Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In the process of sexual selection , certain males were said to develop characteristics that gave them the edge over other males in the competition for females .
2 Other stands that caught my eye on my tour were Johnny van Haeften 's very fine paintings , Wartski 's exquisite objets d'arts , David Messum 's fine painting , Bernheimer Fine Arts , and Garrard the Crown Jewellers ' silver .
3 He joked with them like a cheerful , older brother and sang one or two shockingly rude Army songs that made them both giggle .
4 ‘ These are the songs I grew up listening to , ’ she says , ‘ they are the songs that made me want to be a singer . ’
5 These were songs that laced their natural exuberance with a strain of English satire that was remarkable because it seemed so unaffected .
6 More than a hundred years of systematic captivity had created a whole new genus , animals that had none of the skills and few of the desires of a wild habitat .
7 Specialized ornithischians in the late Cretaceous were the remarkable duck-billed dinosaurs , animals that lost their front teeth and had arrays of tiny grinding teeth at the back of the jaw that were continually replaced , like those of the shark , and must have been able to cope with tough vegetation .
8 Great houses did not of course cease to be built ; on the contrary , almost as many were erected in the nineteenth century as a whole as in the three centuries that preceded it put together .
9 All of the walking species had the widely-splayed legs that gave them a slow and lumbering gait , but , in the absence of more streamlined animals , they prospered .
10 She ran , fleeing the demons that pursued her , dragging in great gasps of cold air as if they were her last .
11 Excitement spread tentacles that fastened round her heart , squeezing it mercilessly so that it was unable to beat , tentacles that compressed her lungs so they were unable to breathe .
12 But it soon became apparent to the pioneering voluntary organizations that established them , such as the Richmond Fellowship , that patients who had been mentally unwell for years did not miraculously become capable of independent living in a short space of time ; they often needed permanent help and support and coped particularly poorly with changes in their environment and lifestyle .
13 All the organizations that worked there were offered alternative accommodation , which they were all sensible enough to accept .
14 But there was something about them , maybe their mohair suits , maybe the hard men they imported from Glasgow or maybe their bonding as brothers that made them seem glamorous .
15 The throw took her by surprise , was sharp and strong , and went a little wide , so that it was only the experience of three younger brothers that gave her quick enough reflexes to shoot an arm out sideways to take the catch .
16 He seemed to me to be at the mercy of waves that tossed him back and forth between then and now : the real-and-actual and the desired .
17 Pain and nausea swept over him in waves that left him hot and sticky and weak at the knees .
18 It was n't easy to tell , from the filthy and shapeless rags that covered their filthy and shapeless bodies , but I guessed that there was a man and a woman and some smaller ones that were children .
19 Nothing moved , but the world tilted , and she looked down into eyes that registered he had felt it too .
20 His dilated pupils told one story , the honesty of the eyes that enclosed them another .
21 Julius stood in the doorway , and there was a bright light in his eyes that made her feel very alarmed .
22 He smiled suddenly , something in his eyes that made her instantly wary , but when she tried to remove her hand from his arm he covered her fingers with his own and held them there .
23 Blue eyes that made her heart give an alarming little lurch .
24 Under a massive front-page headline , HUNT FOR DRACULA FIEND ( Star ) , the report indicated that a 13-year-old was able to tell detectives that her attacker ‘ had short dark hair streaked with grey and deep-set eyes that made him ‘ look a bit like Dracula ’ ' .
25 He 'd gone with one once , after a party , back to a flat with a friend of Dave 's , who 'd laughed at him and had eyes that made him feel he was being drawn into something he could n't stop , and when she shed her clothes and left them discarded on the floor he 'd stared , open-mouthed , aware of the noise inside his head , something to do with what he 'd drunk , he could still hear the music , and was aware too of the smell of some cologne that merged with hairspray and covered something that he did not want to know about , the dirt and dust of the room and the female odours that half-attracted and repelled him .
26 He looked at her with his blue eyes that made you feel you were in the far distance and he was bringing you into focus gradually , like a ball magnetised to drop into his outstretched hand , be clasped by his fingers .
27 Blue eyes that made it hard to look away .
28 She had bright blue eyes that surveyed them warily .
29 Naylor Massingham enquired , but while his handsomely defined mouth moved in a pleasant upward curve , the hard-as-flint eyes that pierced her large green-eyed look told a very different story .
30 Dark , almond eyes that pierced him with their beauty .
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