Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] it give " in BNC.

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1 More or less handmade , a pocket-sprung mattress is expensive but the best bet for couples of differing weights as it gives each sleeper individual support .
2 This too encourages the flow of savings as it gives savers the confidence that their savings will earn a good rate of interest .
3 This was in connection with my RNR Sea Cadet duties but it gave me much more confidence on the navigational side of cutter service .
4 ‘ It was interesting to take on these different values and it gave us a new perspective . ’
5 ‘ I was quite worried about making it hold up on the screen for two-and-a-half hours and it gave me pause .
6 The problem of mental disorder is a considerable one , both numerically and in the range of needs that it gives rise to .
7 Dear Aura of Life , Thank you for jumping and kicking me in tender places cos it gives me something to cuddle — a bruised gut .
8 This method may be used as a check on the reasonableness of valuations on other bases since it gives an indication of the minimum likely value .
9 The job involved visiting mining camps , quarries and oilfields all over the world selling explosives and it gave Haslam his first taste of the excitement of travel , something that has remained with him all his life .
10 Well the aye , the quality of the cattle cos it gave you a better grass , better feeding before that you see they bought some clover .
11 In China they 've been eating mouldering cabbage for aeons and it gives them cancer of the oesophagus .
12 The MLTB information sheet also lists universities and colleges which offer suitable courses and it gives a list of useful bodies to contact concerning employment in outdoor activities , eg Glenmore Lodge National Outdoor Training Centre , PGL , Outward Bound etc .
13 So there is a shortage of hard information in some areas , er , it is a changing situation , and it is one where the Committee is under very clear instruction to extend the alternative care options that it gives to clients , and therefore that again is a complexity in terms of your ability to ensure you 've got adequate funding and are directing it in the right areas in , in order to meet , not only the needs of people out there , but the changing needs and what is , Mike has already referred to as being the preferred solutions erm , many of which have not been available to people in the past .
14 Both sexes like the idea that women pretend , men because it confirms their suspicion that their partners are basically frigid and devious manipulators , women because it gives them a delicious sense of power to think that the delirium which men fondly ascribe to their virile prowess is no more than a hollow civility , like laughing at Grandpa 's jokes .
15 It is recommended for publishing students as it gives a useful background to advanced work .
16 They particularly enjoy dealing with Orcs as it gives them a chance to outwit their larger and more brutal cousins .
17 Thank you Chairman , erm I 'm delighted to be the last person to present a set of budget proposals as it gives me the opportunity to draw attention to some facts that seems to have been overlooked by the representatives of the other two groups .
18 Kuhn 's demarcation criterion has been criticized by Popper on the grounds that it gives undue emphasis to the role of criticism in science ; by Lakatos because , among other things , it misses the importance of competition between research programmes ( or paradigms ) ; and by Feyerabend on the grounds that Kuhn 's distinction leads to the conclusion that organized crime and Oxford philosophy qualify as science .
19 Opposition Sajudis members objected , without effect , to the timing of the election on the grounds that it gave them inadequate time for preparation .
20 This hypothetical test was preferred on the grounds that it gave rise to less uncertainty , and avoided the possibility of the court acting on the basis of hindsight .
21 The parties catered for such large numbers that ‘ it made it virtually impossible to police these events and it gave drug users and drug pushers maximum protection from the police — and all of that was quite deliberate .
22 This design was not popular with the boatmen as it gave a less comfortable steering position — it was noisier and closer to the exhaust .
23 She was doing all right as a nursing orderly in a geriatric hospital — one of her favourite ‘ legitimate ’ jobs as it gave her easy access to sleeping pills and downers .
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