Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] it did " in BNC.

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1 The dream-poems of Chaucer and the French medieval poets before him make clear that it did not .
2 But as to who comprised the nation , or the people , the Abbe was clear that it did not include everyone :
3 Heads who are asked where that combination took its origin in their individual histories make it clear that it did not come from training .
4 Certainly the AgriBusiness side of it looks less rosy than it did even two years ago .
5 Through the Second Son I asked as many questions as I thought sensible and it did n't sound like any malaria I had ever heard of .
6 the same as still er raw and it did n't dawn on me , but then , oh I says it 's got ta be , I said it 's got ta be the
7 Jezrael thrashed to get free but it did n't work .
8 He had a reputation for being a bit slow-witted but it did n't perturb him in the least .
9 The revolution at Northampton may have been different but it did have uncanny echoes of what had gone on at Neath .
10 It was funny because it did n't go runny like mud .
11 Mind you the title was a bit funny because it did n't Almost an Angel but if he died and he went to heaven , then he must have been an angel but came back down , he 's still an angel .
12 It is much better to try a simpler design and to be thrilled with the results rather than try something more complicated and then feel despondent because it did n't work .
13 Nevertheless the draw has dealt more sympathetically with the Scots than it did before the 1986 World Cup , when they found themselves grouped with West Germany , Uruguay and Denmark .
14 I was invited to write this article before the election , around the proposition that the policy differences between the parties were so narrow that it did not really matter who won — a political worldweariness with which I sharply disagreed .
15 It is arguable that it did .
16 The House of Lords held that it did not : since the essence of dangerous driving was negligence , a driver should only be convicted of manslaughter if his driving was so bad as to amount to the gross negligence required under the third head of involuntary manslaughter ( see below ) .
17 But parliament is far away , and the border of Wales is very near , and is there a soul in these parts who does not know that smuggling goes on day by day , and that life here would be impossible if it did not ?
18 The September night was hot and humid but it did not perturb Constance as she struggled through the crowds of noisy , gesticulating passengers purposefully carrying cardboard boxes , mattresses and crates of chickens down the long platform .
19 There is precedent for saying that a drunken belief that the car belongs to the accused when it did not does not give a s.12(6) defence : Gannon ( 1988 ) 87 Cr App R 254 .
20 ‘ I 'm sorry if it did n't provide a job for you , ’ he said , relieved , and looked round for Amanda , who had used the surface tension of the moment to walk away .
21 You made it go wonky and it did n't then !
22 After the Edinburgh summit , that looks much less likely than it did and that can only be good news for Courtaulds .
23 For it became increasingly obvious that it did not , as had been intended , miraculously detect native intelligence in children however uneducated , but , on the contrary , was strongly biased in favour of middle-class children who had larger vocabularies than their working-class contemporaries , and who were in any case accustomed to tests and examinations .
24 It does not reveal itself all the time ; it would seem false if it did .
25 we were lucky cos it did n't start to rain did it till we got back in the coach ? so that was well planned .
26 This reversed the action of the pitch , elevator and tail rotor channels so that the model handled in exactly the same manner inverted as it did the normal way up .
27 Gironella 's solution was entirely individual : to focus on the art of the European past , looming large as it did in Latin American consciousness regardless of how often it had been declared dead and buried by Europeans .
28 The language is a bit spicy but it did n't put me off in the slightest . ’
29 She 'd thought that at least she 'd be put with her own kind — border-crossers and minor political dissidents-but it did n't happen .
30 The Application Systems Line of Business used to work under political constraints that made sure that it did n't tread too heavily on the mainframe business .
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