Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 A similar strategy , explored by Salop and Scheffman ( 1987 ) , is where integration or contracts entered into by the incumbent have the effect of raising rivals costs , e.g. where a contract with a supplier specifies that an input will only be supplied to an entrant at a higher price than that enjoyed by the incumbent .
2 Private sector companies do not have this luxury however , and operate on a funding scheme where money placed into the fund is used to finance future pension payments .
3 Another factor which can have quite a major bearing on your approach is whether your video is to be edited in camera , that is recorded in the final shot order , or post-production edited into a different shot order on a copy tape .
4 ‘ No new right or liability came into existence at [ the date of the minister 's decision ] .
5 Often the coincidence turns out , on the shortest examination , to be unremarkable : typically , it might consist of two acquaintances from school or university running into one another after a gap of several years .
6 Let's take it and prevent a constructive relationship with the T & G developing into an unworkable alliance .
7 In the sphere of aesthetics , Lessing , Herder , and , a generation later , Friedrich Schlegel not only base their diverse theories on material or formulations put into currency by Winckelmann , but might be said to owe to him , as Schlegel put it , " the very idea of a history of art " , conceived as the development of a series of individual works towards a perfect beauty .
8 Reptiles and amphibians use a three-chambered heart , where blood goes into a separate part of the atrium on its way to the muscles , but the blood on its way back empties into the same ventricle .
9 9.3 Covenants relating to adjoining Premises Nothing contained in or implied by this Lease shall give the Tenant the benefit of or the right to enforce or to prevent the release or modification of any covenant agreement or condition entered into by any tenant of the Landlord in respect of any property not comprised in this Lease Tenants have very limited rights to enforce covenants against each other .
10 They reached Cannes , where Ken got into the spirit of things again much to Paddick 's embarrassment .
11 There were more idols , and some of the rugs had ouija board designs or pentagrams woven into them .
12 Or there may be ideological elements worth teasing out , either in the object of study ( in the social activity or institution brought into purview ) or in the corpus of knowledge itself .
13 The film was responsible at the time for the tremendous popularity of the bar and , whenever Yates or Dustin went into it , they were sent over a bottle of champagne by the management .
14 The only side effects worth considering are the consequences for the rest of society , in particular those of us who have had our cars or homes broken into , or have had our hard-earned leisure time wrecked by noise , rubbish and other anti-social behaviour such as illegal ‘ festivals ’ and acid parties .
15 Most landowners were Zuwaya or their assignees : people who were not Zuwaya and who owned land were ( Zuwaya said ) either clients or descendants of Zuwaya slaves , or affines incorporated into the Zuwaya genealogy .
16 Eventually the H.H. & B.R. passed into the hands of the Midland Railway though Eardisley station also served a branch northwards which was G.W.R. territory .
17 There are countless individual stories encapsulated in the photographs of migrant workers arriving at Continental stations or commuters pouring into the London termini , of the Jews being herded on to trains headed for the death-camps , or of armies departing for half a dozen different wars — the brave , cheerful , youthful faces of a nation 's young men heading off for the rendezvous with destiny .
18 Erm , without stigmatizing them , it is possible to identify families where any new addition to the family or youngster coming into it , obviously are children who need erm , extra backup in one form or another , before they reach school age .
19 If you have sex with men for a living , it is crucial to have safer sex — either by using a condom for penetrative intercourse or by providing services that do not risk his blood or semen getting into your vagina or rectum e.g. masturbation and fantasy sex .
20 Some of the Chaloners were respected for their craft skills , others through their initiative and hard work earned the name of yeoman , but yet others through idleness or misfortune fell into poverty .
21 Pressure group politics is a manifestation of this where individuals organise into groups to achieve their aims .
22 Article 6 of the Convention also declared that its provisions did not preclude any of the following so far as the laws of the concerned states or conventions entered into between them allowed :
23 To take the problem first : it is caused by the fact that there are literary modes beneath romance and beneath epic or tragedy , i.e. ‘ low mimesis ’ -this being the mode of most novels , in which the hero is much on a level with us — and lower still ‘ irony ’ , where heroes turn into anti-heroes like Sancho Panza or Good Soldier Schweik or Leopold Bloom .
24 Any information or documentation coming into the Commission 's possession as a result of the exercise of their powers under the competition rules are covered by an obligation of professional secrecy .
25 A few days ago , some hooligan or other walked into our bedroom , mine and Jane 's — and lifted " Suddenly , as the thought struck him , he jerked back in his chair , as if he had been given a minor electric shock , and stared at Alice , his jaw literally dropping .
26 A hierarchy exists when there is a system of people or things ranked into some kind of order .
27 Teenagers ( and children ) should always be told about future events involving them moving house , or father going into hospital for an operation so that they have time to adjust to the idea .
28 Second , an earthing ‘ bridge ’ must be applied across plastic pipe or fittings inserted into water pipes anywhere in the house .
29 Seas are overfished , pastures overgrazed , wild animals hunted to near extinction , or smoke released into the atmosphere , because it is not in the interests of one individual to reduce his consumption if others do not .
30 " With regard to the Native custom affecting cases of this kind , there is possibly no definite rule that can be made applicable to all cases and to all districts , but this rule appears to be applicable everywhere , that when a woman of one tribe or hapu marries into another tribe or hapu , her rights become extinguished , unless some act of ownership is exercised either by herself or her immediate descendants .
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