Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] be for " in BNC.

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1 However , although most of my patterns are for single-bed machines , I am becoming more and more interested again in playing with double jacquard .
2 Culturally I must acknowledge my Spanish blood , but my sympathies are for the Quechua experience .
3 But my ambitions are for local government only . ’
4 My orders are for this skeleton to be taken to the Natural History Museum in London , where scientific tests will reveal more about its true nature .
5 While the PRE has halted Mozambique 's rapid economic decline since the early 1980s , there have been doubts about how appropriate its policies are for a country still at war .
6 The advertisers obviously wish to give the idea that their products are for blondes or light-skinned people only , or maybe that if you use their product you will suddenly be transformed into a seductive beauty with a string of young men at your fingertips .
7 One of their proposals is for the appointment of up to three bishops as ‘ provincial visitors ’ , outside the traditional structure of diocesan bishops .
8 Their proposals are for a traffic-calming ramp or similar device , or even just a sign reminding drivers of the speed limit .
9 One of their demands was for a phased release of internees .
10 One of her designs is for a lady 's version of the Norfolk jacket , which has been worn by Prince Charles on Sandringham shoots .
11 What had her motives been for keeping quiet then , for not behaving as ( perhaps ) most women would have behaved ?
12 Our official brokerage network knows which boats are for sale worldwide and can help find exactly the right Swan for you .
13 His second great contribution was the functional method in anthropology , which despite its defects was for long a valuable associational mode of approach to the study of human behaviour and social institutions .
14 Two-thirds of the output from its factories is for civilian use — washing machines , prams and hunting rifles , for instance .
15 Its responsibilities are for schools and further and higher education ( excluding universities , which are the responsibility of the DES , but including central institutions and teacher training ) .
16 When Eglantine Jebb launched the Save The Children Fund in May nineteen nineteen , one of her aims was for the fund to work for its own extinction .
17 Halflings are not especially warlike by nature , and their troopers are for the most part country watchmen , game wardens and foresters .
18 My priorities in life is smaller , more compact , but their priorities is for about ten , fifteen years from now .
19 A not uncommon solution to the feeling that the conventional family stunts the individuality of its members is for people to elect to live on their own .
20 In the absence of any significant movement on the Western Front people were bound to start asking what their sacrifices were for , and whether , if military victory was unattainable , some other way of stopping the slaughter should be found .
21 It turned out the travel agent had told them their tickets were for tourist class where they would be safe .
22 All her regrets were for herself , not him .
23 The purpose of the study is to identify how the policy was implemented , and what its consequences were for the curriculum , pupils ' experience of school science and teachers ' professional situation .
24 Big chested where their lungs are for running .
25 It stands beside the river in the city of the new Jerusalem , where God and his people once more live together — and its leaves are for " the healing of the nations " ( Revelation 22:2 ) .
26 It also coincided with the rise and consolidation of the labour movement in Britain ; and that is a story from which women were for many years absent or in which they featured very much as a minority .
27 Picasso 's extensive series of variations on Las Meninas was produced in 1957 , but even if Gironella knew of them when he himself began to work on versions of Velázquez ( which is highly unlikely , as Picasso 's paintings were not exhibited until 1959 ) ; even though their interest in the art of the past at that point in their careers was for both , perhaps , a rejection of abstraction ; and even though both can in some way be defined as exiled from their Spanish roots , as outsiders looking in — — yet the results are widely divergent .
28 Oh I dug out my , or the company 's in fact , membership of P C W World , erm and tomorrow I 've got a note to phone them and ask them how much their keyboards are for Amstrads .
29 A further communication will enquire what their intentions are for the site .
30 A further communication will enquire what their intentions are for the site .
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