Example sentences of "[noun sg] be for his " in BNC.

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1 The plan which Henry still had in mind was for his eldest son to take all of those lands which he himself had inherited from his father and mother , i.e. Anjou , Maine , Normandy and England , while Richard should have the land which he had acquired by virtue of his marriage to Eleanor .
2 The second is that it is in relation to this period that one finds a quite separate account of the origins of the Muftilik advanced , namely Katib Celebi 's view that the office originated not with Molla Fenari in Bursa or Fahreddin Acemi in Edirne but rather with Hizir Bey in Istanbul , the Muftilik being for his tenure , and for some time alter , a to the post of kadi of Istanbul , of which he was the first holder .
3 David Stirling 's final plan was for his force to embark in five Bristol Bombay aircraft of 216 Squadron on the night of 16 November and drop near their targets .
4 Hurtled The plan was for his main chute to open at 3,000ft but it did not open and he hurtled to conclusion of the association 's investigation was that he had failed to locate the ripcord handle .
5 Resource-based learning places the pupil in the active mode , but equally its demand on the teacher is for his full creative involvement .
6 In 1943 the well-known painter , Hans Hofmann , asked the young Pollock how important nature was for his art .
7 Hagen 's iconoclasm was for his own benefit ; he never saw himself as a social campaigner on behalf of his fellow professionals .
8 Without quantum theory there would be no genetic engineering , no solid-state computers , no nuclear power stations ( or bombs ) ; even Albert Einstein 's Nobel prize was for his pioneering contributions to quantum theory , not for his ideas on relativity .
9 Men like Gay-Lussac sought laws rather than risking theories ; and Davy declared ( Works , VII , 93ff. ) that Dalton 's Royal Medal from the Royal Society was for his laws of chemical combination , rather than for his atomic hypothesis .
10 His only concern was for his own men and for the standards and traditions he expected them to live up to .
11 But that money 's for his work … not for living expenses .
12 The clearing member must designate whether the contract is for his client account or another account with LCH .
13 He is very affectionate , and I would n't be without him now , and he has been to the vet 's for his injections so as to avoid another disaster .
14 Alan Cherry , chairman , said at the annual meeting that inquiries and reservations were , respectively , 70 per cent and 40 per cent ahead of last year 's for his company .
15 He may have been dependent on me for the time being for his physical well-being , but at the deepest level he was dependent on Montaine .
16 Oh yes er I think somebody kept it around father 's day , a chap named , but it was a beautiful old place and he always , because my father always used to erm start off about seven o'clock in the morning to walk down to Walkers and er call in at the White Hart because they were open at six o'clock in the morning , for a rum and coffee for about tuppence or thruppence , then he always used to er go to his mother 's for his breakfast and er he used to go down and see all the men start off and then , then slip over to his mother 's , she lived on the Road and er she , for years and years this went on that he had his break he never had his breakfast at home he 'd start off going down there and come back to his mother 's , but he always stopped at the White Hart for his rum and coffee
17 His citation was for his work on carbohydrates and on the synthesis of vitamin C. This , the first synthesis of a vitamin , he achieved in 1933 , in collaboration with E. L. Hirst .
18 This measurement was for his new uniform , she assured him , while his colleagues wolf-whistled and clapped .
19 Her tradition of looking at landscape was deeply Wordsworthian , whatever intimations she may have had that Wordsworth 's language was for his time and place only .
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