Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Those of us who want the Scottish people to stay in the UK can see nothing logically wrong or abhorrent in the UK developing its constitutional relationship with its community partners .
2 There may also be good reason for deleting reference to the contemplation of proceedings under ss 146 or 147 of the Law of Property Act 1925 , as the costs recoverable under such a provision may not be easy for the tenant to assess and counter .
3 There is a great deal of high quality equipment on the market at the moment , but there is probably more which is either inferior or unsuitable for the purpose it is sold for .
4 These were not of the best quality ; lighting in the first instance was oil , then gas , but on the introduction of electrically lit stock , the batteries were always run down or low in the winter , and described by one wag , a regular user of the service , as reminiscent of ‘ a red hot hairpit ’ .
5 Brain dysfunction - due to uncontrolled electrical discharges as in epilepsy or due to the effects of drugs or toxins damping down electrical activity — will lead to disturbance or loss of consciousness .
6 Many wc cisterns are noisy in operation — either because of the type of cistern installed , or due to the ball valve .
7 But it is difficult to tell whether this is the fault of the Act , or due to the public backlash against young offenders .
8 One commonly held idea is that the healing response is a placebo effect , simply the power of suggestion , or due to the charisma of an individual healer .
9 Externalisation or blaming — admitting that there are problems but saying that the causes are due to pressures at work or unemployment or due to social , financial or other stresses or due to doctors or " pushers " or due to the inadequacy of the police , customs officials or the Government .
10 ‘ Perhaps she hopes people will see what they want to , ’ Benjamin replied , ‘ any change detected being dismissed as fanciful or due to the work of the embalmers . ’
11 Even for open questions , there will perhaps be loss of information if the interviewer does not use a tape recorder or due to the crudeness of coding required or the need to pool categories during analysis .
12 There was never anything sophisticated or subtle about the doleful northerner but boy , could he make you laugh .
13 One can think of companies like Hanson Trust which , though still present in transport , its original roots , is now a mighty conglomerate in two continents , or companies like W. R. Grace , far away from shipping now , or Allied in the States where chemical activities are now only a small part of the whole .
14 — Have you been sad or depressed during the past month ?
15 These links were weak or nonexistent in the Low Country , where most villages were identified with only one caste .
16 The network of ditches was in many cases originally designed to take advantage of the winter flooding of the rivers and enabled these areas to be managed as water meadows , a particular form of management which produced good quality hay crops , but is no longer practised or possible with the improvement of drainage and flood prevention .
17 As I indicated earlier , not all writers think it advisable or possible for the West to import Japanese practices .
18 There are variations in the public services deemed necessary , desirable or possible in the circumstances obtaining in different countries at different times .
19 In the old town of Leigh , part of Southend West constituency , the cockle boats with their huge punts lie at anchor with small vessels that fish for plaice or sole on the Maplin Sands .
20 A statement in its memorandum of association that the company 's object shall be to carry on business as a general commercial company shall mean that its object is to carry on any trade or business whatsoever , and in such a case the company has power to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the carrying on of any trade or business by it .
21 ( x ) To do all such other things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of the Company 's objects or any of them .
22 ( x ) To do all such other things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of the Company 's objects or any of them .
23 I was about ten or eleven at the time , but I had ‘ known ’ since I was about six .
24 To subtract , we move backward in time , or anti-clockwise around the numbers .
25 There was nothing remotely sensible or well-balanced about the turmoil of emotions his touch was arousing , Luce thought distractedly .
26 This has led to situations like that described in A Job Well Done ? by Helene Middleweek and Michael Ward , a report prepared on behalf of the Co-ordination Committee for the Welfare of Evacuees from Uganda , of a family consisting of mother , father and thirteen-year-old son , where neither of the parents spoke any English and the father was almost paralysed .
27 Its structures , moreover , are irregular , supposedly answering to the needs of those within , not dictated from without by the demands of symmetry ; their emphasis is vertical , aspiring heavenwards ( as the Victorians frequently remarked ) , where that of the classical house is horizontal , connecting with the values of this earth .
28 It is this area , especially in its safety aspects , that is the most important responsibility of the physical effects supervisor , whose work often ends where that of the optical effects supervisor is just really beginning .
29 Unlike its plainer cousin , it will not bring shame to the wearer by wilting or drooping on the crucial day .
30 So our care and management of the young horse will affect not only how the horse relates to people , but whether the horse relates to its environment in a way that is constructive or destructive to the horse itself .
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