Example sentences of "[art] mentally [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The sixty-seven ruins on the Plain of Barsoom commonly called ‘ temples ’ may have been just that ; or equally well may have been army barracks , isolated quarters for the mentally disturbed or victims of plague , or holiday camps for Martian urbanites .
2 Magistrates bailed him for eight weeks on conditions which included not venturing out alone from the Leahurst residential home for the mentally disturbed .
3 As patron of the Macintyre organisation the Duchess of York has worked closely with the mentally disabled for some years , but even she was surprised ; delighted with what she saw on the opening night .
4 The attempt now is to provide care on a community rather than an institutional basis , on the assumption that it is good to retain the mentally disordered within the community as far as possible and help to rehabilitate and reintegrate those who have had to go into hospitals for treatment .
5 Basically it provided for the care and treatment of the mentally disordered through the NHS under the central direction of the Minister of Health .
6 Local health authorities were to provide residential accommodation , training , guardianship , mental welfare officers and any other services that might benefit the mentally disordered in the community .
7 The basic principles of the 1983 consolidating Act remain the same as those of the 1959 Act : to provide treatment and care of the mentally disordered on an informal basis and in the community , wherever possible .
8 However , there is still not enough help available at the moment to the families of the mentally disordered despite the costs to them of caring for severely handicapped or disturbed relatives .
9 Partly because the public has been forced into awareness of the grave social problem the mentally disordered can present , the services are relatively well developed .
10 Miller found himself playing the role of her doctor , manager , analyst and trouble-shooter with an increasingly frustrated , impatient and high-handed Olivier , who was having marital problems himself with the mentally troubled Vivien Leigh , who had just announced a miscarriage at the age of forty-one .
11 This applies both to the mentally alert and the mentally confused .
12 In Scotland , the lack of development of Elderly Mentally Infirm Homes and the failure to implement the recommendations of the Timbury Report has meant that there has been increasing pressure on local authorities to care for " the mentally confused " ( the SWSG term ) and problems getting people into psychiatric care as they deteriorate .
13 Standing behind Mrs Wimbush , colander in hand , was a heavy-browed , dark-haired woman in a drab , shapeless frock , and on her face the perplexed expression of the mentally confused .
14 for the mentally distressed ,
15 It is , as I noted at the time , a peculiar fact that most laymen who have had responsibility for the health service have interested themselves personally to a preponderant extent in the case of the mentally afflicted , both the mentally ill and the mentally handicapped .
16 And all the rest of humanity which offended you , too : Jews , gipsies , the mentally handicapped , Poles , Russians — the Untermensch — — the subhuman , subhuman because they did not have blue eyes and blond hair , white skin or , that vaguest , and because most vague , most potent of myths , the right blood .
17 She has turned into a champion of the underdog , gone out on a limb to support unglamorous causes like AIDS victims , drug abusers and the mentally handicapped .
18 A white paper is expected at the end of this month in response to the Griffiths Report , which recommended that authorities be given greater responsibility for the mentally handicapped .
19 A recent ( and the first ) report by the Social Services Inspectorate on day services for the mentally handicapped finds much to criticise .
20 Such offences attack the principle of freedom of choice in sexual matters , and this , together with the punishment of those who exploit the young , the mentally handicapped , and those for whom they have responsibility , should form the bedrock of the scheme of offences .
21 The mentally handicapped are part of our disabled community .
22 It serves to illustrate that the words used to describe the mentally handicapped are important , not least among the handicapped themselves .
23 But if this process of change raised the issue of the care of the mentally handicapped the initial response was to seek their confinement .
24 The mental institutions were run like hospitals and , with the launch of the National Health Service in 1948 , the care of the mentally handicapped was transferred to the new hospital authorities .
25 Despite this early re-appraisal only in 1971 did the responsibility for the care of the mentally handicapped move back to the local authorities , where it now remains .
26 Some of the key aspects of the current pattern of the care of the mentally handicapped are : —
27 Because of the early efforts to contain and isolate mentally handicapped people and because of the lack of distinction between the mentally handicapped and those who may be mentally ill , possibly dangerously so , considerable fears have spread through society about people who live in asylums and ‘ loony bins ’ .
28 ( in fact , far from being considered inappropriate , the word ‘ bin ’ is now thought highly suitable among people who work with the mentally handicapped to describe large hospitals , but the irony tends to elude the general public ) .
29 If mental handicap hospitals are to be phased out , a comprehensive range of alternative facilities and services will be required for the care of the mentally handicapped .
30 Before discussing what form short and long term residential care should ideally take , it is important to note that local authorities have been extremely slow to provide any kind of residential care for the mentally handicapped .
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