Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [adv] or " in BNC.

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1 Stork was not entirely sure how the headhunting process worked ; indeed , there were no guides to the subject and all the existing purveyors of search are more or less self-taught .
2 A horse 's more or less inherited position in the herd can be altered by unusual conditions .
3 It might be suggested that the victim ‘ asked for it ’ by accepting a lift or an invitation to the defendant 's home or that he ‘ led him on ’ or consented and afterwards regretted it .
4 When the weather has entered a relatively rain free period , but when cloud cover is moderately dense and uniform , but not too low — when the prevailing light is evenly spread over the landscape , with no parts over bright or too deep in shadow — when the wind is still or gently fitful , a magic prevails everywhere upon the Wolds , and it comes from within the chalk .
5 The inexorable logic does not , however , establish that the result is morally or socially desirable .
6 For example , in the first column , Greater York figure is more or less doubled .
7 Foreign investment was more or less prohibited ( it had to contribute to the development of the domestic industry ) .
8 This is not to say that all theories of legitimacy are only or merely ‘ rationalizations ’ ; rather , it is to say that they have an element of rationalization in them .
9 The Parliamentary Assembly and the Economic and Social Committee were primarily or wholly advisory in nature , with very little checking power , while the Court of Justice could interpret the provisions of the treaty and the decisions of the EEC .
10 Navigation was very much a specialist skill and the maps of the desert were more or less blank .
11 ( See the earliest drawing ) , was unsatisfactory , so in September 1908 a trial tee was constructed somewhere near what is now the ladies ' winter tee on the 16th , the 17th green being more or less as we know today , although at this time a twin green with the first .
12 When the parent is consciously or unconsciously seductive , and the child 's early fantasies are not mediated and finally renounced , the young person can remain fixated in love like the Brünnhildes and Queen Bees mentioned earlier in this chapter .
13 So the black youth 's progress in sport is partially or totally neglected by parents .
14 Unfortunately , as we have already said , casein is more or less a mixture of cheese and lime and under prolonged moist conditions casein behaves very like cheese .
15 It is simply that the type is more or less stable , established by convention , whereas the token is not since it is conditioned by context .
16 But crucially , although oppressive confessions may be ruled out , the Act goes on to provide that the fact ‘ that a confession is wholly or partly excluded … shall not affect the admissibility in evidence of any facts discovered as a result of the confession ’ .
17 Do you live at home with your par , er your parent 's home or erm do you live in , in your home ?
18 In the nineteenth century , divorce was more or less impossible except for the very wealthy , initially only through a private Act of parliament .
19 Highgate Cemetery was more or less on his way to the theatre , and although it was almost all old graves without flowers , he had seen some being left regularly by some nutty Communist at the grave of Karl Marx .
20 The discovery was more or less accidental , because Herschel was carrying out a completely different kind of investigation .
21 In the context of a business sale an employee will be redundant if his dismissal was wholly or mainly attributable either to the change in location of the business or to the fact that fewer employees are now required for the business .
22 Although these four authors address themselves to rather different problems , and do not appear to agree on a number of issues , their combined views on the importance of soil erosion are more or less consistent , and quite clear — its importance is exaggerated , agricultural technology initiated by both officials and farmers can respond satisfactorily , and the resources at disposal are massive and are constantly being created by technology itself .
23 But I think it is reasonable to observe that the major issues of the Falklands War were more or less written in the stars .
24 In other words , interactivity is really just another word for the ways in which a user can search and browse through an electronic database , the process being more or less constrained by the control software .
25 The man whose own animals are missing when wanted has , in his turn , to ‘ hire' ’ , and so there is a continuous round of misappropriation , to which the whole community is more or less privy . ’
26 Smoke damage from a fire is covered , whether the fire is in the Policyholder 's home or a neighbour 's house i.e. smoke from a fire in neighbour 's house causes smoke damage to Policyholder 's property .
27 As several million years are required for the transfer of a significant amount of heat to the surface of continental lithosphere , it has been suggested that hot spots are most likely to develop where the lithosphere is more or less stationary with respect to sub-lithospheric thermal anomalies as this would allow time for sustained heating to occur .
28 The computerisation of land registration is more or less completed , and this means that many of the delays formerly experienced are no longer so acute .
29 The move is more or less an insurance policy that Apple will at least have a place as a client in the enterprise .
30 The move is more or less an insurance policy that Apple will at least have a place as a client in the enterprise .
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