Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] or [verb] " in BNC.

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1 His blood vessels dilated or contracted in different parts of his body .
2 Within a week of the outbreak of war the co-operation of the National Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union was sought over the manning of merchant vessels requisitioned or chartered by the Admiralty and an agreement arrived at jointly with the Board of Trade .
3 As cities have always acted as the principal focus of political and socio-economic life in the Middle East , the study of Aleppo will show the way in which communal , sectarian and other allegiances did or did not permit the emergence of a wider ‘ national ’ outlook .
4 Marcion 's principle of exclusion gave sharp impetus to the early church 's need to define which books did or did not rank as authoritative documents to which appeal could be made .
5 The senior staff of the TANU press felt that , while they might not always be in agreement with everything the Government and its various ministries did or said , they were committed to its goals ; the same , they believed , could not be said of the Standard .
6 No bones gritted or grated , even though his ankles now felt miserably weak , it was just that his muscles would n't firm up enough to keep him straight .
7 For instance , the last chapter may have inspired you to make some very definite statements based on things your parents did or did not do in their marriage .
8 Many local authorities withdrew or reduced their contributions and for a while Unwin financed the continuation of the Committee 's work himself to publish a Second and final report in March 1933 , which made a more detailed proposal for a narrow green girdle around London .
9 At the stage in the growth of a scientific discovery when it is no longer just internal but has not yet become a formal paper , then the scholarly interchange would have depended on whom individuals knew or knew of , the letter writing would be unmanaged and survive by chance ( often only one side of the story ) and , due to concern that ideas should not be stolen , may only have taken place at a late stage of the discovery process .
10 But today Tilda was alone , looking down at the slanting angle of the decks as the cables gave or tightened , the passive shoreline , the secret water .
11 The Homicide Act requires evidence that D was provoked to lose self-control : this is wide enough to include things said or done by persons other than the deceased , and acts done against persons other than D ( e.g. where D is provoked to kill someone who has just committed a sexual offence upon D 's son , daughter , wife , etc . ) .
12 Furthermore , while these " blankouts " may distress other people , the primary sufferer may find them confusing but may go so far in denial as to accuse other people of having faulty memory for the things said or done while he or she was in a " blankout " .
13 Although the examiner appointed by the court may submit a report which accompanies the deposition , this is merely intended to give him the opportunity of recording facts , including incidents during the examination ( for example , that the witnesses fainted or rose up and tried to assault cross-examining counsel ) ; the examiner can not indicate his opinion as to the credibility of the witness or his own impressions of the witness 's demeanour .
14 Well , we did n't have much luck out in the open because the rabbits saw or heard or smelt us coming a mile off and bolted down the nearest hole , even though we were mute and trying to stay down wind ( the wind kept switching direction in little gusts ) .
15 As election results were announced on large TV screens , partygoers whooped or groaned , according to their political preference .
16 The amount of RNA synthesized was unrelated to motor activity or any measure of stress that we could identify ( for instance how much the birds peeped or twittered ) , but it was strongly correlated with their preference score ; that is , the more the chicks had learned about the flashing light and preferred it to any alternative , the more RNA was synthesized in their forebrain roof .
17 Torture was used as a matter of course and some suspects died or became insane as a result of the methods employed .
18 And I know a lot of things too with the girls who came to us , we tried to erm give them er a sense of their worth as a women and not to constantly be oppressed and to accept erm what their boyfriends did or said , and so on .
19 Whatever the police said or did , decided Meryl , she was going to resign her post at the District .
20 All around , his men stood or sat , looking at their rifles , and wondering what to do with them .
21 Their chances rose or fell depending upon the country to which they had been allotted .
22 Such were the army , in which both George I and George II took a strong personal interest , and foreign policy , about which as a rule few ministers knew or cared very much .
23 Some of these developed into villages , others remained the same , yet others disappeared or shrank to farmsteads or even smaller hamlets .
24 As unification approached many of the 4,250 prisoners in East German prisons rioted or went on rooftop protests or hunger strike in support of demands for a general amnesty on Oct. 3 .
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