Example sentences of "[noun sg] they [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The view through the small rear mirror is rather limited , as Jill Stanton has mentioned before , and the manual wing mirrors are so stiff that trying to fine-tune them is like trying to thread a needle wearing boxing gloves .
2 ‘ Do you think they 're going to have a sign out , telling us which side they 're on ? ’
3 On one side they are at full height .
4 Turkey , incidentally , just for pig-iron and incorrigible spite , look like ten times the side they were at Lansdowne , just when we need them to be sullen , depressed , and cruising for a bruising .
5 Two er one , if it 's a two bedroom they 're into the caravan outside .
6 Four teenagers suffered minor injuries after the car they were in crashed through a fence near Front Street , Blyth , Northumberland .
7 Previous application of this method ( viz. a 1-stage Delphi with interactive feedback ) earlier in this research programme has shown that many employers embarking often for the first time on strategic employment policy-making require some means of obtaining confirmation they are on the right lines .
8 It 's for the people who are n't happy with the weight they 're at , or if it 's unhealthy — if it 's endangering your health and you have to do something about it ; if you 've been told by your doctor to lose weight .
9 Certainly one thing is noticeable Leicester have n't er quite dropped back into the gear they were in in the first half Ron have they ?
10 " In Several parts of the Country , they have already established the Herring Gauge Barril filled to the Brim as a proper measure by which Putatoes aught to be bought and sold , and that four fulls of the said Barril shou 'd constitute the Boll , but that in other quarters of the Countrey they are in use to Buy and Sell Putatoes by a Creel measure which is very uncertain .
11 Although in terms of expense they are of course more expensive , and therefore this also erm is something one , one has to consider .
12 With a lurch they are above the trees and climbing steeply , Paul pressed back into his seat .
13 Secondly , the torts considered in this chapter may also come into question in cases of alleged unlawful competition between traders , but in practice they are of little significance because of the common law 's refusal to adopt any principle of ‘ fair competition ’ other than the prohibition of obviously unlawful acts like torts and crimes and breaches of contract .
14 In practice they are at daggers drawn as the furore over Tom Clarke 's pronouncements on the subject this week amply illustrates .
15 No wonder they were in a tizz in Brighton .
16 And I feel sorry for the officers ' families who have to know that every time they go to work they 're in this sort of danger .
17 Then at work they are at the whim of the boss .
18 Some respondents to FRED 1 were concerned about exceptional items and the prominence they were to be given .
19 some handsome star and not the bloke they 're with .
20 There must be a strong presumption that at bottom they are of this same nature , despite an occasional argument to the contrary ( Vendler , 1962 ) , since effects are also causes .
21 ‘ It is important that your bank knows everything about your business so that if you have to go to them for help they are in the best position to five assistance .
22 It 's sunny , and the clouds have form and shape , and underneath or away from the sun they are in shadow , greys and even a touch of brown .
23 Some of them are given diplomas for doing this , so they can then prove how expert they are in disability matters .
24 According to Sotheby 's expert they were of different dates … of different styles , by different hands , the sort of set anyone could put together at any time …
25 Instead of fights outside the Market Bar they are outside MacDonald 's and the protagonists are years younger .
26 ‘ Funny mood they 're in ’ Delia Sutherland said as they drove towards Home Dairy .
27 But whatever their fate they are on course for the most successful season in their history .
28 The Russian nobility were much less formidable than their counterparts elsewhere , they had not yet begun to export grain , and for the great landowners serfdom was not an unmitigated blessing : as long as there was still peasant mobility they were in a position to attract labour away from the estates of their weaker rivals .
29 Indeed , publishers told PEN they were under pressure from schools , libraries and local authorities to be politically correct .
30 As a measure of the characteristics of the sediment they are of limited value , but as a method of characterizing the central segment of a curve the Trask Sorting coefficient or its equivalent , the phi Quartile Deviation may have some value .
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