Example sentences of "[adj] and [indef pn] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Admission is free and anyone who would like to reserve a table should call .
2 When you speak on the C.B. you do n't use your name you have a handle you can make your own handle usually to do with something you are interested and one you do n't think any one else has .
3 It really is exciting and something which it 's difficult to express and even better if we can do something for Herefordshire and bring back a winner .
4 The prospect of seeing and hearing a genuine Bf 109 in the air is quite exciting and something I look forward to very much .
5 er I know I look like a real goody goody and everything I 'm not really !
6 The railway will be operating as normal and anyone who turns up on the day can join in the fun .
7 A reformed chocoholic and one who turned her back on butter only a few months ago , I was interested to see if my attempts to live more healthily had borne fruit .
8 Mr Wildish said the tests Nicola was undergoing were ‘ routine and nothing we would not give to anyone else in similar circumstances ’ .
9 You see the only way that you can really discipline them is when you have a school where the rules have been very , very strict from the moment that they went into that school and they have had their noses held to the grindstone with work up to their brows and they just do n't think of being tiresome and anybody who is tiresome is pulled out and put in a special room on their own , called a sin bin an which is rather boring and made to work even harder !
10 ‘ I 've been through so much more trouble than Sean , but he 's famous and nothing he ever does is secret .
11 I reckon if I had had a flat and everything I could have given it a try .
12 Therefore , in the unlikely event that a ceremony of marriage is performed between an unoperated transsexual and someone who is unaware of the partner 's condition , the remedy of a petition for nullity must suffice , grounded on the fact that the marriage is voidable because of the fraud of the other and the consequent lack of valid consent of the innocent party .
13 Look at the window displays and select two each ( you might like to choose one you think is good and one you think is bad ) .
14 Our Walking Tour is n't just for professional hikers ; the pace is leisurely and anybody who is reasonably fit will love it !
15 ‘ We are always looking for more employers to become involved and anyone who wants to support our work is welcome to get in touch . ’
16 The disposal of industrial and often hazardous waste is another problem , but one with which we should be equally concerned and one which we can ultimately influence .
17 That 's why somebody who 's anaemic and somebody who 's got blood loss suffer very similar symptoms .
18 I did n't like it at first cos all the animation was all too fuzzy and wobbly and everything I can remember cos I did n't think it was as good as the Magic Roundabout but then yeah I love it now .
19 But although recycling and reuse are extremely important and something we can all support , the real solution to the waste problem is to try not to produce any in the first place !
20 This distinction appears potentially important and one which in turn generates other questions .
21 When that work is taken away , the dog becomes a luxury and one which the simple people of that time could not afford .
22 Bernini is evidently attempting to render something quite transcendental and something which had never been attempted by a sculptor before that date .
23 Yet a statement of national intent concerning the learnings planned and provided for a nation 's youth is surely a document which should be available and one which needs to be open to public criticism .
24 In general , however , the hospitality and enthusiasm is overwhelming and anyone who does venture to the far north will want to return .
25 Police are warning that the chemicals are highly toxic and anyone who comes into contact with them should seek urgent medical attention .
26 I 'd promised myself not even to think about Julie Burchill again , let alone mention her ( yeah , right on , Camille , we 're rootin' for ya ) , but I must say that I agree with her that the Best of Young British list would have improved by the addition of an American and someone who 'd written a non-fiction book about football .
27 The doctors ' inference appears legitimate and one which should worry Mr Fallon in the delicate weeks before the election .
28 really dirty and everything which
29 But where the decision is reached on the basis of two quite separate considerations , one which is relevant and one which the authority is not entitled to take into account , the court must decide which was the dominant consideration .
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