Example sentences of "[noun sg] because [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The issue of their timing was seen by the opposition as of crucial importance in determining the fairness of the presidential contest because of the role of local administrators in the electoral process .
2 He has turned away the glorious light of his countenance — or maybe the traffic fumes have got in the way , or maybe he 's turned off the telly because of the charismatics . ’
3 However , the Historic Buildings Council for Scotland has increasingly been able to give some very substantial grants towards churches , ensuring that churches faced with closure because of a repairs crisis have been able to continue in use .
4 This was the largest grant ever offered by HBCS , but many other churches faced with closure because of a repair crisis have also received substantial aid from the Council
5 Thurcroft colliery in my constituency is now threatened with closure because of a short-term geological problem , yet it has 20 million tonnes of workable low-sulphur reserves .
6 And finally , an animal sanctuary threatened with closure because of a cash shortage has been saved thanks to Central South viewers .
7 I hope , however , that it has not escaped the attention of the Leader of the House that one of the most famous companies in Scotland , Armitage Shanks of Barrhead , is facing closure because of the parent company 's axe .
8 The Clarion 's offices were small and dingy , but despite this , and the fact that it only appeared once a week , the magazine had a large and growing circulation because of the crusading character of its editor , J. D. O'Connor , who had been a leading journalist with the Morning Post before he had struck out on his own , financed by money left to him by his land-owning father .
9 It we he phoned at it was , it was five to six , Jim was going to take me to aerobics because of the weather
10 Classroom interaction is even more complex than an interview because of the size of the group and the choices the teacher constantly makes about how to respond to what learners say .
11 Editor Mike Carlin revealed : ‘ There will be a lot of death and destruction around Metropolis because of the fight with Doomsday .
12 Another consideration is that the process of economic management , involving the use of instruments to achieve objectives via some set of intermediate target variables , is subject to delay and uncertainty because of the existence of various lags .
13 Projections for the future are subject to great uncertainty because of the factors involved in energy forecasts and because of uncertainty in the willingness of the public to accept the potential risks associated with increased use of nuclear energy .
14 There is some indication that the official retirement age is increasing but this may be a mixed blessing for middle-aged labour because of the increasing pressure to take voluntary early retirement !
15 Despite this the recognition results were extremely similar to those observed in Study 2 , at risky junctions risk improved recognition because of a large number of hits while at less risky junctions risk impaired recognition because of a large number of false alarms .
16 Despite this the recognition results were extremely similar to those observed in Study 2 , at risky junctions risk improved recognition because of a large number of hits while at less risky junctions risk impaired recognition because of a large number of false alarms .
17 Moreover , to achieve recognition within the legalistic and decentralised bargaining system in the United States a union needs to win a majority vote in a ballot , and although perhaps 40 or 45 per cent of the employees in a given enterprise may desire union services the union fails to achieve recognition because of the unwillingness of the majority of their colleagues to opt for unionisation .
18 The danger in the present situation should be given full recognition because of the so-called Black-on-Black violence and the hardened attitudes of extreme rightwingers who seem to use the American Ku Klux Klan strategies to terrorise people .
19 Controversy surrounded the release in January 1991 of four Belgian hostages in Lebanon [ see p. 37977 ] , when it emerged that Walid Khaled , the spokesperson in Lebanon of the extremist Revolutionary Council of Fatah ( RCF ) who had helped negotiate their release , had been granted a three-month tourist visa on Jan. 11 , one day before the hostages ' release and at a time of great international tension because of the Gulf crisis .
20 And this makes sense to Freud , because he believes that people believe in , in religion because of the gratifications it gives them .
21 Yet thousands of people do in effect do this when they reject religion because of the hypocrisy , superstition and dogmatism of some of its advocates , and when they accept religion because of their own taste for status , a safe life , or being hypnotized by the magnetism of some charismatic figure .
22 All the elements necessary for rectification were therefore present ; if the Crown was at fault because of the delay in discovering the mistake , rectification was still possible .
23 Faced with those kind of possible reductions in service , if there is a penny one penny more than necessary spent on administration and bureaucracy wherever it is in the youth and community programme that is gon na be less money for front line vision and the Labour group can have to think very , very carefully about that and the issue is gon na be that if we 're spending too much money or if they 're coming back to supplementary estimates which wo n't be available er given the financial situation next year if we 're having two heads of centres or whatever when we could have one that is gon na mean less money for front line services to the people of Highfields and there 'll only be one group that will be responsible for that , if that does come about and I think that 's something that we all need to bear in mind because what we were told as members of that committee is that the youth and community budget is gon na be in for some very serious times in the future and it 's mainly the government 's fault because of the way they 've decided to re-organise the situation it 's going out of our hands into the control of an unelected body and like most members of this council I think we would oppose that but that 's the reality of the situation and I could not support any increase of funds er for any community centres if I knew it was simply gon na be spent on administration .
24 They needed a boost because of the Cuban crisis and this seemed to be the opportunity , so they had little choice but to enter into the quicksand of the Vietnam War .
25 Jamie Hill , defending Mansha , said he was now separated from his girlfriend because of the incident .
26 It has been possible to map in detail the migration and fate of the neural crest cells in the chick because of a fortuitous discovery made in 1968 by the French embryologist Nicole Le Douarin .
27 This is seen as essential to FTC 's plans for a 24-hour channel devoted exclusively to football because of the volume and geographical spread of games offered by the other 70 Football League clubs .
28 Dawn 's missing the football because of the final of the Grand Prix .
29 At my weekend surgery three pensioners came to see me in considerable distress because of the difficulty that they faced in paying their water and electricity bills and other bills from private utilities following the large price increases .
30 In the conventional view of technological change in factories , computer-controlled machinery inevitably sweeps through industry because of the enormous competitive advantages .
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