Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Where Lewis looked at the world around him , even when he was writing autobiography , Leavis looked ever more attentively at himself .
2 Seeing Mungo looking at them , Emily whispered : ‘ Animal traps .
3 Jones & Smith looks like a simple theft case and the defendants should be so charged .
4 Just as PageMaker provides almost infinite control over each element of each page so Ventura looks after the complete document .
5 earlier on in the book was the pictures that Rochester looked at
6 It was against this background , namely that it seemed preposterous to suppose that a.b could ever be other than equal to b.a in any consistent algebraic setting , that Hamilton looked for more than 10 years for an extension of complex numbers suitable for application to the physics of 3-dimensional space .
7 Well that 's certainly one way of looking at it erm but it 's not the way that Eisenhower looked at it , and it 's not the way that many people looked at it erm tt afterwards .
8 And then she started on a list of all my illnesses , accidents and crimes , while everybody except Joe looked at me with disgust .
9 Some who went to the surgery thought that Daisy looked like an animal herself , moving sometimes like a slow marmalade cat , other times like a bustling sheep dog-for she was a woman of moods — and seeming to combine the best and worst qualities of each .
10 The third is that God looks after it .
11 For present purposes we can conclude that Trotsky looked to proletarian democracy as a defence against bureaucratization .
12 He thought about the way that Overdene looked at him from his glass cubbyhole whenever Henry was twenty minutes late from lunch .
13 It was only then that Jenna looked at her watch .
14 It is sad that Countrywatch looks like becoming a growth industry .
15 Julia noticed that Felicity looked towards her husband with an air of almost maternal concern , as though afraid of the effect of the conversation on him , and it struck Julia that he probably still had many relations in Russia .
16 Each time that Joyce looked in his shaving-mirror and whenever he caught the reflection of his face , the livid and disfiguring streak reminded him of what he had become .
17 No one else could look at things the straightforward way that Rachel looked at things .
18 Dalziel and Pascoe looked at each other for a long moment after the door had slammed behind Evans .
19 Rosie and Doyle looked at Bernard simultaneously .
20 We went into Julia 's room , and Holmes looked at the windows carefully .
21 And William looked at him with an odd expression , and at first Preston thought he really did n't remember or was pretending he did n't , but then he smiled , even more oddly , and said , ‘ The Devil . ’
22 The attempt by the power behind his throne , Warwick — now duke of Northumberland — to secure the succession for his strongly Protestant daughter-in-law Lady Jane Grey was a dismal failure ; and England was now ruled by the Catholic Mary Tudor , then in her late thirties , married to Philip of Spain , and therefore potentially capable of establishing a Catholic dynasty which would make Henry VIII , Somerset and Northumberland look like a temporary aberration .
23 with that picture of Speed , rodders and Macca looking as if they have orgasamed .
24 The pitch was rock hard and slippy and Hereford looked to be sliding into trouble when Shrewsbury full-back , Graeme Worsley thumped his team into the lead in the second half .
25 February and March look to be the most volatile months and a stringent cutback or a rationalisation of your financial situation could be essential .
26 He was gone , and Morse looked around the area somewhat fecklessly .
27 I did n't say anything , and Will looked at me and laughed again .
28 ‘ Darkfall , ’ said Rohmer in a tone of voice approaching real awe , and Cardiff looked at him hard again .
29 ‘ I do promise , ’ said Fergus , and Dierdriu looked at him very intently .
30 She and Marcus looked at me , she shrugged and they talked for a while .
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