Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 an enclosed glazed cab with two access doors
2 It featured an enclosed glazed cockpit for the pilots with sliding panels , and portholes were located along the hull sides .
3 They had been friends for two years , best friends Jessica might have said , with her formal , respectable private education in County Down , but some of their actions and their attitudes were miles apart , centuries , planets .
4 As I walked in the door I was greeted by a new son and a strange emotional mixture of delight and disappointment at not having been there .
5 Its magnetism is not only spiritual — in some quarters the rock pegmatite has a strange distorting effect on compass bearings .
6 His mistake was to assume that the Labour party would provide a more receptive political vehicle for his ideas than the Conservatives .
7 Classes in the faculty are normally conducted in New College , a striking historic building on the Mound in central Edinburgh which includes the largest theological library in Britain .
8 The strong rural support for the Party is recognized by a call for ‘ a realistic return for the farming community , with special measures to offset the disadvantages , especially in the intensive livestock sector , resulting from our isolation from Great Britain ’ .
9 Unless the leaky Government machine has failed to function by spewing out the usual advance warning of announcements in the pipeline , it seems unlikely that the deadline will be met — reflecting the complexities of trying to make rational long-term decisions in energy markets dominated by short-term thinking .
10 She found him behind a tall potted plant in the far corner where , she suspected , he had been deliberately steered by the proprietor in order that as few people as possible should be aware of his presence in the establishment .
11 Top price in the dairy section was £1,340 for a calved Friesian heifer from W J Kirkland , Dungannon .
12 And when he suspected that among his askaris , there existed ‘ turned ’ terrorists whose hearts were not with their new masters , he showed no compunction in disposing of the ‘ problem ’ , favouring his tested method : ‘ drops , shot and burnt ’ , otherwise referred to in his absorbing unpublished testament as ‘ the usual manner ’ .
13 And they got the usual terse rejection-slip to that effect .
14 Quiet holding notes and fairly stationary filling-in parts constitute the main part of the duty of the horns , as any score will show , but we shall see later on that they are also very useful in doubling other instruments when it is desired to give ‘ body ’ and prominence to a broad melodic line in the tenor register .
15 They always first-named each other in the bank , part of the family atmosphere New York insisted on .
16 It followed from this that real international peace could be attained only through far-reaching political reform within the European States and the weakening or destruction of the monarchical , aristocratic and military influences which had hitherto dominated them .
17 ‘ Naturally we at the centre are very pleased at having developed the most advanced bionic arm in the world .
18 Two million cells in 3μl were slowly injected under ether anaesthesia through the right frontal skull into the subarachnoid space using a 10μl Hamilton syringe .
19 ‘ The interior of the carriage is lined throughout with delicate blue satin , wadded and tufted , and the angles finished with broad fluted pilaster of the same elegant material .
20 I start up the engine again and move on , staying within fifty metres of the shore , which is the usual feeding range of the local otters .
21 Talks between Israel and Lebanon focused on conditions for a possible Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon .
22 By May 1946 a constitution had been drafted which suited the Communist-Socialist approach to politics , with a strong lower house of parliament .
23 Gen. Aoun suffered a serious setback on Feb. 17 when LF militiamen overran Adma base ( north of Jounieh ) , the sole Army-held pocket in the northern LF territories .
24 A bicycle wheel fitted into the rail slots perfectly , with disasterous results as Yanto had often discovered after the odd liquid lunch at the Sharpness Hotel .
25 It meant a person who was not paid , was probably a close relative and had a strong emotional involvement with the person receiving care .
26 So many mixed feelings of guilt and anxiety , love and hate can blur the issue that it may be important to adopt the suggestion of one therapist and discuss all the issues with a wise counsellor , perhaps a minister or some other friend of the family , who knows most of the people concerned but has none of the strong emotional involvement of a family member .
27 Some of the women with a high specification of standards and routines in the present sample did , indeed , demonstrate a strong emotional involvement in housework and their ‘ guilt ’ , ‘ worry ’ or ‘ anxiety ’ about failures to meet housework standards does suggest some of the obsessional symptoms manifested by the patients in Cooper 's survey .
28 We know this because sometimes we may use a word which we ourselves consider innocuous , only to find that it produces a strong emotional response in someone else .
29 He said that we had proposed setting up , through the Western European Union , a European reaction force but that a number of our partners within the member states had a strong emotional attachment to the idea of a common European defence policy associated with the European Community .
30 However , it was possible to invoke a strong emotional reaction by drawing attention to the obvious fact that the paying patient could get a better and faster service than his National Health counterpart .
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