Example sentences of "[noun sg] is some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand a diary entry such as ‘ ring X ’ is effective and if the entry is some way in the future it may be necessary to amplify with a trigger of the form ‘ ring X re Y ’ and to have easily accessible some factual data such as the X telephone number and some data re Y. In a different context a car driver will develop a strategy to ensure that he does not run out of petrol , he may rely on a light which appears when the tank is nearly empty or he may calculate from his expected travelling that he need not concern himself about the issue until at least the next weekend , or he may programme himself to react to the fact that he is approaching a particular garage .
2 They felt they 'd been made fools of … and the ring is some sort of family heirloom and his father went on as if it was all Rick 's fault that Angy had made off with it . ’
3 The result is some variation among cultures in the frequency of its members who adopt this preference .
4 But even then , this is not to suggest , in the way that the positivists often seemed to do , that the result is some form of objective , scientific exercise .
5 Although the club is some miles from Alresford , extra space allowed the association to welcome members of the Winchester RAFA and ATC , the Royal British Legion and the committee of the Kingsworthy club .
6 I played it probably a million different ways during the days leading up to the recording and what 's on tape is some form of an improvisation on a somewhat generalised idea .
7 Thompson ( 1980 ) has further suggested that many of these analyses are designed to present some utopian vision of a police-free world , but often include ‘ the soppy notion that all crime is some kind of displaced revolutionary activity ’ .
8 The Swiss Technorama is some distance from the town centre , but regular buses take you there .
9 The 1991 figure is some 9% higher than the average for years 1981–85 .
10 As there are many dipterocarps at Sepilok , the rarity of food plants there is held to be the main reason for the greater home range and lower population density compared with P. melalophos at Kuala Lompat : the home range is some 70–84ha compared with 31.5 .
11 And to show you what the situation is er the world 's energy demand is very likely i i i is almost certain to increase er because of development in the world and also because of the growing population er that arrow is some sort of guess as to how the world er the demand for energy worldwide is likely to increase when you set that against the curves at the bottom which show the likely projections for oil and natural gas as you can see as we get into the next century those er fossil fuels , which we 've been using with gay abandon for many decades , will start to into er decline .
12 The reasons behind thousands upon thousands of black kids immersing themselves in sport may stem from basic inequalities which I find unacceptable , and , indeed , immoral , but I can not affirm that sport is some device for the perpetuation of these inequalities any more than I can agree with some critics , such as Paul Hoch , that sport is a mere instrument of capitalist domination designed to slough off energies or divert them into meaningless channels ( 1972 ) .
13 Of course , more progress needs to be made , but that statistic is some indication of the progress that we are making and have made .
14 A less common type is some act or omission of the seller u nder the contract which lays the buyer open to legal action from third parties ( for instance because goods which have been negligently manufactured injure a third party while they are being used by the buyer ) .
15 The coefficients are generally similar to those in ( 2.2 ) , although the standard error has fallen slightly and the impact effect from a given change in wealth is some 12% smaller .
16 As a result , LIFESPAN can be used to control software production and issue for a range of different computers : the only requirement is some form of physical communication with the computer hosting the LIFESPAN system — preferably over a network , but quite feasibly by magnetic disk or tape .
17 The first solution that might occur to an engineer is some sort of frequency coding : each bat might have its own private frequency , just like separate radio stations .
18 The first actor is some text .
19 Both UK and European pig prices have been falling and recovery is some way off .
20 It 's a good idea , but rather vague at the moment ; the proposed launch date for the product is some time during 1993 .
21 A look at a player 's amateur record is some indication of her calibre , but even that is no certainty of success .
22 The other is some Java Moss which I already have in large quantities and which grows anywhere and everywhere I find , tucked into every crevice and gap in the rockwork , with a couple of large potted vallis plants , which if our specimens here are anything to go by will grow up and along the full length of the tank without excessive care .
23 The activists ' message scrawled on a wall near the ground is some way removed from the burning passions normally aroused by football , while the T-shirts are more machismo than menace , and pop songs peppered with heavy breathing are apparently in vogue if not in keeping with pre-match entertainment .
24 Even now , of course , the governor is far from offering a universal franchise : that degree of democracy is some way off .
25 Erm what I 've mentioned then on the handout is some stuff about um er the business of traumagenic dynamics and the possibility that some of the consequences of child sex abuse cold be thought of as as er post-traumatic stress disorder .
26 A naive state is some arrangement of crates .
27 A particular man is some matter with the general form of humanity ‘ impressed ’ on it .
28 The implication is some form of written constitution , which would be a major step for the system , though one which has growing support in the form of Charter 88 for example .
29 Erm I could go back to commerce , although er that side of my life is some way behind and it it 's always been very successfully done by er my colleagues in the company that I started .
30 Love is some dame you left back in St Louis or a fast haul in the back seat of an automobile . ’
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