Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [is] use " in BNC.

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1 The house stands in 3.6 acres and is used primarily as a residence by the XEU chief executive , other company executives and VIP guests .
2 But it is normally an appeal to possible rather than to actual cases that is used to generate scepticism about the existence of minds other than our own .
3 The edit function screen displays eight stave lines and is used mainly for cutting and pasting sections of music as the detail is not sufficient for more detailed editing .
4 The refinery has effectively eliminated all its metal backlogs and is using improved service and faster lead times to win increased market shares .
5 This superbly appointed centre provides a residential base for outdoor activities and field studies and is used throughout the year .
6 Video is a relatively new medium for in-house communications and is used by some companies to great effect .
7 It 's the British National Corpus , they 're trying to record languages that is used in the U K
8 Here is one of the standard procedures that is used to test whether a child has an adult-like appreciation of false belief .
9 Lawn rake The most common type is fan-shaped with close-set wire tines and is used gently to remove surface rubbish from the lawn and to lift long stems to blade height so they will be cut off .
10 Slipstitch should be invisible from both sides and is used to hold a folded edge in place ( fig. 18 ) .
11 Salt solution is extracted from three brine fields and is used to produce both chlorine and caustic soda ) chlor-alkali — which is Chlor-Chemicals ' largest business .
12 A vet has borrowed medical technology normally seen in maternity hospitals and is using it on farms to bring more certainty to lambing .
13 ( Oh ! – a Clinometer is for measuring gradients and is used by the building trade , surveyors , and the Royal Artillery . ) ’
14 Falmer School Library List produced on 22 October Books on loan to Stephen Moulson Title Super bikes Author : Carrick P Due back 06 October 1986 Option 3 is used for entering records and is used when pupils borrow materials from the school library .
15 The company is using its global broadband network to link the services and is using them to launch a Global Managed Data Service which will compete with the likes of British Telecommunications Plc 's Global Network Service and Infonet .
16 It may also help to boost the spirits and is used in the care of stroke patients who are left feeling despondent .
17 My 1972 SWB Series III is clad with 7,50 x 16 tyres and is used for getting to work and occasional horse box towing
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