Example sentences of "[adj] but [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is rotproof but then if hemp nets are properly dried after every occasion when they get damp or wet there will be no problem .
2 Not out of any idea that taking drugs was morally wrong but simply because I was already enjoying myself and did n't feel the need of any chemical additions to that enjoyment .
3 ‘ That poor old woman was murdered , ’ Benjamin declared , ‘ not because she had said or done anything wrong but simply because of what she might know .
4 This is not to say that the position is wrong but only that it is arguable , or in other words , open to conceptual evaluation .
5 , the ‘ weak ’ unemployment trap , may be typical of many low-paid workers who face high but less than 100 per cent replacement ratios .
6 This does not mean that the group is clandestine but rather that it has other characteristics of a conspiracy ; in particular , common purpose and internal communication on significant issues .
7 Many animal killers like their prey to writhe and scream , not because they are sadistic but simply because that is the way they can ensure that they are about to eat fresh , healthy food .
8 Clearly living in a pensione for a short time was acceptable but only until something better came along .
9 Flight even more ponderous than Herring Gull , and voice similar but deeper and more raucous , with a deep goblin-like chuckle in nesting territory .
10 Such interior schemes were haphazard in design and sometimes incongruous but pleasantly and tastefully decorated .
11 Tigers were declared vermin in China in the 1950s , and were slaughtered in droves not just because they were dangerous but also because they were valuable .
12 In creating artificial forms they were not only careful to ensure that their siting was appropriate but also that all the elements in the design , such as shape , proportion and size , respected Nature rather than acted against it .
13 What I have said to Neil and Neil is honest but once or twice he 's said things and I 've said , no Neil !
14 Chicherin believed not only that serfdom was immoral but also that it was acting as a brake on the economy , that it could not be justified as a bastion against pauperism , and finally — a somewhat unusual argument — that it entailed the improper transference to the gentry of responsibilities which ought to be exercised by the state .
15 This is not supposed to suggest that events can not be said to occur straightforwardly in the real but rather that when set up in any series , narrative , or history they are constructed as such events retrospectively by the historian .
16 In the quiet of his own skull he called it manly , but he would never have used such a word to her , not only because she was privately decorous but also because the way she talked about her children made him sense that she dreaded being thought lesbian .
17 A soft touch button and a series of small lights have replaced the conventional circular dial and pilot light , while the electronic thermostat indicates not only when the iron is cooler than required but also when it is too hot .
18 Ion Pacepa , Ceauşescu 's chief intelligence officer who defected in 1978 , takes particular pleasure in his memoirs in exposing Stefan Andrei as both corrupt but also as well aware of the absurdity of the Ceauşescus ' pretensions , especially Elena 's academic titles .
19 Between 2000 m and 1600 m above sea-level , vegetation recovery is more rapid but only where erosion is at a minimum and even then it may take between 5 and 8 years after seeding .
20 Teacher says it 's disgraceful But even if I had the time , I feel too tired .
21 Yes , that , that bit of it is fine but surely if collectivization implies that you mechanize as well , you need industrialization in order to be able to mechanize .
22 I walk unhurried but purposefully and , with gratified surprise but with recognition , I come across the house I have been seeking .
23 It does n't mean they in themselves could not be profitable but simply that they have these cash flow problems .
24 A downward spiral of drink and drugs eventually affects both twins — Elliot believes that not only are they partly telepathic but also that they share chemical effects in their blood streams .
25 To make matters even more complicated , there are two quite distinct kinds of mood-change , for the cat 's pupils will become greatly enlarged not only when it sees something pleasant but also when it sees something terribly threatening .
26 The reason why we do not notice surface tensions in solids is not that the surface tensions are weak but rather that solids are too rigid to be visibly distorted by them .
27 Colin Blakemore was pilloried in 1987 and 1988 not just because his work was considered ( wrongly ) to be excessively cruel but also because it was thought to be useless .
28 In the lower reaches of the forest , then , there is a constant but low level of presentation of a few flowers dealt with by low but more or less constant densities of animals , whereas in the upper layers , the flowers are more conspicuously advertised and draw such animals as birds , which are wider-ranging and with good sight , as well as the local , more stationary pollinators from lower in the forest .
29 It was important , bearing in mind private viewing , that bodies should be not only as wholesome as possible but also as well dressed ; and dressed not only in a material according to social status but also in as well upholstered a coffin as funds would permit .
30 She began to ask Simon her usual questions and found that he drove a Merc , preferred cacti to ferns and voted Labour but only because there was no alternative .
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