Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I I the retail 's not within what we 've been talking about this afternoon but on the other hand it does employ more people per hectare than any industry we 've been talking about as as far as as far as I understand it .
2 Well it 's a question of balance I I the forty one thousand figure in my view should come down by a few thousand to reflect constraints in specific areas , I wo n't go into that now cos it 's a separate discussion later on .
3 If — and it is a very big ‘ if ’ — the matter sucked into a black hole must reappear somewhere and somewhen else , we must ask ourselves what the other end of the ‘ tunnel ’ would be like .
4 There is a sense in which after much complex art , much elaborate art , much sermonizing art of the sort I was talking about earlier , people sometimes get the urge to simplify things down and in a sense they say let's go back to the five finger exercise , let's see what a note on the piano sounds like instead of playing , you know , Chopin or Stravinsky all the time , let's remind ourselves what the actual note sounds like , or two notes together , or one note and then a gap and then another note , and you suddenly become aware of the richness , in a sense in these very simple elements .
5 And such changes , such actions , create a reaction : a social reaction , when we see for ourselves what the changed world is really like .
6 Or simply those local planning authorities within the county area with whom which the new settlement proposal lay .
7 Deprived of the which they the marine iguanas of the Galapagos starved to death .
8 If I might repeat again what I suggested in the debate on the White Paper er there is a comparison perhaps pushed a little far w which what the national socialist did in Germany by saying a locally elected major-like does not represent the wishes er an er interests of the people of Cologne , as well as perhaps an appointed business man with the name of Krupp .
9 He asked me who the young man with the dark curly hair was , and I told him .
10 But using the the technicians and who who the main ones Robert and Bill
11 As long as you go at a slow , steady pace , the job can be done and you none the wiser .
12 We have one of the best fire services and the best brigades in this country Mr Chairman and you none the least Mr Chairman on some of you recent visits and meeting some of our fire personnel are more than aware we are the the best equipped , the cheapest brigade and our chaps and girls in Leicestershire , the morale is very high , regardless of what 's going on around the pay dispute at the moment and I think that we need to show our support to those fire personnel and provide the adequate funding for the southern fire station .
13 And they did n't buy you one the right size !
14 And that means that from then on your life is n't your own , you do n't do what you want to do , you do what you believe God is telling you to do and you try to live by what the bible says and you pray about any important decision you make and then , when God has shown you what the right thing is to do , even when you 're going through very hard times , you know that you 're there because that 's where God wants you to be and that gives you faith to carry on .
15 Erm , I can tell you what the other to look at the personality things like that
16 And , and and Paddy Ashdown 'll tell you what the other two are n't gon na do .
17 They do n't tell you what they 're gon na do , they just tell you what the other ones are n't gon na do .
18 That this book tells you what the new ones are .
19 I 'll tell you what the new games are in with in er over here in England .
20 I 'll tell you what the old fashion alarm clocks they got .
21 And again just before we start this overview , let's just remind you what the single channel conductance of a channel is .
22 I tell you what the biggest racist are the black , black , not so much the blacks , are the Asians
23 And they wo n't tell you what the safe margin is , they just do n't .
24 this cardigan was sixty two pounds , but it 's really nice , you know , and it 's , I 'm saying this you could make me one the same
25 ‘ I suspect , ’ Gloria said , ‘ he 'll tell them something the same as I did .
26 And yet the two were so different in so many other crucial respects that one can not but suspect something else to have been involved — something which the four issues listed above served to mask for posterity .
27 It should be noted that ( a ) where the accused 's behaviour falls within s.2(1) , Ghosh is irrelevant : Wootton , above ; ( b ) that the accused may act dishonestly even though he did something which the civil law allows him to do , such as retain the overpayment of a bet ( Gilks [ 1972 ] 1 WLR 1341 ) ; and ( c ) that as a result of Lawrence v DPP , above , a person may be dishonest despite the fact that the owner has consented to the appropriation .
28 Something which the Regular Army and His Majesty 's invincible Navy would settle .
29 It shows that they have got something which the traditional denominations badly need to relearn .
30 ‘ Threat ’ when used in this connection means ‘ an intimation by one to another that unless the latter does or does not do something the former will do something which the latter will not like . ’
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