Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] is quite " in BNC.

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1 A noteworthy recent example of the use of Article 100 in the area of social policy is Council Directive 91/533 on an employer 's obligation to inform employees of the conditions applicable to the contract or employment relationship , where it is quite simply asserted in the recitals that ‘ differences in the legislation of Member States may have a direct effect on the operation of the common market ’ .
2 There are examples of these arrangements in relations between highly skilled workers and employers , where it is quite common for wage and employment levels to be determined not by current market conditions , but by mutual agreement between the parties .
3 Makes charts of calories in various foods and tries to make herself thinner , although she is quite slim . ’
4 ‘ One thing you notice about her driving is that she is quite precise but she is never afraid to go into battle . ’
5 Even at this distance , and despite the coat , William can tell that she is quite slim .
6 Although it is quite lumpy on a small scale , with matter gathered in planets and stars and emptiness in between , on larger scales the matter is surprisingly evenly spread .
7 Although it is quite reasonable to ask a human being to search by eye through a moderate number of drawings of artefacts it is not reasonable where thousands are involved .
8 The Meadowell was build on a green field site and , as such , is an over spill estate , although it is quite close to North Shields centre .
9 The government had concluded ‘ that it is quite wrong that we should build up artificial hopes ’ by allowing boat people to remain in the colony in the belief that they would be resettled .
10 Pliny 's account naturally did n't go into the details of the mechanics of the eruption , but his account is so illuminating that it is quite clear what happened , and similar eruptions , blasting large volumes of pumiceous ash into the air are still called Plinian eruptions .
11 The principal difficulty is that it is quite clear that the texts of the classical jurists have not been left as they were written ; and since it is clear that Justinian was keen on enforcement in all circumstances , it is hard to decide whether we should take all reference to it to be a product of his ardour , or the more extreme cases of public interest to be acceptable classical examples .
12 The impulse to take it out of the box and start taking pictures right away can be very strong , and the user-friendliness of these machines is such that it is quite possible to do just that .
13 ‘ Although we consolidate using spreadsheets at the moment , we find that it is quite a lot of hard work , ’ says finance director Mark Nabakov .
14 I do sometimes get asked how many machines I 've had and although I have n't actually counted them up , you will see that it is quite a few ! !
15 So intense is the chameleon 's concentration that it is quite unaware of imminent danger .
16 We need not bother with the details , save to say that it is quite certain that all the contemporary accounts of Balboa 's triumph — which mention that he first saw the Pacific at 10 am on Tuesday , 25 September — are wrong .
17 However , McDonough ( 1981 ) points out that it is quite possible to consider the favourable attitude to the language simply as a result of success in its use .
18 Suppose you sometimes feel tempted to drive faster than the allowed speed limit , perhaps because you are in a hurry or because you decide that it is quite safe to do so and that the speed limit is unnecessary .
19 Finally , of the argument that Jesus treated women well ( and thus it is of significance that he did not ‘ choose ’ women — to be part of a symbolic number of people who in any case had to be male ! ) , it must be said that it is quite unwarranted .
20 It will be along the lines that it is quite as true that we have no satisfactory conception of anything much-including , most piquantly , the elements which enter into any alternative conception of the condition-set for an effect .
21 [ Furthermore ] no Englishman competent to judge doubts that our literature ranks among the two or three greatest in the world ; or that it is quite arguable that , if not perhaps the finest , it is the richest of all .
22 Nevertheless , this same body of theory has also shown that it is quite possible in some cases for entry to destroy natural monopoly properties , as in the Faulhaber example above .
23 ( This is not to say that you can deliberately reach people by advertising ‘ subliminally ’ , merely that it is quite possible to get a message out of an ad without really being aware of it . )
24 These it uses to stun its prey and the discharge is so powerful that it is quite sufficient to knock over a horse standing in the shallows .
25 The sceptic suggests that the two are only contingently related , i.e. that it is quite possible for there to be the one without the other , and that in fact for all we know this is how things are .
26 I have been told by a friend that this is an early AA key , and that it is quite valuable .
27 The belief that different treatment methods are needed for and tried on different populations of sufferers does not stand up to critical examination : the stories of those in recovery from addictive disease through the Anonymous Fellowships are so immensely varied that it is quite clear that this population has not been selected in any way .
28 However , three of the examples quoted suggest that the alternatives are not mutually exclusive , and that it is quite possible for a person to be concerned both for people and for the task , for example .
29 In his later development of the 12-tone system Schoenberg illustrates the second , rationalist modernist ideal-type , in a sense that it is quite clear that the new order is a created and posited ordering .
30 CPRW does not object to such an approach , believing that it is quite appropriate for planning officers to explore the potential for overall planning gain in specific cases .
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