is a relation between language and the phenomenal ( i.e. the range of activities undertaken in a defined historical period ) which is an a priori given .
28 In social work practice the term ‘ relationship ’ is used to describe the context of the general helping activities undertaken by a social worker in interaction with a particular client .
29 Many of the activities undertaken by the partnership can be provided by a school without using this form of organisation .
30 The proportion allocated , it says , reflects an assessment of the activities undertaken by the manager in pursuit of the company 's investment objectives .
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