Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If I throw names at you , ’ he said , ‘ give your reasons for or against . ’
2 We have to examine the reasons for and against the directive and judge whether it is justified in order to decide whether its mistake , if it is not justified , is large or small .
3 What is wrong with regarding an authoritative directive as one additional prima facie reason for the action it directs , which supplements , rather than supplants , the other reasons for and against that action ?
4 Jean-François Briant cuts sheets of steel into more or less identifiable natural forms , leaves with veins incised into openings , ears of corn , vegetable silhouettes which slide imperceptibly towards representations of objects as if at every fold and cut the metal allowed one to read into it fragments of history , of a previous life .
5 Could people be made to change their durable possessions as if by the whims of fashion ?
6 Where an officer of government in the exercise of his office obtains payment of moneys as and for a charge which the law enables him to demand and enforce , such moneys may be recovered back from him if it should afterwards turn out that they were not legally payable even though no protest was made or question raised at the time of payment .
7 The company can expect to draw on the advice of many different specialists and institutions during and after the initial planning stage .
8 And as for all special schools there is an obligation to provide a scheme for local management of special schools with effect from April this year er we consulted there was a little bit of chasing which had to take place in which you can see in section four of the report but following that chasing , we now ascertain meeting schools on favourable proposals for or against and once a week that , a view of and also undertaking as you know .
9 For example , if γ 1 is -1 then a positive aggregate demand shock in period t , will imply expected values for and for lower , ceteris paribus , by an amount - t .
10 I will be co-ordinating the input to this page , so if anyone has prayer requests for or from missionaries please let me know .
11 The number of swallows in the 10 minutes during and after acid infusion , calculated from the number of detectable oesophageal contractions in the most cranial recording channel , did not differ significantly in group I ( 20 ( 3 ) ; 20 ( 4 ) ) or group II ( 18 ( 5 ) ; 18 ( 6 ) ) .
12 Even before the discussions during and after the Delors Report ( April 1989 ) , the French had largely accepted the German demand .
13 This involves students in the examination of conflicts between and within societies , and draws on the insights of political scientists , historians , social scientists and philosophers in looking at the origin and nature of such conflicts and the means of resolving them .
14 Recognising that while there is a place for carefully programmed input , we endeavour to emphasise active independent learning through direct experience : for example through business enterprise , designing products for and in local companies , work experience , residential experience , community experience , family placements , recreational activities , which we hope will be recreative in the fullest sense .
15 The exercise is principally an informational one : it ensures not only that the minister is informed of local views for and against a proposal but also that those views are tested in the inspector 's enquiry , and fully considered in the subsequent report by the inspector to the minister .
16 Mr. Gow : While recognising the undoubted right of all members of the General Synod to deeply held views for or against the policies of the present Government , would it be helpful if my right Hon. Friend were to point out to the General Synod that its reputation would be enhanced if its members , when in Synod , devoted more time to matters spiritual than to matter political ?
17 For example , ‘ work from a specifically feminist perspective ’ — such as What She Wants — merits support ; ditto black arts ( still without an adequate definition in Arts Council-speak ) and arts for and by disabled people .
18 These are the outcome of the flow of funds between and within different sectors of the economy , as well as between the short-term and long-term financial markets .
19 A fundamental change in the relationships between or among organizational parts .
20 Although the main emphasis in Jewish eschatology has always been on the fate of the nation , the doctrine of personal immortality ( which originated with Zarathustra 's passionate belief in the justice of God ) seems to have been adopted by the Jews during or after their Babylonian exile .
21 Molecular biology is often difficult to recommend text books for because of its multidisciplinary nature and rapid developments .
22 She pauses and closes her eyes as if in deep concentration .
23 Sulkily , she turned back to her work , slashing into the hens as if into Marion Aluinn 's throat .
24 The marble block was then set into the wall of the family tomb , so the occupants appeared to be gazing at passers-by as if from a window .
25 Feudal organizations provided historical precedents for and in some cases even the institutional forms for modern corporatism ( Maier , 1981 ; Kocka , 1981 ) .
26 Two of our patients developed infective omplications and we now use prophylactic antibiotics during and for 48 hours after the procedure .
27 Gravitational influences between and within bodies in space are detected as perturbations and periodicities which , over millions of years , can actually mould planetary surfaces .
28 She accepted the farewells of her parents and brothers as if in a dream : her real self seemed to hold aloof from the tearful embraces of her mother , the kisses of her brothers , and her father 's last loving hug before she stepped into the boat to be rowed out across the harbour .
29 For a fraction the ball wavered in flight , Davies running a few paces as if in pursuit to help the ball on its way .
30 Figure 21.15 shows distributions of and of its components , , and across a boundary layer .
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