Example sentences of "[conj] [indef pn] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 That way little or nothing is revealed .
2 Modern beliefs , one might think , ought to be in the rationalist mould of the Enlightenment , but little or nothing is taught about the psychology of consciousness in schools , except in terms of religious studies .
3 In medical schools a great deal is taught about the medical and other consequences of high alcohol consumption but little or nothing is taught about alcoholism , the addictive disease .
4 In the old language andegari meant hawthorn , and a bush of that type probably at one time marked the external borders of the city of Mediolanum , although little or nothing is known of that first town .
5 At present little or nothing is known about these patients .
6 While there was , from the platform , evidence of considerable care and attention being paid to the potential physical hazards of the industry , little or nothing was said by the industry 's speakers about the effects of chemicals or their by-products on the environment .
7 Then says Mr. Daniel , ‘ Yes , but that is a future consideration and a future consideration , if nothing were done under it or nothing was proved to be done , would fail . ’
8 Where nothing is written it takes time to create a document which is genuinely useful to many of us , both as a verification of our struggle and a signpost to future strategies for our art work .
9 A city ‘ where nothing is wasted , costly and luxurious city though it be , but where wonderful human ants creep out of holes , and pick up every scrap ’ , OMF i 12 .
10 The second reason given seems a little odd at first : a specific list of prohibited practices can only increase the degree of uncertainty for firms compared to the current arrangements , where nothing is specified .
11 ( b ) The pressures on the police may be such that they will try to avoid keeping records especially where nothing is found or they feel that no request for a copy of the record will be made .
12 There appear to be no special forms or procedures which are required to be adopted in the county court where someone is found guilty of contempt in the face of the court and committed to prison under section 118 of the County Courts Act 1984 , although no doubt , if such an event were to occur , the court would follow the general approach required by Ord. 29 , r.1(5) of the County Court Rules 1981 ( as amended ) which applies in the case of committal for breach of injunctions .
13 They must have been on to her or somebody 's given her away , one or t' other , 'cos it must have been a set-up cop .
14 Scarlet knew that Constance 's family had firmly structured views on vengeance and a quick and subtle ear for a slight : sometimes they saw offence where none was intended , being — Scarlet allowed — not distinguished by great intelligence .
15 Case 2 — to suggest some candidates where none was found from the original data .
16 They say that could mean that tests would show the presence of Digoxin where none was administered .
17 So , you know , all erm , Toyota Corollas or something are produced in Derby and those cars made in Derby will not only satiate the U K demand , but they 'll also be exported to all other countries in the world , including Japan itself .
18 Angalo said that turnips or something were stored up there , and there may be some potatoes .
19 Where something is seen to change ?
20 .. I do n't know what this is founded in , but I believe that there must be some kind of basic system of balance , where everything 's weighed up and when all the pain we 've created in the world gets salved because we live again .
21 I know that some knitters prefer to work from a written patter , where everything is explained in full throughout the whole pattern .
22 We have a get rich quick philosophy where everything is geared to maximum profits .
23 Pynchon 's characters are constantly driven by the impulse to locate themselves within larger schemes which would authenticate their own experience , but waver between the appalling extremes of total randomness ( where no pattern is discernible ) and paranoia ( where everything is subsumed into pattern ) .
24 Over eight million people came to admire this new concept of an environment where everything was intended to lift the spirits .
25 I 'm thinking towards the eastern European countries , for example , where one is told , or has been led to believe they were aiming for classlessness and what 's happening th barriers are coming down and they 're heading towards our capitalist society as a
26 The composer and the writer of the text ( where one is used ) mediate and transcribe the words and music which are their particular inspiration from God .
27 I feel it 's that sort of occasion where one is merited . ’
28 She had sent her younger son to a private school because the switch to comprehensives was such a mess and because he had a horror of a huge education factory after his primary school where everybody was known by their first name .
29 ‘ We do n't have anything where anyone 's violated against their will .
30 After a long-winded description of the historical background to the war , and survey of the situation in the east — hinting that the war would continue to drag on over the coming winter — Hitler , in the part of the speech which attracted most attention , demanded full powers to act immediately and ruthlessly ‘ independent of person and status ’ where anyone was found not to be fulfilling his duties to the ‘ people 's community ’ and failing in the war effort and promised an ‘ inexorable challenge to every form of corruption and omission of duty ’ .
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