Example sentences of "[pron] there be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There 's no second non-related to that there 's a question of council members , I there 's about seven .
2 Well now anyhow I there 's only me here and I er was ninety three last birthday .
3 Yeah I think erm actually my there 's probably nothing wrong with my pens , I 'm trying to write on the back of this paper it 's paper
4 Well my there 's never any please , there 's never any thank you , there 's nothing , I mean there are are n't they , when he was saying that all he 's done for her and they virtually like turned their back on them , he got out in all those winds and weather were n't it , but , we built there and he come out apparently and said I do n't want you having anything else to do with my kids ,
5 Then again , in dealing with the bargee himself there is often trouble .
6 It did n't , thank heavens , seem likely that a situation would ever arise in which there was no hope for Richard , whereas , on the other hand , Willis considered that for himself there was scarcely any hope at all if he could not sell Dreadnought .
7 Last time er it was er free distribution , so they needed someone to , workers for that and Sikh temple offered their services and er , I think they did the job very well because mostly we get a lot of volunteers round and er , many times I went their there was quite a big queue , er five or six people were serving at the same time .
8 The Philippines also acted and placed a ban on all hardwood exports — again the industry will look elsewhere for its timber , most prominently Sarawak and Sabah on which there is already great pressure .
9 A product has been updated to reference a product package for which there is already a product registered .
10 One home split-level , for which there is already a great deal of interest , will sell at £200,000 and possibly boast the finest view in North Wales .
11 Very flat curves of poorly sorted sediments or those with bimodal frequency curves are platykurtic , whereas very strongly peaked curves , in which there is exceptionally good sorting of the central part of the distribution , are leptokurtic .
12 And the sense in which there is no arriving in The Possessed is very like that in which there is no reading tomorrow 's newspaper .
13 We must also contrast the dithyramb with the other kinds of choral song developed by the Greeks , all essentially Apolline , in which there is no " entering into " and the singers remain " themselves " , retaining their names and keeping a sense of their ordinary civic status .
14 Gather together enough antimatter , and you have a cheap way of travelling to the stars — because obviously the only energy you would be using would be gravitational , of which there is plenty available in the Universe .
15 adequate seating must be provided in a room at the hotel which is not used as sleeping accommodation or for the service of food , and in which there is neither supply or consumption of intoxicating liquor .
16 But for each of the thousand or so explicitly identifiable speech acts there are just as many for which there is neither a name nor a lexical indicator .
17 Towns , which have been more intensively studied and for which there is generally more documentary and cartographic information , were thought to be organic or haphazard creations until recently .
18 Ministers rejected a German proposal to establish a list of countries in which there is generally no serious risk of persecution and from which asylum applications would not in principle be accepted .
19 Differing survival curves for the two subsets are best described by a model in which there is also reversion in vivo from the CD45R0 to the CD45RA phenotype .
20 This interpretation is confirmed by correlation measurements of which an example is given in Fig. 21.20 ; this shows the correlation of x-components of the velocity as a function of separation in the x-direction , and we consider curve B for which there is also a ( fixed ) separation in the y-direction : the asymmetry of this curve about r x =0 illustrates the tendency for the large eddies to be tilted downstream .
21 Please also note the Picture Sale , to be held in the Vaughan Exhibition Room , from 27 to 29 June about which there is also a separate leaflet .
22 To start with a relatively easy issue , part of the funds raised could be channelled into public sector investment projects , of which there is presently in Britain a substantial backlog ( e.g. modernisation of the railways , energy conservation measures , renewal of urban sewage systems , accelerated house-building programme ) .
23 In a between-species cross , in which there is even greater dissimilarity between the antigens , one would expect the rejection to be even more axiomatic , but the immunological evidence is difficult to interpret .
24 It is through literature that we grow into a particular kind of awareness of ourselves and — an inseparable corollary — of our manifold relations with each other and all that is not self , without which there is really not much ‘ self ’ to talk about .
25 This discreteness is due to the need to fit a whole number of half wavelengths along the length of the string , for which there is obviously only an enumerable number of possibilities .
26 There is never a situation in which there is simultaneously a demand from a marketplace which requires replacement sales of a commodity that it already has , as well as the basic growth which occurred as household after household abandoned gas and moved into the new form of lighting .
27 The methodology in Advance with English leads the learners gradually from exercises in which they are given a great deal of guidance , to ones in which there is almost no guidance .
28 This is ‘ practical ’ in the sense that the prosecution need not rely on members of the public to come forward and give evidence , which there is often a reluctance to do .
29 More often , of course , separation involves a younger carer giving up the role , about which there is often profound ambivalence .
30 Among the subjects Terkel 's interviewees muse on are Louis Farrakhan , the Nation of Islam 's leader , who seems to command utter loyalty or utter loathing ; sexual jealosy , a theme that has gone cool in Britain , but still raises temperatures in the US ; and the future , about which there is absolutely no agreement .
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