Example sentences of "[noun sg] can [verb] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Redwood said : ‘ I will not listen if all the Opposition can do is bellow out megaphone caricature .
2 Mankind 's failure to recognise with conviction that this basic source of ‘ goodness ’ represents the first premise from which to define God , would mean that the only way in which civilisation can prosper is barred , for there is no other identifiable source available .
3 The question mark at the end of line 4 refers back to ‘ with whom ? ’ 'No vicissitude can find' is therefore a statement of fact , implying a pagan , not a Christian attitude .
4 What neither the historian nor archaeologist can reconstruct is the time taken for the two cultures to mingle , with intermarriage and innovations in the languages .
5 A covered area complete with bedding where the guinea pig can shelter is essential .
6 The best that a practitioner can do is to have regard to the sort of multiplier which has in the past been adopted by judges in similar circumstances to those with which he is concerned .
7 In the last resort all that a test can give is a relation between two or more quantities such as load , displacement , time and temperature from which it is inferred that this is the general relation connecting these quantities throughout the body , for the assumption of such a general relation is at the basis of elasticity theory and continuum mechanics .
8 Nothing that her bright boy can do is wrong .
9 As a result of the uncertainty generated in the private sector by expected movements in these variables the best that the public sector can do is to inform the private sector of its intentions and then act accordingly .
10 With few exceptions the only thing that Common Law can do is to give him money compensation .
11 The size of figure represented on the card which an individual child can discriminate is then set against the information in the conversion table which indicates the correct text size usable by the child , as well as indicating the visual aid needed when reading certain print sizes at specific distances .
12 All that the Institute can do is to support them ( which it does ) .
13 Often the best that one engineer can do is , in any case , exceeded by the best that another engineer can do , especially another who lives later in the history of technology .
14 So the maximum value a coeffic correlation coefficient can obtain is plus one , and that would be when there 's a total positive correlation Conversely , the minimum value it can obtain is when this expression on top is minus N minus one , so it goes down to minus one for a complete negative correlation and it 's zero if there 's no correlation and then there 's the values in between That 's just saying what I 've said .
15 All the Vendor can confirm is that ‘ proper ’ provision has been made .
16 This warranty is too wide ; all the Vendor can do is warrant that the intellectual property rights listed in the relevant schedule are used in connection with the Business .
17 All the Vendor can do is disclose the latest management accounts of the Business and leave the Purchaser to judge the position for himself .
18 Any linguistic knowledge the teacher can bring is a welcome bonus .
19 HEAVEN CAN WAIT is a brilliant 1943 movie about a dead bloke .
20 Well one of the greatest qualities a fisherman can have is of course patience .
21 The only possible form that climate can take is one which acknowledges as legitimate and appropriate expressions of doubt , uncertainty , confusion and anxiety .
22 One area where inconsistency can arise is in the coding of various attributes .
23 What the court can do is to withhold consent to treatment of which it disapproves and it can express its approval of other treatment proposed by the authority and its doctors . ’
24 In the past , it often seemed that the fines were too small to be effective — the maximum fine a magistrates court can impose is £2,000 .
25 The maximum fine a court can impose is £5,000 , and prison terms , as well as disqualification from driving , are also available to the courts .
26 All that natural selection can do is accept certain new variations , and reject others .
27 The only way the conflict can ease is if Connie and Parkin communicate with one another .
28 The rate at which the economy can grow is now constrained more directly and immediately than ever before by the extent to which exports rise relative to import penetration .
29 Consistency is important for summative purposes , since a statement of what a pupil can do is misleading if true only on a single occasion and in a single context * .
30 How long this muddle can last is anyone 's guess .
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