Example sentences of "[noun sg] is that at " in BNC.

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1 The effect of this rule is that at least one share must be owned by a solicitor ; and that the only persons who may own shares in a recognised body are solicitors and RFLs .
2 The short answer to this submission is that at the outset the Board of Review , in stating the issue for their decision , addressed themselves to the wrong question and in their consideration of the facts failed to apply the principles of law stated by Atkin L.J .
3 The basic requirement is that at least 14 days before the day fixed for the hearing , the defendant shall inform the plaintiff of the documents he wishes to be included in the bundle .
4 If you plan to stay where you are , the likelihood is that at some point you will want to make some changes or improvements : install central heating , insulate the loft , modernise the kitchen or perhaps convert part of the house to a granny flat for an elderly parent who is becoming too frail to live alone .
5 The likelihood is that at that point you will then turn into what the young term a boring old fart and that transition from enfant terrible to boring old fart is immediate at the age of sixty .
6 The difference is that at Butlins a one-bedroom flat makes a four -bedspace chalet .
7 The result on the whole process is that at low light intensity the photochemical process is limiting and the rate of photosynthesis depends on the irradiance .
8 And a significant point is that at least one in three actual users of bank loans say this perhaps underlining the suggestion made above that this may be a correct interpretation of the bank manager 's part in the lending decision .
9 The evidence is that at the present time there is a serious lack of resources to care adequately for the number of sufferers living in ordinary housing , and that this mismatch between numbers and resources is likely to increase at least to the end of the century .
10 The other is that at the end of time there will only be the kings of Hearts , Spades , Diamonds , Clubs and England .
11 My belief is that at Co-ordinators Meeting we should examine that concern and discover a workable and economic way of expressing it .
12 The national coach 's belief is that at the next meeting of the SFA 's International Committee the question of how club is currently strangling country has to be at the top of the agenda .
13 The argument is that at abnormally low interest rates ( at or below Oi 2 in Fig. 4 ) virtually everyone would expect the interest rate to rise towards its normal level in the near future .
14 The only requirement in this respect is that at least 25 per cent ( 10 per cent in respect of USM companies ) of the company 's shares should be in the hands of the public .
15 My one gripe is that at times the control system is not as good as expected .
16 And the good news is that at a time of recession there are bargains to be had : even grand dealers might discuss a discreet price reduction .
17 The best that could be for the the Simpson woman is that at least when they had married , she stuck to him right to his death .
18 My one proviso is that at the same time , Hadrian 's Wall should be repaired , extended fully , and provided with one single opening through which all scots at present in the south should be shepherded to the north , whereupon the opening should be smartly bricked up before they have the chance to get back .
19 The evidence of a child who was taught by the ‘ Natural Aurilism ’ method is that at the age of 5 she is able to talk and play with normal children at a normal school and although she may not be as far ahead , the results of this method seem astounding .
20 THE reality of schistosomiasis is that at least as many people are infected today as ten years ago — this despite the availability of the wonder drug praziquantel .
21 A fine example of this type of abbey church is that at Løgumkloster , founded in 1173 by the Cistercian Order .
22 The reason is that at slow speeds it moves both legs on the same side of the body forward at the same time , first one side and then the other .
23 The third reason is that at the time of apparent consent or refusal the patient may not , for the time being , be a competent adult .
24 The unusual thing is that at 50 she is still stunning , wrinkles or no .
25 We have come up against some prejudice in the dressage , but the nice thing is that at the end of the test sheets you often see the same comment from the judge — ‘ What a super pony ! ’ . ’
26 In fact a more realistic explanation for the laying out of the garden is that at the end of the Napoleonic wars there were alot of unemployed soldiers looking for work .
27 What is unusual about this resource is that at each point in the dialogue it is known what idea the speaker is trying to express , and what information the hearer has which provides the context for its understanding .
28 What can be said about fluoride is that at concentrations of even less than one part per million ( the official dose ) it can cause toxic reactions in sensitive people and recent reassessments of the fluoridation scene suggest that this measure may be much more harmful to health than has been hitherto realized .
29 Another extensive Gloucestershire settlement is that at Wycomb , near Andoversford , first investigated in 1864 .
30 All I can say in my defence is that at this point in history , I find it useful to do two things with my own writing and speech .
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