Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It is not religion that drives it , or theory ; and the rejection of Marxism now looks , in retrospect , like an inevitable part of its natural growth .
2 But Christianity is the only religion that makes it clear that only one god exists .
3 On the death of her father in 1866 she suffered physical and mental breakdown , confiding in a letter that it was her religion that held her up .
4 It is their good fortune to have the luxury of comment without the responsibility of action that enables them to appear more in tune with public feeling than the ideologists of either side of the political spectrum .
5 ( Inimical means that certain remedies have been found to be similar in their action that prescribing them in succession leads to aggravation e.g. Mercury and Silica should n't follow each other without interposing some other remedy ) 2 ) The beauty of the LM system is encompassed in its ability to fulfill §.2 of The Organon :
6 Thirdly , as for members of the public suing in respect of unlawful action in the public sector , will the Secretary of State confirm that unions have no immunity now for unlawful action in respect of public services and , that , although there may be some doubt about it , the only decided case in law held that the public already have the right to sue in respect of action that affects them ?
7 Rosen eked out a conversation with her and without Leon Kennedy , who was sewn into an isolation that made him more powerfully present .
8 ‘ It 's not your isolation that concerns me , ’ he informed her drily .
9 I suppose it was the isolation that gave us such a feeling of camaraderie . "
10 It was a headline that did it , I think I put something like , ‘ Like Lambrettas To The Slaughter ’ …
11 Roman shot her a glance that told her nothing of what he was thinking .
12 She flashed me a glance that made it clear there was some backbone in there , it was just the training that made her act like a dipstick .
13 It was an association that made him an appropriate keeper at Loseley of Montague 's imprisoned son-in-law Henry Wriothesley , second Earl of Southampton [ q.v. ] in 1570 .
14 They are not sufficient to justify the portrayal of Scotland as being out on a limb from the rest of Britain , either in its voting behaviour or the thinking that produces it .
15 It 's your thinking that got you into this place ! ’
16 I want to take you through the thinking that led me to that conclusion , and then to concentrate on one of the keys to securing that future — the whole question of advancing the cause of children 's books .
17 We 're articulate enough to fool ourselves that we 're nice people , but there 's a strong undercurrent to our thinking that encourages us to view people with a disability as lesser , and until we come to terms with that , we will never have a proper support system .
18 The muddled thinking that makes us claim at least some vague idea of what God is leads us disastrously to thinking that if we say God can not be one kind of thing we must be saying he is the other .
19 The sayings of country people , sometimes tinged with poetry , always rich in concrete images and braced with the vigour and rhythm that gives them long life , are worth revealing .
20 It is important to have some clear basic understanding of the nature of bereavement and the grief that follows it .
21 It was not Manvell 's displeasure that worried him , but Jane 's anger .
22 It is difficult to resist the conclusion — which Foucault actually denies — that the techniques of discipline and surveillance , of individuation , and the strategies of power-knowledge that subject us , leave us always trapped .
23 He felt subtly in touch with higher forces , as though he had become the Tarot card that represented him .
24 Okay if I can just erm give you my business card that tells you who I am
25 Richard Armstrong has left to become Curator of Contemporary Art at the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh , and Richard Marshall has cut a deal that allows him to remain only until he finds another job .
26 So we were better being turned down until we found a deal that suited us better . ’
27 To illustrate this , let us imagine Heinrich Hertz , in 1888 , performing the electrical experiment that enabled him to produce and detect radio waves for the first time .
28 Unfortunately , the SPD , like Labour , has been nervous in calling for a complete recasting of public financing and altering both tax and expenditure profiles to fit with a post-cold war world while attempting to relate to an electorate that believes it is paying too many direct and indirect taxes as well as ever-rising social security and health insurance payments .
29 Their ephemeral character is the essence of the ‘ un-permanence ’ of the partnership that bore them .
30 He concentrated on drawing cartoons and in 1932 had his first acceptance from Punch , the beginning of a partnership that established him as a major comic artist and one of the most original talents in the long history of the magazine .
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