Example sentences of "[noun sg] it is often " in BNC.

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1 As a result it is often difficult to analyse the errors of a probabilistic system in an effort to improve its performance .
2 In practice it is often difficult to define bibliographical types in a way that gives a reliable guide to content , and the selector is best advised to look at each bibliography individually .
3 In practice it is often hard to detect such anti-competitive behaviour .
4 The distinction , though in practice it is often blurred , in theory is clear .
5 Dementia sufferers might be expected to gain by day attendance in the following ways : i diagnosis and assessment of problems ii management of particular problems iii reality orientation iv skill preservation v general stimulation , socialisation and recreation vi supervision vii respite for carers In practice it is often the last which predominates .
6 assuming that you choose to purchase a microcomputer , there is the choice of hardware In practice it is often the selection of software which determines this choice , but there are certain hardware features which are likely to be important .
7 Your comment that there should be ‘ a clear distinction between medicolegal intervention requested by the police and health care ’ may be an ideal but in practice it is often difficult if not impossible to distinguish clearly between the two .
8 The most important ingredient in the construction stage is time but , although this is sometimes a source of worry at the beginning , in practice it is often found that this stage is less time-consuming than the planning stages .
9 In a commercial or industrial setting it is often assumed that organisations try to maximise profits as their main goal .
10 A formal pool often serves a different function from an informal one , for in an appropriate setting it is often used to mirror the garden around it .
11 In marital therapy it is often noticeable that although a couple are asking for help to sort out their problem , so that they may have the closeness and intimacy for which they yearn , fear overcomes hope , and whenever things start to improve one of them can be relied upon to start up the next quarrel .
12 Two to three hours after oral or intravenous administration it is often present in tissues and body fluids at concentrations several times higher than in serum .
13 For a single guard it is often wiser to use your knife as any noise can alert many more enemies including guard dogs .
14 Of course , after a divorce it is often
15 Unless you have a particular pretty beamed or coved ceiling it is often a good idea to lower the ceiling area in a kitchen .
16 For in such work it is often the writer 's special job , whether as journalist or as art historian/diplomat ( Leys ) , or else their very fame as popular writers , that gives them their entry .
17 This is usually called an occupational or company pension if the employer is private ; and in the public sector it is often known as superannuation .
18 In discussions with the child it is often possible to plan a course of work to meet the individual 's needs so that the learning process is negotiated rather than dictated .
19 After an accident it is often found that maintenance work as well as repairs is necessary and it is quite natural that the Policyholder will want both carried out at the same time .
20 As a general model , then , it might be fair to say that in early capitalism the bourgeoisie is very often on the side of the development of civil society , and in later capitalism it is often opposed to such development .
21 For those businesses requiring substantial sums of cash it is often appropriate to provide these from our Cash centres .
22 It should be noted that single rooms are generally inferior , and that when an extra bed ( often folding style ) is placed in a twin bedded room it is often cramped .
23 With a runway it is often possible to use the centre line and a selected spot .
24 When embarking on a study that addresses the information needs of an organisation it is often difficult for the project leader to ensure that the project is both cost-effective and comprehensive .
25 When looking through windows for evidence it is often the case that the researcher only sees those types of evidence with a significance that has previously been established , and with an association that complies with existing models .
26 Even if the exact number of rounds in the game is not known for certain , in real life it is often possible to make a statistical guess as to how much longer the game is likely to last .
27 The precautionary principle suggests that , as the future damage done by pollution is often more costly than the extra expense of avoiding it in the first place and in any case it is often unacceptable , even if a money cost ca n't be put on it , then prevention is better than cure .
28 To avoid having a large number of small accounts in the ledger it is often the case in some hotels to ask members of groups or parties to pay for ‘ extras ’ at time of service .
29 Although at a regional level it is often possible to check secondary sources against the original data , this is impossible globally .
30 ALTHOUGH relationships with parents determine in large measure our longer-term preferences , attitudes and values , during adolescence it is often relationships with friends that cause most concern and which pre-occupy the thoughts of young people as they grow up .
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