Example sentences of "[noun pl] do have a " in BNC.

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1 This suggestion seems in the right neighbourhood , for if checkerboard solutions do have a defect , it must lie in their distinctive feature , that they treat people differently when no principle can justify the distinction .
2 Nevertheless , the dynamic of four sessions did have a remarkable effect not unassisted by the fact that when Cardinal Montini became Paul VI , this meant that one of the most thoughtful and determined of the moderately progressive conservatives was now pope .
3 In the output equation the unpredictable monetary growth variables do have a significant , positive effect on real output , although the impacts of and are less significant than Barro found for the US .
4 Though it does not deny that subjects do have a duty to God to obey their ruler , it insists that rulers are not absolute , and themselves have duties to their subjects .
5 ‘ The fact that no fewer than half the funds invested in small firms in Scotland comes from personal equity shows that Scots do have a flair for enterprise and a willingness to back their own judgment that is essential in every entrepreneur . ’
6 So those animals do have a raw deal !
7 While ET is a rubbishy , cheap labour scheme , youth training for 16–18 year-olds does have a minimum number of guaranteed training weeks .
8 Although some Roman keys do have a vertical bow , keys from the Saxon and medieval periods rarely employ a horizontal bow .
9 In truth , elephants and E. coli do have a lot in common , inasmuch as all organisms share fundamental pathways of cellular metabolism — such as protein synthesis or carbohydrate breakdown — as well as the genetic code .
10 It would not be possible to talk of error of law at all unless such elements did have a ‘ given ’ meaning because , says Gould , such language implies a departure from a criterion laid down by the courts .
11 And there is no doubt that some large companies do have a deliberate policy of delaying payments well beyond the agreed credit terms .
12 Regan is right to the extent that to talk of recognition in such circumstances does have a purpose , as it would of a dog 's staccato barks and tail-waving on hearing its master 's voice , but he fails to realise that the same form of words now features in a related , but different , language-game .
13 If plants do have a focus for the Life Force , it lies in their roots , for many plants regularly shed some or all of their above ground growth with the cycling of the seasons , regenerating in the next year from their roots .
14 Of course , these things can happen really , er especially if er , one of two of the guests , I 'm not suggesting your mother 's guests er over-imbibed , but one or two of the guests do have a few jars over Christmas and they get up to all sorts of things in the house do n't they ?
15 Many organisations do have a corporate mission statement which is a declaration of the company 's ‘ reason for being ’ .
16 ‘ Clownfish cover themselves with a sugar coating to avoid being stung by their anemone ’ What is true is that Clowns do have a polysaccharide mucus coating to mask the protein taste of their mucus — and thus avoid the anemone trigger mechanism which stings on sensing protein .
17 To some degree , managers do have a responsibility to control costs or rather to optimise the use of available resources .
18 However , some gliders do have a definite change in both speed and characteristics .
19 If the paintings do have a value , it may only be for what they have to teach criminal psychologists .
20 None the less , the rapid rise in the numbers of monks does have a social implication .
21 Young white females are by far the most common users of crisis and suicide prevention facilities , and so these findings support the possibility that crisis centres do have a preventive effect .
22 While command line interpreters do have a certain fascination and instill a tremendous discipline on the user they could hardly be described as state of the art .
23 However , those in public relations do have a clear duty to consider the effects of their campaigns in the public sector for they operate with the powerful forces of media , information , social groups , and opinion formers .
24 In contrast , local newspapers do have a more or less defined constituency and , in consequence , split their efforts between giving a brief commentary on topical cases occurring outside their geographical area , and providing routine and sustained coverage on local cases .
25 These capacities do have a relationship with effectiveness .
26 True , the industrial economies still account for 76% of world exports and their currencies dominate international financial markets — so the economic policies of the old industrial giants do have a disproportionately large influence on the world economy as a whole .
27 It must nevertheless be stressed that the figure above is an average ; individual localities often have distinctive patterns , and many Labour dominated authorities do have a high proportion of working-class councillors .
28 However , all the Rottweiler clubs do have a National Council to oversee all affairs dealing with Rottweilers .
29 It seemed that both incomers and Shetlanders presumed that the researchers did have a clearcut image of conflict in the area and that they were just fiddling about trying to show it , rather than attempting to do something about it ( e.g. putting the incomers somewhere else , helping out the incomers for once , etc . ) .
30 The erm gipies do have a dispensation under the planning laws to have their sites and their pitches located in areas where you would not be able to normally get residential erm planning applications approved .
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