Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , the relationship is more complex than simply that between overall numbers of people and of dwellings ( i.e. structurally distinct physical living areas ) .
2 The difficulties in these regions are extreme ; the growing period in relatively arid zones is often more than twice that in more northerly regions and there is a real fire risk .
3 Hamilton ( 1987 ) refutes the HEDT suggestion that widespread deforestation in the Himalaya is the prime cause of flooding in the lower reaches of the Ganges and the Brahmaputra and argues that large-scale flooding , such as that of 1985 in India when 237 people were killed ( and presumably that in Bangladesh in 1988 ) , could not be prevented even if the entire Himalaya were forested .
4 The FMLN command argue that cooperative production is vital , so as to develop a more self-sufficient economy within the zones and so that after the victory , the national economy will have a working base on which to build .
5 From the practical standpoint , it is often claimed that there is never enough time to write objectives ; that their use removes the spontaneity from teaching ; and finally that from a clinical point of view they are inappropriate , as much of the teaching is ‘ crisis , teaching and can not be foreseen nor planned .
6 If we shoot a rocket to the moon and bring it back ten days later we can calculate before the start , within a matter of seconds and a few hundred yards , just how long it will take and where it will land , provided always that in the course of the proceedings there is no human error .
7 Note how much more upright his rig is compared to B's , and also that by being further underneath the boom , it is easier to apply pressure to the mast foot .
8 Moreover , it must be remembered that the unit is extremely small , and also that by the time that man was struggling with the birth pangs of civilisation , it had already been produced , by the wondrous process of evolution , in astronomical numbers .
9 My Stock will blaze when other snuffs are out ; a Rising Star is worth two setting Suns : And now that in the style of my Siege of Memphis , opportunity reaches forth her silver hairs and bids me hold .
10 Yet he certainly taught the relativity of earthly authority , and even that by his bringing in of God 's kingdom the Mosaic law and Temple cult ceased to be final .
11 It is therefore advisable to delete clause 9.1.6 , or if that fails , at least ensure that it is amended to refer to the distress or execution being levied at the premises ( 5 ) Consider adding the following two provisos : PROVIDED HOWEVER that in the event that this Lease is mortgaged at the time of the proposed re-entry and the Landlord has been given notice of the existence of the mortgage then prior to such re-entry or proceedings therefor the Landlord will serve a notice of such proceedings and proposed re-entry on the mortgagee at the mortgagee 's last known address AND PROVIDED FURTHER that if the Tenant ( being an individual ) becomes bankrupt or ( being a company ) enters into liquidation ( whether compulsory or voluntary save for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction of a solvent company ) or has a receiver appointed the Landlord shall not exercise the right of re-entry by virtue of such bankruptcy liquidation or receivership unless neither the Tenant nor its mortgagee shall pay the rent hereinbefore reserved on the days and in the manner provided or there shall be any breach or non-performance or non-observance of any of the other covenants or agreements on the part of the Tenant herein contained
12 That 's what she 's like at school , misbehaving so languidly and aristocratically that by the time anyone notices , it 's too late to do anything about it .
13 It declares that there is no law — no right flowing from past political decisions — apart from the law drawn from those decisions by techniques that are themselves matters of convention , and therefore that on some issues there is no law either way .
14 And secondly that in the interests of ‘ racial harmony ’ the government would itself discriminate against black people and make this discrimination legal .
15 To say that they have priority is not to say that they have absolute hegemony over all other accounts at all other times , but rather that as a practical technique they are the accounts from which one 's initial hypotheses as to what is happening must be taken .
16 Eryngium alpinum I have saved almost to the last , not because it is common , which it is , but rather that to my mind it is the loveliest representative of the Umbelliferae family ( which includes , strange though it may seem , the carrot ) .
17 So when he claims to have had glimpses of absolute Truth , it may be reasonable to assume , not that he has caught a glimpse of some kind of hypostasized Ultimate or extra-mundane entity , but rather that through his participation in a particular form of life he is made aware of the need to live and act in accordance with certain religious and ethical criteria and is informed by the spirit of what might be called dharma ( law ) , or ta ( moral law ) , or tao ( way ) but which he prefers to call Truth ( Satya ) or God .
18 This is not to suggest that those outside this range never work , but rather that in advanced countries gainful employment is considered to be mainly the responsibility of those in this particular age band of 50 years .
19 But rather that in the incarnation God in Christ took on humanity ( the universal ) ; which is not to imply that he did not have particularities , which indeed one has to have to be human .
20 The first repetition is not particularly distinguished : the signs on k and P t are correct , but only that on P t is significantly different from zero .
21 In the present study , α-tocopherol in the serum but not that in the gastric mucosa significantly decreased with time after indomethacin administration , and , also , the decrease of α-tocopherol in the serum was returned to the normal range by concomitant treatment with SOD and catalase .
22 He found that the bats ' activity was clearly related to the air temperature , but also that at certain times of year they were crucially influenced by the street lights ( Holarctic Ecology , vol. 14 , pp 203–7 ) .
23 However , not only is the wind downwind of a sail affected but also that behind the board , since the sail curves the wind and it takes a few board lengths for it to revert to its normal direction .
24 The significance of this case is not only that the House of Lords effectively over-ruled the majority decision in Candler but also that in doing this the judgment went beyond Lord Denning 's minority judgment .
25 Indeed it is worse , for the next bond has to bear , not only the load in all the initially broken chains but also that in the chain which has newly snapped .
26 This ‘ business ’ characteristic does not require that he should regularly carry on business as an agent but simply that on the occasion in question he was acting as a business proposition .
27 When , that is , when so that from equation ( 11.35 ) and Assuming again that when , the constant is .
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