Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] i see " in BNC.

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1 He was always grateful for ‘ the healthy and restorative force that I see in the country . ’
2 And it 's funny because the last car that I saw the fellow 's from I saw the fellow 's who did it .
3 Oh well here 's the college that I saw
4 And this light that I see ?
5 I think communications has been the biggest change that I saw , erm er from a system which was called the DX system , which is really a very primitive way of calling people by means of generating electric current over some private wires , to fireman 's houses and on to fire station .
6 I enjoyed all the tennis that I saw , not only Steffi Graf 's match — in fact the match I enjoyed the most was the semi-final between Shriver and Zvereva , and Elna Reinach and Sandy Collins .
7 Gentlemen : It is with great regret that I see so many students labouring day after day in the Academy , as if they imagined that a liberal art , such as ours , was to be acquired like a mechanical trade , by dint of labour , or I may add the absurdity of supposing that it could be acquired by any means whatever .
8 It came at once in the form of none other than the mighty Lord 's Prayer ; but it was n't until I got to the line about daily bread that I saw the light — I had n't given her any !
9 Is this the chicken that I saw earlier transformed into little breaded
10 In the end , it 's on that rainy promenade that I see her .
11 Er can I er I I started to comment on about the er er bank accounts and which are y you know er my the reaction that I saw was all round the table er I think we would go further but er any company handling pension funds should carry pensions somewhere in their names on all on all their paperwork etcetera so that everybody 's totally clear that they are dealing with pension funds and er er to agree with a comment that you made in one of your earlier reports that er designation of bonus of shares of pension funds should be clearly er marked on those shares er that also would have a at least alerted these financial institutions as once again that they were handling stocks belonging to pension funds and they still ignored it in that that w case that they did , but er they would have not had the excuse that er apparently some of them have made that er they were not aware that these were pension fund assets .
12 Er can I I started to comment on about the er , er bank accounts which are you know er my the reaction that I saw was all round the table and I think we would go further that er any company handling pension funds should carry pensions somewhere in their names and all on all their paperwork etcetera so that everybody 's totally clear that they are dealing with pension funds and er to agree with a comment that you made in one of your earlier reports that er designation of ownership of shares of pension funds should be clearly er marked on those shares er that also would of er at least alerted these financial institutions , as once again that they were handling stocks belonging to pension fund and they still have ignored it in the case that er they did , but er er they would ha not had the excuse that er apparently some of them have made that er they were not aware that these were pension funds assets .
13 But the only difference that I see was that they pushed their ploughs there , so they must have been smaller than the ones we use .
14 That 's the one that 's the one danger that I see , that instead of being led by the turnover of the product , we 're being led by the funding we can obtain which I think is a is a weakness in the system .
15 It was at Snaefellsness that I saw the bird I had hoped to find — and which was ‘ new ’ to me — the Brünnich 's guillemot .
16 In terms of a planning process Anne was talking about , you 'll have to forgive me for being relatively new to Oxfordshire and coming from an area where we had a planning system which was largely the one I was describing , and the planning role that I saw I wanted to develop was very much already mentioned which was actually going round to small groups of people , to the local caring groups on a much more informal basis , and getting their contribution about that and then feeding it back into the system , which you say is there in a sense .
17 It was not until I visited the SHAPE nursery in Belgium in 1969 , with my then grown-up daughter that I saw this again .
18 The standard of the buildings and gardens , and of their upkeep , is much superior to any other Indian campus that I saw .
19 Although Korda was now more of a financier than an active producer , it was his suggestion that led Graham Greene to visit Austria to see if he could find the background in the four-power occupation of Vienna which would inspire him to extend his one-line story : ‘ I had paid my last farewell to Harry less than a week ago , when his coffin was lowered in the frozen February ground , so that it was with incredulity that I saw him pass by , without a sign of recognition , among the host of strangers in the Strand . ’
20 Other authors have been more coy : " I have left the central concept of this paper , namely pragmatic context , in rather thorough vagueness , and this for the simple reason that I see no clear way to reduce the vagueness at the moment " ( Bar-Hillel , 1970:80 ) .
21 Anyway I I bought a little book that I saw in one of the shops and it was er The Industrial Lawyer .
22 He takes good care that I see it . ’
23 I 've a feeling that they might be the same lot that I saw at Geraldine 's party last month .
24 then I had another I had another wee problem that I 'd been , I had been to see , and it was Doctor I had been , and the doctor that I saw the last time er I had three big bruises on my back , and she
25 ( The only failures at innovation that I saw in high-tech firms occurred when the manager thought he or she already had so much power that coalition building was unnecessary . )
26 that 's the way that I saw it .
27 you know the big spread that I saw that time
28 It was the fire that I saw , Masklin told himself .
29 I recall the time that I saw on one of the stalls a bone-handled Scout knife and though only a Wolf-Cub , determined to buy one .
30 Better than the weekend weather that I saw ?
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