Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [noun prp] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 I should like i if I may Mr Deputy Speaker , to commend Welsh billing authorities for their better than expected performance in collecting the council tax .
2 I think I ought Steve Davis .
3 Even though I come from Cuba and have naturally dark skin , it 's very dry so I always carry my Must de Cartier body lotion with me .
4 Right , right , I 'll Mr Chairman , I think that 's alright .
5 yes I would Mr. Chairman erm I concur with every word that and confirm that support er mostly er
6 Reports from the US suggest that Covia 's software will also be snapped up by Sun Microsystems Inc , which could OEM CI as an add-on to its Open Networking Computing environment .
7 And who should Mr Milburn be but your dear Andrew .
8 Who would Mr Marr 's superior have been when he was in the overseas ministry ? ’
9 Well , no , you can not breed Killifish as you would Zebra Danios or Angelfish and it 's true that some are best left to the specialist .
10 Perhaps if we can arrive at some sort of specific amounts or some research in that direction , we might Mr Chairman , be able to take representations to government in a more positive way .
11 They could Chief Inspector Williams from here .
12 What should Mr Major and the first media mogul to sit in the Cabinet , David Mellor , do ?
13 What could Cedric Mellings have said ?
14 ' Whatever could Aunt Louise have been saying ?
15 What would Aunt Louise think ?
16 What would Mrs Thatcher say ?
17 For some time afterwards whenever a crisis occurred they would ask each other , ‘ What would Père Obein say ? ’
18 What would Dixie Dean and Tommy Lawton make of it all ?
19 What would Prebendary Porkadder think ? ’
20 What would Ray Lindwall have said ?
21 What would Araminta Merchiston say if she knew just how far above her in station was this obviously despised new companion ?
22 What would Harry Short say ? ’
23 And what would Gemma Dallam — Gemma Gage — think to that , she wondered , if she knew the price he had made another woman pay to recover her brown satin ?
24 And what would Lord Pugh , that purified man , be feeling ?
25 Yeah , I mean that seems a plausible way of getting into the , er the job market , er what would Harrison Todaro erm say , you know , because they were saying that this migration , this migration was perfectly rational , despite there being high levels of unemployment .
26 Even now , Bob Wall and I , when thinking over a problem , ask ourselves , ‘ What would Herbert Chapman have done ? ’
27 What would Charles Darwin have made of that , I wonder ?
28 What would Miss Mates think if she found us here like this ? ’
29 McAllister put down her brush , placed her hands on her hips in the manner of every recalcitrant servant and said aggressively , with the hint of a twinkle in her eye , ‘ And what would Miss Mates say if I neglect my early morning duties ? ’
30 What would Miss Henry say if she could see her now — Miss Henry , who only an hour ago had been exhorting her to cultivate dignity and repose !
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