Example sentences of "[pron] [v-ing] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( My ex-husband did not want me working in Oman with him , and even when I was in the UK arranging the divorce he took steps to prevent me returning to Oman to teach until he had himself left the country in 1987 . )
2 Erm , I think at the back of some people 's minds there was this pressure , you know that 's why a few did return to work and I mean I can understand some of them returning to work but not necessarily for the reasons they 've stated .
3 There seems no point in my going to bed now . "
4 It is not ( like the rain in the example of my going to London ) just another reason to be added to the others , a reason to stand alongside the others when one reckons which way is better supported by reason .
5 ‘ I have been meaning to speak to you about my going to London , ’ she said .
6 We used to have arguments , mainly over my going to church .
7 ‘ Now , where am I going to sleep ? ’
8 I I going to weight of of criteria first of all , I think this very great weight should be applied to this criterion because obviously if you can not serve the new settlement satisfactorily then it should n't be developed in that location .
9 ‘ Am I speaking to John Zacharias ? ’
10 ‘ Remember me confessing to Cal that I never had dreams ?
11 Keynes has shown that he and his brothers , six of them according to Florence of Worcester , appear in the witness lists of royal charters for some time before 1006 ; but it was in 1007 that Eadric received his ealdormanry , and Florence says that it was Eadric who had Ælfhelm murdered and the king who blinded his sons .
12 As far as personnel are concerned , every attempt will be made to refer to them according to skills , professions or areas of activity ( e.g. audio-visual technicians , media producers , design consultants ) , and normally the expression " educational technologist " will imply someone consciously identifying himself with the theory and methodology of the movement .
13 For the drift of the argument was essentially that men did not assume leadership , but that it was granted to them according to criteria which took merit and experience , as well as birth and social standing , into consideration .
14 I keep six — red wine , white wine , cider , balsamic , rice and sherry — and use them according to mood and the principal ingredients .
15 The proposal would rank them according to liquidity ( how regularly a stock is traded ) and turnover .
16 Five housing departments had information on the numbers of wheelchair and mobility properties in their stock , but only two of these could analyse them according to bedroom size .
17 If children were egocentric , the capacity to sustain an effective dialogue would be impossible , for this requires the ability to switch speaker and listener roles constantly , to monitor the effects of one 's messages , and to modify them according to feedback received from the listener .
18 Many kibbutzim are founded on the Marxist principle of ‘ from everyone according to ability — to everyone according to need ’ , the guiding ideal being the creation of an egalitarian society .
19 Many kibbutzim are founded on the Marxist principle of ‘ from everyone according to ability — to everyone according to need ’ , the guiding ideal being the creation of an egalitarian society .
20 But he may also have intended to remind those present that he had come to the throne as a result of the treaty he had made with Edmund , which according to Florence of Worcester established peace , friendship and brotherhood between them .
21 However , most workers stress that rural deprivation is n't a function of rurality but is instead a product of the national social structure which according to Neate ( 1981 , 20–1 ) is then :
22 He adds that ‘ There is little doubt that here existed a town in the time of the Britons ’ and a settlement grew around the Druidic university which according to Peck was the ancient British city of Doorebriff , meaning ‘ sharp stream ’ .
23 Elizabeth Arden 's Anti-Cellulite Toning Treatment , £19.95/150ml contains technospheres , which according to Arden , release Celluplex , a concentrate that helps to convert excess fat into energy .
24 Stipulations in a contract , as to time or otherwise , which according to rules of equity are not deemed to be of the essence of the contract , are construed at law in accordance with the same rules ( Law of Property Act 1925 , s41 ) .
25 These seem likely to have discovered the W-particle , which according to electroweak theory must exist ( New Scientist , 27 january , p 221 .
26 Hungary and Czechoslovakia have reached a deadlock in discussions over a hydro-electric dam to be built on the River Danube , which according to environmentalists and scientists , presents serious hazards .
27 " Intelligent , respectable workmen " were engaged to do the tasks the women could not : which according to Miss Faithfull meant " lifting of the iron chases … the carrying of cases of weighty type … and the whole of the presswork " , By October there were nineteen women compositors in the office , several of them the daughters of master printers .
28 According to Jespersen ( 1933 ) , the imperative is used in requests , which according to circumstances may range from brusque commands to humble entreaties , the tone generally serving as a key to the exact meaning .
29 In Johannesburg , actually in the mining camp at Ferreira 's Town , Frederick and Belle opened an hotel , which according to Robin Cranko was the first in the locality .
30 The third key characteristic is that the actual value of all the variables which according to equation ( 6.7 ) determine should be known at the end of period t - 1 ; otherwise they can not be used to predict .
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