Example sentences of "[pron] would have [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I should have known I would have problems when I crossed the border of a place whose name I could hardly pronounce — Mosonmagyaróvár .
2 One is a problem of content : it is appropriate for feminists to celebrate their diverse sexual choices ( lesbianism or spinsterhood , for instance ) but not , perhaps , to reduce ourselves to body parts ( I would have problems referring to myself approvingly as a cunt , or even as a slut , since I would rather challenge the necessity for a linguistic category of ‘ unchaste ’ women than embrace it with joy ) .
3 I thought I would have burns everywhere I had metal .
4 What will tend to happen is for example , erm , in my section to deal with public courses , I would have information about the venues that I 'm going to use this year , I would have information about the mailing lists I 'm going to use , and information about the mailing lists of my office I 'm going to use , I would have prospects that I 'm going to call , you know , it 's all stuff that I would tend to plan out on a pad of paper and then insert into the particular data section , and refer to as I need to .
5 No doubt he himself would have difficulties : but he thought that the Conservatives , without entering into any general undertaking , would support his Government , which would not embark upon any extravagant legislation ; and in this way the King 's Government might be carried on for another Session or even longer .
6 It is possible , nevertheless , to take quite a different view of the relationship between the binary policy and perceptions of the universities — a view which would have resonances in the developing higher education systems of many other countries .
7 Frans Andriessen , the EC Commissioner responsible for foreign relations , favoured " affiliate membership " for Europe 's " orphan countries " , which would have members in the European Parliament , observer status at the Commission , participation in the EC 's single internal market and links to the EC 's planned single currency .
8 It was possible but not inevitable that the EMF , which would have powers to impose monetary discipline on lax national treasuries , would evolve into a fully-fledged European central bank .
9 There was no question of his approaching the father directly as a man such as Huy would not be allowed into the palace compound ; but Taheb was a rich businesswoman , and if she did not have any personal knowledge of the family , she would have contacts who would .
10 Nevertheless , she scurried around , putting on her dress and smock whilst muttering how , if other people had left her alone , she would have things ready anyway .
11 He would erect houses , she would have neighbours , Thomas would be able to play with their children .
12 Xanthe , however , alarmed by the departure of her new-found friend , was practically clinging to Mrs Young and with an echo of the earlier hysteria was saying that she could n't possibly sleep in the private car , she would have nightmares , she would be too scared to stay , she was sure whoever had uncoupled the car before would do it again in the middle of the night , and they would all be killed when the Canadian crashed into them , because the Canadian was still there behind us , was n't it , was n't it ?
13 Ancient laws governed who would have rights to watering holes , but the young herders were often caught in the breach , stealing camels and sometimes women , from neighbouring clans .
14 ‘ Zoser does n't strike me as the sort of person who would have contacts . ’
15 It is understood that the target groups for an extension of compulsion could be 18-24- year-olds and single people who would have benefits withdrawn if they refused a range of options of schemes offered to those out of work .
16 Others would be fined on a sliding scale according to their resources , and there would be a general reconciliation in which the King would rule with the aid of a Council of State who would have powers to supervise the militia .
17 Who would have children ?
18 It was fashion you and you would have bracelets with them you 'd never seen and big rings like planets .
19 that you would have boys go out with no forewarning , tripping over stumbling blocks here , there and everywhere and girls who are not even allowed to benefit from others ' experience , let alone , have their own .
20 To do unto others as you would have others do unto you .
21 ‘ I mean , ’ Hana went on , ‘ if you were in Prague , two beautiful young men like you , you would have wives , yes ? ’
22 They would ask me into their classes to watch them teach ; they gave me time for interviews ; they allowed me into staff meetings and departmental meetings and I at various points in my research I erm attempted to feed back to them some of the material that I was coming up with , and we would have meetings to discuss this and I would erm use those meetings then to refine my ideas .
23 They asked me into their classes to watch them teach , they gave me time for interviews , they allowed me into staff meetings and departmental meetings and I erm at various points in my research I attempted to feed back to them some of the material I was coming up with , and we would have meetings to discuss this .
24 So , imagining we would have problems with security , I turned round , dumped the cartridges at Brookes 's and returned to the Palace .
25 When we moved , we knew we would have problems fitting into a smaller house .
26 In the evenings we would have readings from Das Kapital .
27 I was born into the first generation of women who could actually choose — without risking death in an illegal abortion — when and whether we would have children .
28 One call to London and we would have hordes of the Press at the gates of the hacienda , the headlines already written : ‘ Ana de Santis Blind ’ . ’
29 Then instead of a unitary spatio-temporal system we would have scores of mutually independent systems , each corresponding to a particular stretch of continuous observation .
30 The greater landowners would also employ other gentlemen servants in the management of their estates in the early eighteenth century , some of whom might be freeholders , and all of whom would have connections with the voting freeholders , and while it is true that some of these appointments were poorly paid , one has to bear in mind the comparative poverty of so many of the Scottish gentry in terms of money income .
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