Example sentences of "[prep] just [num] per " in BNC.

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1 The fact that Scottish-sourced network TV accounted for just 1.5 per cent of the national output and 0.8 per cent of the radio programming suggested to the task force it seems , that there should have been more money available for commissioning north of the border .
2 Yet even the most draconian measures would still have little effect on health-care inflation — because drugs account for just 7 per cent of all spending on patients .
3 The £5 billion UK packaging industry consumes six per cent of total energy but claims to be responsible for just one per cent of waste .
4 While the Mediterranean accounts for just one per cent of the waters of the world 's oceans , it takes roughly 12.5 per cent of the world 's oil spills .
5 Even in industrial Babergh hundred , Suffolk , stripping the surface layer from the record exposes the original economy of the wood-pasture country — specialised dairying , pig fattening and horse breeding , in almost half its villages , which preserved this traditional system , the top people accounted for not more than 14 per cent of the wealth , a solitary £100 man for just per cent .
6 Ethnic minority groups account for 5 per cent of the population , Indians , Pakistani , Bangladeshi and West Indians accounting for just 1 per cent each of the population overall ( Central Statistical Office , 1988 ) .
7 Lesbian representation accounted for just 0.06 per cent of total television and radio output — 25 minutes out of 688 hours of broadcasting .
8 On the high street a sales rise at Next Retail of just 3.6 per cent compared with an increase in trading space of 17.6 per cent speaks volumes about Next 's unbalanced expansion .
9 Similarly , broad money is growing at a rate of just 6.1 per cent against 10.9 per cent a year ago .
10 In July 1978 , he announced bluntly that the government would commit the unions to a pay-increase norm of just 5 per cent for the next twelve months .
11 It resolves the puzzle of why the Earth cooled even while the concentration of carbon dioxide was continuing to grow exponentially , and all it requires is a peak change in solar luminosity of just 0.28 per cent over the 76-year cycle , producing a maximum influence on surface temperatures on Earth of only 0.28°C .
12 Under Labour , productivity increased annually by an average of just 2.5 per cent .
13 A report on the development of Germany 's energy sector to 2010 , prepared by Basel-based consultants Prognos , concludes that a reduction of just 10.4 per cent can be expected .
14 A purchase of just 2.8 per cent of ICI last year was enough to spark talk of a pending mega-bid and cause gnashing of teeth among Labour politicians and union leaders .
15 The ‘ Yes ’ majority of just 51.05 per cent meant he barely escaped the biggest humiliation of his political career .
16 Strikingly , however , the average size of manual worker 's families exceeded that of non-manual workers by a large and consistent margin of just 40 per cent throughout the early twentieth century .
17 Even if they did , the breakdown of just 2 per cent of the paper in the cup would give off methane to match the greenhouse warming potential produced by all the pentane gas used to ‘ blow ’ the foam of a polystyrene cup .
18 Including that holding , Owners was last night claiming the support of holders of more than 25 per cent of its shares , while Airtours , despite purchases in the market and the assent of what is thought to be Mercury Asset Management 's 15 per cent stake , claimed control of just 22.8 per cent .
19 And even though we 're finally making strides at the secondary education stage , says Ward , the fact remains that 40 per cent of tomorrow 's talent still leaves school at 16 against just 4 per cent in Japan and 10 per cent in Germany , France and America .
20 Differences emerged between the manufacturing and service sectors , however , with 44 per cent of the former saying that they had been affected by green concerns , as against just 29 per cent of the latter .
21 Stores were found to be much cleaner than delis and butchers with just one per cent rated ‘ poor ’ .
22 Over two thirds of Japanese car workers operate in multi-skilled teams , compared with just 10 per cent in the UK , and the land of the risen yen puts in two and a half times as many hours training its new workers in those skills .
23 The nearest competitor is Argus with just six per cent , with the remaining 60 per cent-plus accounted for by small , independent retailers .
24 After a month in the country which , as Communist Party boss , he controlled for 13 years in the '70s and '80s , his opinion poll rating is 70 per cent , compared with just eight per cent for Mr Gamsakhurdia .
25 Cedric Brown , BG 's chief executive , said that competitors had taken over 27 per cent of total contract gas sales last year , compared with just 5 per cent in May 1991 .
26 With just 20 per cent of Sunday 's vote they have registered their lowest score in any general election since Mr Mitterrand founded the party 22 years ago .
27 Nonetheless I am puzzled that , according to an NOP poll , the Post Office is the most popular of all the public utilities with a satisfaction rate of 78 per cent , while the least popular was British Telecom with just 60 per cent .
28 It took 80 per cent of the seats in the National Assembly , with just 40 per cent of the vote — which is by no means a form of Proportional Representation ( PR ) , as favoured by the Liberal Democrats .
29 On the basis of the first computer projections after polling stations closed last night , the alliance of the neo-Gaullist Rally for the Republic ( RPR ) and the centre-right Union for French Democracy ( UDF ) was expected to win up to 85 per cent of the 577 parliamentary seats with just 40 per cent of the votes .
30 At about 9pm on election night , with just seven per cent of the votes in , Univac predicted 438 electoral votes and 43 states going to Eisenhower , and just 93 electoral votes and five states to Stevenson .
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