Example sentences of "[noun sg] it be your " in BNC.

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1 And so we 've got to desire to have our broken relationship with God restored , you see we need to receive what God offers in Christ , the fact that Christ died for our sins does not mean a thing to us until we say yes I accept it for me , I believe you died for me , I receive it , I 'm linked into it , you see your house can be , let me give you a very simple illustration , your house is linked up with er Eastern Electricity and there is so many er I du n no what , what the what it is , but there is the power there , the there are , there are kilo watts of power on tap in your home , but in the winter you 're cold , when it gets dark outside , it 's dark inside the cooker , the electric cooker does n't work , the fridge is not operating the food is going rotten , you ca n't watch a programme on television , why , because you have n't plugged into the source of the power , it 's as simple as that , you ca n't blame the Electricity Board , it 's not Eastern Electricity 's fault it 's your fault because all the plugs are out of the sockets and it does n't matter what the Electricity Board does short of blowing up your house , they can do nothing for you and it does n't matter what God has done in Christ until we as it were to also plug in , it does n't mean a thing to us , but the moment we link in , that 's the change , the lights come on , there 's , there 's heat there , the stove works , the , the radio , the television , the record player , they 're all operating , the freezer 's working , the situation has changed , we needs to receive what God offers us in Christ
2 As a child it 's your parents or friends or teachers , and in old age it 's helpers or carers to see you through . ’
3 At this point I feel bound to say that the nickel-cadmium re-chargeable batteries are not environment friendly , and when you buy a cordless product it is your responsibility to dispose of it carefully when it is fully spent .
4 If you have the vital clue that will help bring this monstrous crime to a just conclusion it is your duty to lift the phone .
5 Erm , and Chris had a look at it and said it 's not the phone it 's your line , so she had to have the , the G P O people in .
6 So you can understand what a sacrifice it is your father is making in sending you to this school .
7 That , of course is that , that of course is the the problem of national curriculum it 's your interpretation of of the national curriculum and there is I mean , if Judith says a child is level three , I would accept that but if somebody from Spring Garden said this child is level five , I 'm certainly not going to accept that without evidence that I have !
8 ‘ Of course it was your dog .
9 It 's alright it was n't the vet it was your grandmother .
10 And out of the money it 's your
11 No , except , because your personality it 's your personality
12 and about fifteen of the erm eight , eight , five troop chasing after me , it was like our sister troop yeah , we were , there was three troops in our squadron , eight , eight , five , eight , eight , six and eighty , eighty , seven and then there was three squadrons and a regiments , there was nine troops there , so like , if it , basically it was your troop and nobody else , but then it was your squadron and , and anybody else and then the few times that I , on regiment it was your regiment and nobody else , like , we could touch you cos your our regiment but if you try and touch us , you can get fucking hell , but it nearly always come down to the troops , and the thing is eight , eight , six , only had , the first year that I was there we 'd only had about thirty people , fourth year there had I opposed like fifty , sixty and seventy , second year we were there we had about forty- five opposed to like sixty , seventy , eighty , and the third year there we had about fifty opposed like fucking seventy , eighty and ninety in a , in a troop , so we were always well out numbered and we were by far the most outrageous
13 I actually slept the entire night , because I thought goody , as soon as the divorce goes off , the sooner I 'm on my way out of the ar oh Rocky , Rocky your head was in the way it was your own silly fault
14 ‘ True as the fact it 's your round , gel . ’
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