Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This has led to situations like that described in A Job Well Done ? by Helene Middleweek and Michael Ward , a report prepared on behalf of the Co-ordination Committee for the Welfare of Evacuees from Uganda , of a family consisting of mother , father and thirteen-year-old son , where neither of the parents spoke any English and the father was almost paralysed .
2 Its structures , moreover , are irregular , supposedly answering to the needs of those within , not dictated from without by the demands of symmetry ; their emphasis is vertical , aspiring heavenwards ( as the Victorians frequently remarked ) , where that of the classical house is horizontal , connecting with the values of this earth .
3 It is this area , especially in its safety aspects , that is the most important responsibility of the physical effects supervisor , whose work often ends where that of the optical effects supervisor is just really beginning .
4 And I can approach the conference office to find out what 's here , and I can then go after each of the different categories we 're looking for , or each of the conferences .
5 Alongside the power socket are a pair of sockets from which to remotely switch the effect bypass and to take the ME-6 from ‘ program ’ into ‘ manual ’ mode , where each of the 6 pedals activates individual effects , making the ME-6 work just like a series of ordinary pedals .
6 The same applies to the upholstering of the outer flat-lidded shaped-shouldered velvet-covered cases of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries , though some coffin-makers and funeral furnishers did have their own patterns when it came to the application of the round-headed upholstery pins — as noticed in the east Gostling vault beneath St John 's Church , Egham , Surrey , used from 1817–41 , where each of the five coffins had a similar cross motif between the three side panels — whilst others introduced variety through the use of two complementary colours of velvet .
7 With the torches extinguished , Rostov could see only a vague blur where each of the targets stood .
8 Moving towards the right-hand end of the spectrum , another landmark point is the probability of a perfect deal in bridge , where each of the four players receives a complete suit of cards .
9 Elections also took place for 40 seats in the 76-seat Senate , where each of the six states was represented by 12 members , and the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory by two members each .
10 What he really meant was that it was not in his interest or that of the intelligence services involved .
11 It should have the same meaning for each person , whatever his contribution to the world , whether it be that of a labourer or that of the highly qualified expert in , for example , quantum mechanics or any other of those disciplines for the erudite which , to the laity border on unreality .
12 Their album , an endless assault on the drugs , thugs and mugs American Way came without any mention of the band 's name or that of the album , just the stars'n'stripes .
13 Yet Elizabeth had been a widow for over ten years , and her children were very nearly off her hands ; it is quite possible that her brief sojourn in the workhouse was part of an attempt to give her life a new direction and meaning — perhaps she was there as a helper , a visitor , a counsellor to those in need , or even as a missionary spreading the gospel of Christianity in general or that of the Lady Huntingdon 's Connexion in particular .
14 In this case the arbitrator has to accept either the position of the management or that of the workforce — the purpose of such arbitration is to encourage moderation , by discouraging unrealistically high pay claims from the workforce and unrealistically low offers from the management , in the expectation that a traditional arbitrator would eventually ‘ split the difference ’ between the two positions .
15 By contrast the peripheral employee is judged entirely on his past record or that of the consultant company which employs him on a semi-permanent basis .
16 True , there is a Will in Sonnets 135 and 136 , and if the italicization in the 1609 Quarto is significant it can be seen to represent Shakespeare 's own name , or that of the Friend , or even the Dark Lady 's husband .
17 There is nothing fishy about simply admitting the reality of the difference , or that of the physical causes which — alongside cultural ones — help to produce it .
18 That in turn poses the question , whose judgement is to be applied — the management 's , Whitehall 's , Parliament 's , the EC commissioners ' , the pressure groups ' , or that of the public ?
19 In many cases , it is important that such people are persuaded to a particular point of view which is to their benefit or that of the community as a whole .
20 The stick-and-carrot approach to ‘ race relations ’ has done little to shift the moral economy of the street gang , or that of the rank-and-file police .
21 The intricacy of the Paris ‘ Cu[id and Psyche ’ ( 1793 ) or that of the Geneva ‘ Venus and Adonis ’ ( 1794 ) are essays in what Hugh Honour in his catalogue contribution describes as ‘ a meditatively deliberated art of controlled sensuality which demands a reciprocally calm and considered response ’ .
22 The more directly threatening stance of the sleepwalker or that of the hypnotist differs from the remote glance of Lamia , but there is once again the unseen threat of the woman as shape-changer and enchantress .
23 Pursuing this laissez-faire policy may have been in the national interest , but it did n't seem to be in John 's or that of the other hostages .
24 By avoiding the insoluble problems surrounding jurisdictional terminology it does however focus on the relevant issues directly : whose opinion on the existence and meaning of a statutory term should be accepted , that of the agency or that of the courts ?
25 In the former , becoming a judge is a matter of electing one career path over another ; having trained as a lawyer , one may select the path of the judge or that of the advocate .
26 As regards Editing for Industry , I am satisfied the management structure and the people involved ensure that it is far and above board — I would not wish to be associated with anything that damaged my reputation or that of the Association .
27 Or that of the poor themselves , for daring to bend their heads and stare ?
28 From here , a futher interpretation of the Miller 's Tale may be proposed which is similar in form to that of Les quatre Souhais Saint Martin recalled just above , although far less severe , morally , than either that proposed for the French fabliau or that of the allegorizers .
29 Identity and cultural assurance will become access to the e-data of your ancestors or that of the cultures and social formations with which you identify .
30 Orton 's fault , or that of the staging by the multi-talented Jeremy Sams ; some flaw in the characterisations , or simply the passage of time and our over-exposure to horrors ?
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