Example sentences of "[adv] that it look " in BNC.

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1 Kathleen Lavender held out a cardboard box between her hands , speechlessly , so that it looked like some kind of dumb offering and Dorothea at once remembered the solicitor 's stiff letter , her own shamed surprise and then her agitation .
2 The top was also a little long , but not so that it looked foolish .
3 The cat 's cradle had elongated so that it looked like a cone .
4 They made the bed up , so that it looked ordinary .
5 It was painted pink and surrounded by white , wooden palings so that it looked like an overgrown doll 's house .
6 If in the peg and socket arrangement the true priorities were the alignment and the contact then we might redesigns the whole thing so that it looked something like the drawing shown here .
7 This passage or corridor was carpeted in moss green , now faded and stained in places from water and the urine of nervous animals , so that it looked more like some natural substance , moss or close-cut turf , than man-made carpet .
8 I stared straight back at it and very slowly brought the gun round to bear , moving it first one way then slightly the other , so that it looked like something swaying with the wind in the grass .
9 Her iron hand was even harder on the pastry , and affected its colour as well so that it looked dark and oppressed .
10 So that it looked as if it belonged to the house .
11 The horse must prick its ears so that it looks ‘ happy ’ : it must not be relaxed and content with its ears backwards , either listening or resting , or else everyone will think that it is ‘ sour ’ .
12 The most intriguing of these are bread crust bombs , which are rounded or angular lumps with a smooth , glassy crust broken up by deep cracks and fissures which expose the frothy , vesicular core of the bomb , so that it looks rather like a well-baked crusty loaf .
13 Bran cereals and muesli are rather more weighty , so here people tend to serve out more than an ounce just so that it looks sufficient .
14 If Hamer have sought to redesign this feature so that it looks better overall then I 'd suggest that they have made a mistake .
15 All she has to do is slip the Mickey Mouse earrings in the pocket , smooth down her short hair so that it looks less like Just William and more like Tony Slattery , and the personality change is complete .
16 Future risks — ‘ there should be a cultural shift in the audit so that it looks forward as well as backward ’ .
17 Practise applying your make-up so that it looks as though you 're not wearing any at all — it 's a real art , but it can be done !
18 This involves reconstruing the situation so that it looks more straightforward and easy to handle , thus allowing sides to be taken or a stance adopted which reduces the confusion and allows at least some action to be taken — a villain to be defeated , a wrong to be righted , a battle to be fought .
19 As the name implies , this operation involves emphasizing the boundary or edge features on the image so that it looks less blurred .
20 Spread the American frosting over the body of the sheep and swirl with a palette knife so that it looks like a woolly coat .
21 Attach the arm inside the sarcophagus so that it looks as if it is coming out of the base , and bend it up slightly so that it looks as if it is pushing up the lid .
22 Attach the arm inside the sarcophagus so that it looks as if it is coming out of the base , and bend it up slightly so that it looks as if it is pushing up the lid .
23 Place the foot at the base of the door , and attach the arm so that it looks as if it is holding the door open slightly .
24 Using a brush and diluted green and blue food colouring , paint the quarter globe of white on the cake drum so that it looks like Earth .
25 When it gets too dangerous it will be a matter of simulating what 's supposed to happen so that it looks real to the TV audience , but not to those involved .
26 One can ask : does he mean that the horizontal moon , perhaps owing to some magnifying effect of the earth 's atmosphere , actually presents a larger appearance than the meridian moon , or does he mean merely that it looks bigger , perhaps because it is seen in a context of trees and houses ?
27 It was n't just that it looked so out of place hanging against the speckled mystery of clean , deep space .
28 Just that it looked as though he wanted me out of the way . ’
29 though that it looks such a flimsy structure , that you know its gon na be shored up with walls .
30 Third at the last fence , he passed Royal Mail and with just over a furlong to go was finishing so strongly that it looked as if he must catch Aldaniti .
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