Example sentences of "[be] [not/n't] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately for IBM , its problems are not simply that it has too many staff .
2 With regard to stereotyping , the justifiable objections are not only that males and females are depicted as occupying separate and ‘ traditional ’ spheres , but that the books present an over-exaggerated version of contemporary gender roles .
3 And you and I can look at her and look at others and say well , we 're not like that we 're exactly the same as that !
4 They 're not actually that im they 're not important about bringing them to faith .
5 Darrel , Darrel and Tom and that , I mean er who , are er erm if you look at them though they 're , they 're not really that I , I , I ca n't cope with it cos I , I 'm just calmer than that and I ca n't cope with
6 The alternative will be not just that the situation is a mess but that perfectly respectable stores will continue to be forced to break a stupid and outdated law .
7 With such facts in mind , the preference utilitarian may suggest that our aim should be not just that people should somehow have as much subjective experience as possible of the kinds they most prefer , but that as much as possible of what they would like to have happen should happen .
8 My position will be not only that the model of perfect competition fails to help us understand the market process , but that the models of imperfect competition developed to replace it are little more helpful .
9 Now there was an are n't somewhere that you had .
10 I mean , there are n't actually that many out where I come from . ’
11 I do n't need to be reminded that it was the previous administration who put it in the structure plan but I also want to remind those who were n't here that I was utterly opposed to that at the time .
12 People used the underground and of course there were the , there were the erm Morrison shelters were n't there that you you had indoors .
13 I consider that we have a very important national duty to perform in this respect ; this city is something more than the mother of arts and eloquence ; she is the mother of nations ; we are peopling two continents , the Western and the Southern Continent , and we are organising , christianising and civilising large portions of two ancient continents , Africa and Asia ; and it is not right that when the inhabitants of those countries come to the metropolis , they should see nothing worthy of its ancient renown .
14 While it is not right that either partner should always have to give way to the other , each may have to concede at times , for both their sakes and for the well-being of their marriage .
15 The point is , a ) that a really determined motorcyclist or moped rider will find a way onto a path no matter what barriers are put up , and b ) that it is not right that the cyclists , disabled walkers etc at whom the facility is aimed , should be disadvantaged for the sake of the minority of potential abusers .
16 It is not just that dealing with Old Age Pensioners who have reported missing budgies falls outside the definition of what counts as ‘ real ’ police work , the work is also disliked because it is problematic , for policemen need to display competence in the way they convey sympathy while admitting that nothing will be done .
17 It is not just that there survive undeconstructed residues of , say , Romanticism and modernism , or that the constructed forms echo still within the deconstructed ( although they clearly do survive in these ways ) ; it is also that they exert an influence in and as their newly deconstructed state .
18 Within Spanish art itself , on the other hand , the line is almost too simple : Goya was intensely aware of Velázquez , Picasso of both , but for Gironella the problem is not just that Picasso could be seen to have inserted himself into the next place in the sequence but that as a Mexican an unequivocal position in any such art-historical lineage is utterly unattainable .
19 It is not just that many of the old structures of central planning have been demolished , or that much of the government is now in the hands of people who still refer to themselves quite unselfconsciously as ‘ the opposition ’ .
20 It is not just that he persists in the language of ‘ lord ’ and ‘ servant , when Esau has called him ‘ brother ’ , though that is significant enough .
21 It is not just that things could be other than they are — it is that they must be .
22 It is not just that a ‘ market ’ approach to the administration of services dehumanizes people and makes doubtful assumptions about the way organizations actually work .
23 A sign of our having grown up is not just that we would n't listen to a Top Twenty single even if by any chance we could , but that we organize life so that we will never have to listen , by chance , to a Top Twenty single .
24 I believe the reason is not just that the statement is more dramatic but the nature of the drama .
25 It is not just that the academic protocols of putative objectivity , cross referencing and theoretical vocabulary sit uneasily beside political polemic which reads so differently from the equally strict conventions of focused brevity in the local government or consultant 's report , although these issues of style are themselves not minor .
26 It is not just that politicians speak with forked tongues .
27 It is not just that one supplements the Other : .
28 ‘ It is not just that the unwanted presence of rainbow trout can ruin the sport but there is also the environmental impact of these strangers , ’ said a spokesman .
29 It is not just that the ideas which underpin progressive primary methods have been , with a few notable exceptions , poorly articulated .
30 It is not just that beetles and mice are pests ( we might have said the same of ladybirds and the pursuit of wildfowl ) , but rather that the relative similarity of the larger mammals to ourselves materially affects our thinking and is reflected in our instinctive responses .
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