Example sentences of "[pron] as [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 His energy revived , Richard was now intent on keeping Victoria 's company as much to himself as he could for the rest of the day .
2 Instead of taking the cases to the police , as he should have done and as any other hon. Member would have done , and certainly to the Home Office Minister , he found it more appropriate to come to the House and read from The News of the World to get as much publicity for himself as he could .
3 The players sat as far away from her as they could , but the smell and the squealing promised to keep them awake all night .
4 Her developmental difficulties made this particularly bad for her as she could not generate imaginative ‘ healthy ’ play .
5 I could see she was an unfit woman , and although I was resolved not to tell anyone now of my qualifications , except that I had been an ARP worker , I did try to be as helpful to her as I could .
6 He eased her as he could .
7 Many of the materials used were brought by the Israelites from Egypt ( 11:2–3 ) and willingly given , so that God 's tent might be as worthy of him as they could make it .
8 She backed away quickly and stood as far from him as she could , cringing like a dog , her tail clamped down hard , her nostrils dilated with fear .
9 Though she was huddled in the corner as far from him as she could get , the car was n't very big , and every time they went round a corner his thigh and shoulder pressed against hers .
10 She only knew she wanted to get as close to him as she could .
11 It was because she knew that before the month was out she would have said a permanent goodbye to him that she was greedy to spend as much time with him as she could now .
12 I wanted to get far away from him as I could .
13 But Kalchu seemed familiar with the darkness and the narrow , winding path , and I followed as close behind him as I could .
14 Elsewhere in his speech Gladstone specifically referred to the long runs of periodicals in the library as being of interest to him as he could not keep them in his own library .
15 William Wellman , who directed Beau Geste in 1939 , said of Brian Donlevy , who played the sadistic sergeant in that film , ‘ I 've never seen a guy that could completely get everybody to dislike him as he could . ’
16 Quiss experienced the tiniest moment of fear , then savage anger , and was about to go down fighting — take as many of the little bastards with him as he could — when he realised that they were bowing and wringing their hands and making apologetic noises , not howling angry ones .
17 It was decided by the authorities that the building of the dam across the valley was a ‘ regrettable necessity ’ — but they determined to make as satisfactory a job of it as they could .
18 On the one hand papal taxation was preserving them from Edward 's attentions , except for customary feudal dues and prerogative levies ; it is safe to assume that the laity were adapting readily to the notion of leaving the tax burden , or as much of it as they could , to the clergy .
19 Subjects were asked to rate the passage for comprehensibility and to recall as much of it as they could .
20 At the end of presentation subjects rated the passage for comprehensibility and then wrote down as much of it as they could remember , as close to verbatim as possible .
21 He must be caught in it as he could n't possibly have had time to get back to where he was staying yet .
22 There was something unique about a hospital over the Christmas period , and most years he 'd made a point of working for as much of it as he could .
23 Mother loved it as she could watch the sea in all its moods .
24 She seemed to assess their position and then go quickly back to the carrion as if she was very hungry and sought to take as much of it as she could before the crows reached her .
25 It looked dangerous and alien , and suddenly she wanted to get as far from it as she could .
26 Bilaleet was less enjoyable for me as I could n't get used to sweet vermicelli , but then I never liked rice pudding either .
27 But it was clear that he wanted to make as much money out of me as he could .
28 But she gave as much to me as she could .
29 Willing hands helped us rescue as many of them as we could , and we got our robes out to take home and wash .
30 You young people can lend your bodies now , play with them , give them as we could not .
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