Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 Jane is unlikely to earn much sympathy by virtue of the attention given to the environment which produced her dabbling in eventfulness and her poor kiss , and yet the two environments have more in common than would once have been thought possible .
2 What these bands have most in common , however , is that they FAIL ABJECTLY .
3 Government troops have never in the nine-year civil war cut so deeply into rebel territory during their annual dry-season offensive .
4 If anything , these studies had more in common with the avowedly anti-correctionalist ‘ labelling ’ theories of the later 1960s .
5 However , there were two big differences : Whites had more in privately rented accommodation and had lived there for a shorter time ; these areas contained only 6 per cent .
6 We found that the Blacks had more unemployed than Asians and Whites , and of those who were employed Whites had less in semi- and unskilled jobs .
7 Perhaps cuckoos have only in recent centuries started parasitizing their present hosts , and will in a few centuries be forced to give them up and victimize other species .
8 Considering that the youths have little in the way of positive reinforcements at home for their sports , they develop an impressive voracity for sports .
9 Nasrallah argued that those parties calling for a boycott of the elections had nevertheless in 1982 participated in the presidential elections which , he said , had been held " under Israeli guns " .
10 The fact that parts of Poland were virtually indistinguishable from parts of Germany in terms of social complexity , levels of absolute poverty and economic success , that the Polish szlachta and the German Junker had more in common with each other than they did with either Berliners or Warsawians , that the average Polish and German smallholders and peasants had more in common with each other than they did with their social betters and political masters — all this meant nothing , except perhaps to make the Germans more convinced that the Poles would eventually drag them down to the Polish level of degradation .
11 I 'm sure many members will have been sorry to have noted the erm , the thefts of materials and one hopes that security cameras has now in fact been er installed , and if not , why not ?
12 The lack of communication to others has only in part been due to our own ineptness at salesmanship ; it more likely lies in a fairly deeply embedded resistance to drama being anything other than a community art — not just a performing art , a community art .
13 The changing role of women has often in practice meant that women go out to work and still do a full-time job in the home .
14 On Feb. 16 , 1990 , it was reported that the Council of Ministers had earlier in the month made moves to abolish martial law regulations enacted originally during the 1958-61 period of Syrian-Egyptian unity [ see pp. 16005 ; 18437-40 ] .
15 What these approaches have most in common , however , is that they challenge a view of education which is concerned only with male experience , and which treats that experience as the ‘ norm ’ .
16 Normally , though , sociologists have argued that these three strata have enough in common to make them components of one class , because they are all divided by a considerable gulf from the non-manual middle class , which contains its own strata .
17 Perhaps in attacking child removal the kinship defenders have mostly in mind cases where the biological parent is also the psychological parent , albeit an inadequate one .
18 One suspects that police constables had more in common with local popular culture than with evangelical vigilantes .
19 During the winter months , those trying to sell convertibles have little in their favour .
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