Example sentences of "[noun pl] that give [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In the process of sexual selection , certain males were said to develop characteristics that gave them the edge over other males in the competition for females .
2 In this particular instance it is representational , as the ‘ performance mode ’ is , for the child is required to describe in action whatever the teacher suggests ( as in the example above , ‘ So you go to the bathroom and turn the doorknob ’ ) , but the ‘ exercise mode ’ has other characteristics that give it a special mental quality .
3 We have begun to measure these trees , noting characteristics that give us clues to their genetic relationships : these trees , growing under plantation conditions , will eventually tell us whether we really have collected new genes useful to farmers who grow cocoa .
4 All of the walking species had the widely-splayed legs that gave them a slow and lumbering gait , but , in the absence of more streamlined animals , they prospered .
5 By the time they are mature , hedgehogs can have several thousand of the modified hairs that give them their prickly appearance and an ideal form of defence against attackers .
6 The throw took her by surprise , was sharp and strong , and went a little wide , so that it was only the experience of three younger brothers that gave her quick enough reflexes to shoot an arm out sideways to take the catch .
7 There was a purposeful look now in her eyes that gave him pause .
8 BeckerTools is a set of utilities that give you better or extra disk and file utilities under Windows .
9 In short Moses Moses revealed to that like the Egyptians each generation of Jews that gave them their character in general which is that today
10 We did pain relief and I did all my exercises , had films , talks , books that give me advice and everything , dead good they are .
11 Denyer decided to put together a mix of landscapes and portraits , images that gave him particular visual pleasure .
12 Only an idealized observer could see both the inner processing and the causal relations of the symbols to outside objects that give them meaning : no one could actually be that idealized observer , because each observer is confined to operating on the symbols that are within his computational machinery , and this excludes their external causal relations .
13 It was proving to be an ideal choice of holiday with a programme of free activities that gave us an easy opportunity to make friends with the guests form other nations who gave the Club such a cosmopolitan atmosphere .
14 You should aim to strike a deal with your employers that gives you real peace of mind .
15 This area is the Coulin Forest , bounded by roads that give it detachment from other high ground , its mountains forming a compact group but individually having distinction of character and outline , some being of arresting appearance .
16 ‘ Well … it was her feet that gave her away . ’
17 Edward , thinking with relief that he could leave them to it now , began to withdraw , clutching the bottles that gave him a certain exemption , free to come and go .
18 At the first sign of the emotional see-saw that life so often presents , you go scurrying off for the goodies that give you comfort .
19 And they were the sort of corsets that gave you the the straight boyish look that was necessary for the clothes of the twenties and the early thirties which were cut on the cross .
20 The result is a database on which you can search for a favourite author or publisher , or search for packages that give you the required level of coverage of particular elements ( or units ) of competence .
21 There was no one in the office , the entire sales team having discovered important appointments that gave them excuses to sneak off home and start the weekend early .
22 At this sort of pace we will start to lose the landmarks that give us our bearings .
23 The leaves of this tree are rather common fossils , striped with longitudinal veins that give it a superficial resemblance to the leaf of an iris .
24 A fully secularized society was a contradiction in terms , for there could be no society that would not feel the need to uphold the collective sentiments that gave it its unity and individuality .
25 Plants that give us both outstanding flowers and foliage are usually the first choice .
26 What is interesting about them is that while the development corporations acquired powers that gave them a great deal of autonomy within their own territories , there is today a variety of questions to be raised about the extent to which their ‘ success ’ was secured at the expense of other policies to which they ‘ ought ’ to have related .
27 It was being in a position to suggest those things that gave it the edge . ’
28 He says unkind things that give me pain , Harry .
29 In the meditative life , we exchange the worldly things that give us delight for the full commitment of loving God above all .
30 But you 'll start feeling better quite soon ; a more balanced diet , a little more activity , and a positive attitude are all things that give you a sense of well being and vitality .
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