Example sentences of "[noun pl] have always [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The arguments for the development of the media industries of regional cities has always had both economic and cultural aspects .
2 Nottinghamshire based Delahunty Associates has always provided a diverse service of sports reporting but now sees its role in tennis , in particular , developing .
3 Computer Associates has always had a devoted following for its SuperCalc spreadsheet .
4 British Nuclear Fuels has always denied that its operations cause the sort of dangers alleged by its critics , and affirmed that its discharges and exposure levels are kept within the limits laid down by the regulatory authorities .
5 But that 's what , but The Sunday Times has always got a world news section at the back in it .
6 The celebration of youth styles has always meant distant views or excessive close-ups — live on the surfaces and the make-up is soon smudged .
7 The widespread and in many cases willing and eager involvement of cultural producers in what are really quite normal market relationships has always cut across it .
8 ‘ Colour Of Spring ’ , released in ‘ 85 , was the majestic , towering album that Talk Talk 's growing legion of fans had always known the band could make .
9 She and her brothers had always found the idea of ancestral spirits appearing during the Cia ceremony an awesome prospect , but her sense of unease had been greatly heightened on this occasion by the fear of unknown punishments that seemed certain to follow the incident involving her baby gibbon at the governor 's palace .
10 The guards had always said that they were n't bothered about anyone in British gaols , so we 'd hoped it would be easier for us to get out than for the others .
11 And a victor 's peace , as pacifists had always understood , could be nothing but a temporary truce , setting the scene for new wars of revenge once the defeated powers had recovered their strength .
12 True , she was getting a belly on her now , her neck had started to sag , but her attractions had always gone beyond the merely physical .
13 A few of the larger towns in England had the right to elect a council to run their own affairs , but the great majority of Englishmen lived in the countryside where Justices of the Peace ran things in the way that gentlemen had always done .
14 So this , perhaps , is what the manufacturers had always intended ?
15 The composition by age of children in children 's homes had always included some adolescents but they had never been together in such large numbers before .
16 That such considerations have always existed should not blind us to their ‘ undesirable ’ effects ; however , that they have always existed also suggests that there may be no ‘ ideal ’ to which the press should aspire or indeed revert .
17 It can seem to offer a completely adequate explanation of religion which bypasses what religious believers have always insisted upon as the truth .
18 A recent study … suggests that German basic education leads to better examination performance than does the British ; and Japanese schools have always insisted on high achievement in basic subjects .
19 Schools are not static institutions , and good schools have always questioned their practice in an attempt to improve the quality of their provision .
20 Good schools have always regarded advice and guidance as part of the responsibilities of senior teachers , and department heads are chosen not only for their administrative abilities but also for their qualities of leadership in developing sound methodologies amongst their staff .
21 Schools have always had a fair amount of control over their resources — making decisions about accommodation , capitation and so on — and their decisions have normally been used in accordance with the identified needs of the institution , whether explicitly identified or not .
22 It is obscured to some extent by the heavily didactic purpose of Masterman Ready and this may partly account for the fact that young readers have always claimed the adult novel , Mr Midshipman Easy , as their own , even though it must always have made considerable demands on their reading skills and their understanding .
23 The service trades have always followed in the wake of the producing industries .
24 Journalists have always had inflight magazines to kick around .
25 The surety would have to look after himself or herself , as most sureties have always had to do .
26 The Romans were known to have accused everybody they did n't like of having committed human sacrifice in the same way that nations have always labelled their enemies " Frogs " , or " Nignogs " , or " Argies " .
27 According to Jack Ladeveze chairman of engineering group Industrial Partners and a board member — the Halls have always run on a shoestring .
28 Second , the American parties have always seen their primary job as winning elections , and not as governing .
29 It is the particular genius of British politics that the major parties have always managed to hold on to their respective extremists and so to draw their teeth .
30 Today 's teenagers have always had a choice of at least four channels and are now blessed with a multiplicity of choice thanks to satellite and VHS .
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