Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Apparently there 'd been this girl , Spanish or Portuguese I think , and Ollie had been giving her private lessons at his flat , and he thought she fancied him , and he 'd had a couple of Special Brews at the time and thought she was just shy , and then he tried kissing her , and it 's the old , old , sordid story , is n't it ?
2 These fears are especially strong where man himself might become directly involved .
3 However careful or expert you are , other people can still injure you , so if you want to be a pregnant skier , ask your doctor/specialist and then assess the risk — holiday vs baby .
4 As well as being a perfect cover-up for the beach , it can also be worn as a top or skirt which will look great in the evenings too .
5 Is it Brown or Heseltine who has written the following on competition policy ( clue : its was n't Brown ) : ‘ There is a need for a new sophistication in Britain 's approach to the ownership of her industrial assets if they are not to be acquired in growing numbers by our rivals as pieces of the game of restructuring European industry . ’
6 Since ideology works in a mysterious way , it is not easy to see what would count as meeting such a standard , but it is clear that Althusser himself does not succeed .
7 What has happened over the course of this century has been an improvement in people 's states of fitness at particular ages so that whereas at the beginning of the century people in their sixties were regarded as being old , it is clear that people who survive into their sixties are now mainly , as is described below , generally quite fit .
8 Nevertheless , it is clear that Gregory himself was opposed by members of his clergy .
9 This point concerns slaughter , which has been mentioned already ; however , I would just mention that as far as religious slaughter is concerned , recent research makes it absolutely clear that animals which are killed by cutting their throats can go for between 15 and 120 seconds able to detect what is going on around them .
10 Nevertheless , without the sense of a common interest , it is clear that democracy itself is at risk , whether from a privileged minority determined to obstruct policies aimed at helping the poor majority , or , as in Northern Ireland , from the forcible incorporation into the state of a minority who do not accept the legitimacy of that state and who are then systematically excluded from power and influence .
11 It is also clear that clauses which operate after a breach of contract — eg clauses which exclude or limit liability for a breach of contract , or restrict the remedies available for a breach , and time bar clauses applying to claims for breach of contract — are all controlled by this section .
12 It is wrong that fans who pay a licence fee and regularly watch Sunday football on ITV , will now be obliged to buy a satellite dish to watch live matches .
13 Do you think society er smiles on all forms of love or do you think some kinds of love and loving are , are actually seen as being lesser than others there , there seems to be less sympathetic for er I mean , yes
14 It is interesting that Golgi himself , who got the Nobel Prize in part for this work , did n't believe that there were individual neurons within the brain , preferring to think of it as a continuous network of fibres , and he persisted with this mistake despite the evidence of his own staining technique .
15 No I 'm not sensible , I 'm even I 'm even less sensible than people who did n't take a ticket back .
16 In the meantime it 's Emerald and Bradley who are the flavour of the autumn .
17 Other changes include moving the scriptwriters to Spain and banning the odd words of Spanish , French and German which had crept in .
18 Penury , moral as well as physical , is signified in the Barton household when money is wanting to purchase the soap and brushes , black-lead and pipe-clay which had given the houseplace its cheerful look in more prosperous days .
19 Today , the same individuals have become labelled as minority groups — ethnic , unemployed and women whose ‘ special needs ’ are the focus of limited intervention by the ‘ caring professions ’ including adult education .
20 We can not simply allow ourselves to cash in on private sector industry at the expense of the many unemployed and low-paid whose living standards will inevitably decline as a result of the spiralling costs of wholesale privatisation .
21 However , it is not clear if clauses which define obligations , and therefore operate by preventing a breach occurring , are caught .
22 The idea that a contritional experience is an ongoing activity in which every man fights and conquers those elements of his fallen nature as Christ fought evil on the Cross and that this is part of the continuing process of redemption — indeed its very condition — was at the heart of their preaching and teaching which developed the monastic piety of an earlier period for a lay audience .
23 at the bottom of that page , you 'll see that the blue route and there are two sets of figures , that is based upon high and lows you see at the top which are high and low traffic forecasts .
24 That stew of Celt and Teuton , Magyar , Slav , Latin and Scandinavian which comprises contemporary Europe has a good deal of experience in common , not just of wars , but in terms of underlying social and intellectual structures .
25 I had no idea how old and crotchety she 'd become over the last few years . ’
26 It is not a familiar object in our recessionary times , especially to the old and people who have been out enjoying themselves .
27 The Americans would be well advised to learn from the British and others who have experience in the area .
28 No , 1970 was not a good year for British and Cosmopolitan what with one thing and the other .
29 It should be noted here that while Porter is an eminently sensible and clear-thinker his role as a member of the training committee was one of ‘ climber in the street ’ , whose job was apparently to steer the committee away from any productive involvement in training .
30 During the fever brought on by wounds , forced marches , wet and cold he had dreamed many odd and discomforting things , but never anything like this .
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