Example sentences of "[conj] would never [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That flicker of pain and anger that would never go away .
2 He had by now developed a routine that would never vary — a peculiar Kenneth Williams walk , prancing up and down stage with his bottom sticking out .
3 Before they even touched he knew it had been wrong to come , he knew he had reopened a wound that would never heal and could never be soothed by consummation , unless the war should end soon and they should both survive .
4 This was the very fringe of his parish , that part that would never become residentially ‘ desirable ’ because it was too near the railway , and many of the big gaunt houses had been taken over by families of West Indians .
5 It can bring together polar opposites in a way that would never happen in London or LA , where musicians hang out with their own kind .
6 It was one that would never recur .
7 He saw her eager body arched to welcome some casual stranger , her passion loosed in that spendthrift laugh that would never ring for him again .
8 All sorts of things occur to help one that would never have occurred .
9 All sorts of things occur to help one that would never have occurred .
10 The public and professional opposition to I M Pei 's famous glass pyramids at the Louvre was of a ferocity that would never have been withstood in England .
11 The Gotobeds were bad owners , you see ; our dad was killed by a rock fall that would never have happened , Mr Evans says , if they 'd taken proper safety precautions .
12 Does he understand that planning permission was initially gained , with difficulty , for the building of motorways through areas of outstanding natural beauty and great environmental sensitivity , so many people would not be keen to see developers spending hundreds of thousands — if not millions — of pounds fighting in a long succession of inquiries so that they can build not just motorway service areas — possibly excluding the disabled and lorries — but hotels and other facilities that would never have received permission when the original planning consent was granted ?
13 Certainly , in its execution of the attack the Fifth Army had displayed a cumbersomeness and excess of caution that would never have been countenanced by most of Hitler 's captains .
14 Most probably if he had n't gone to Hollywood that would never have happened .
15 I mean , years ago that would never have occurred .
16 Liking Julia as he did , admiring her stringent intelligence , her honesty , the unexpected humility that would never let her give advice unless she was asked for it , and her unfailing reasonableness , it had never occurred to him that he might be falling in love with her .
17 It was a world that would never solidify , would never be understood , unless it was named ; as philosophers knew , only the naming of an object could make it real .
18 A dull , fey whine that would never see release unless the singer had a track record . ’
19 I 'm not saying that you know would successfully we drove back millions of people supporting us that would never support us if you go into one particular matter alone or one particular hospital closure alone .
20 Scars that would never fade .
21 This was one rose that would never fade .
22 ‘ Even when we were at school together , you used to lord it over the rest of us , and would never admit that you were capable of making any mistakes .
23 A complete feeling of misery swept over Robyn , mixed with just a hint of panic , as she really began to despair that she had read her own instructions correctly and would never reach the barn or even civilisation again .
24 Approximately one third of you feel a lot more worried about your safety than you used to and would never walk home alone in the dark , while a quarter never use public transport after dark .
25 ‘ Shelley was elevated to the Bible this morning , ’ one of them would whisper to the other , but they were fond of Mabel and would never hurt her .
26 The judges know nothing about any will of the people except in so far as that will is expressed by an Act of Parliament , and would never suffer the validity of a statute to be questioned on the ground of its having been passed or kept alive in opposition to the wishes of the electors . ’
27 If all scientists were and remained normal scientists then a particular science would become trapped in a single paradigm and would never progress beyond it .
28 By 1928 Vidor was almost a cult figure amongst movie intellectuals and when he was in Europe in that year all those who hoped for better things listened with interest as he pointed out that independent film-makers and the ‘ little theatre movement ’ would never compete with Hollywood and would never break through to the large undeveloped market unless they attracted sufficient investment to improve their product .
29 They were painted , and would never move to an earlier time .
30 Spanning 50 years of his life , Sinatra begins with the frustrations of his early years in the 1920s and 30s , when he was told he had no talent and would never make it as a professional singer .
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