Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Every week she was expected to clean the house right through and make the dinners , while the grandmother had her outing to Edinburgh : ‘ she had jist t'come in and sit doon like a lady . ’
2 I stopped after a short while and said ‘ this is nonsense — I ca n't learn any more of this sort of thing by two o'clock — I must just do a prose right through and see how I get on ’ .
3 ‘ Go on through and see him if you must .
4 Iris closed her eyes and began speaking slowly as if reciting a lesson .
5 Though , ’ he added slowly as if thinking something out , ‘ I did n't leave there for , oh , about twenty , perhaps thirty minutes , I should n't wonder .
6 Sarah shook her head slowly as if to clear it .
7 But they do n't speak any English , I do n't speak any Arabic , so I 'm gesturing away about the bar-tailed lark and not being able to go into the forbidden zone , and somehow or other the leader understands what I 'm going on about and makes me understand that because they 're nomads they do n't have to follow international boundaries .
8 Conservative in , three times that for which we put on for and let me remind you again that out of that seventeen pounds , you put eleven on , not us , you put it on .
9 For at least another hour he walked on as if to test the conclusion against all the temptations and changes he could uncover .
10 One grey-haired captain , a rough old chap , sat and sat not saying a word , mute as a mackerel , then suddenly got up in the middle of the room ad , you know , said aloud as if speaking to himself , ‘ If there 's no God then what sort of a Captain am I after that ? ’ , ad seized his cap and threw up his arms and went out .
11 It is no more than the action of clashing their teeth together as if sinking them into the neck of the prey , in the specialized killing bite of the cat , but it has become a sound signal that many observers have commented on .
12 And when it was over and their tears had dried , they lay like spoons , curved together as if made for each other , and slept .
13 The merchant rubbed his hands together as if trying to wash them .
14 His hands were clasped together as if to comfort one another .
15 In one period , all were placed together as if spelled out in full as ‘ MAC ’ .
16 In one period , all were placed together as if spelled out in full as ‘ MAC ’ .
17 She sucked in a deep breath then looked up , squeezing her eyelids tightly together as if to clear the fuzziness which clouded her vision .
18 Therefore a fall in µ ( increased polarization ) causes the WD curve to shift down for and to remain unaltered for .
19 Even so , he lit the lamp on his desk , put a fresh cigarette in his holder and firmly affixed his monocle — all as if to reassure himself , as if to confirm both his identity and his authority : Colonel Eric R. S. Windsor , DSO , Colonel-in Chief of His Majesty 's 16th Infantry Division , currently stationed in Cambridge Barracks , Cork .
20 Joey did n't recognise his cousin at first , and kept peering along as if to make sure .
21 But my bit had yet to come ; I had no idea if we had sustained damage to the undercarriage , although we had three greens burning bright , I motored in as if to land on new-laid eggs ; all the crew , including Jock the engineer , were at crash stations and we landed " soft as a mouse 's instep " , as Spike used to say .
22 Chen saw how the man came across , wary of Karr , eyeing the big man up and down as if to assess how much trouble he might be .
23 He smiled dazzlingly and looked her up and down as if fondling her with his gaze , while she returned his smile and somehow without moving made her cling silk dress ripple and shimmer .
24 Individuals and small parties join together in the open water outside the kelp beds , where they swim up and down as if trying to get the courage to attempt the last lap .
25 Limeking went down as if shot , and his rider Pat Buckley desperately tried to get him to his feet as the horse , flanks heaving , lay in a mess of thorn and fir and mud .
26 ‘ I think it must be your eyes , ’ he said at last , running his own gaze up and down as if giving intimate consideration to every other feature of her body .
27 They said they were setting off at nine o'clock as if to go
28 At that moment , emerging from the saloon below as if propelled from a circus cannon , there appeared a distinctly grotesque figure .
29 There are two principal kinds of horizontal press : the hydraulic press ( the simplest of all ) , usually a Vaselin model , which has two flat metal plates at either end that push together , squashing the grapes in between and issuing the juice from a duct in the inner cylindrical sleeve ; and the pneumatic press , of which the Willmes is the most common .
30 The studies reviewed by Gough , Taylor and Boddy ( 1987 ) varied from demonstration projects to narrow experimental designs , with many studies falling in between and containing aspects of both models .
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