Example sentences of "[pron] which [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We see our own dissatisfactions , our own pointless , unfocused longings in her and we are forced , because we are shown the terrible thing that happens to her , to question aspects of ourselves which might otherwise remain unexamined .
2 In 1976 , the film Ilsa , She-wolf of the SS was brought before the courts of New York State on a charge of obscenity , but the case was dismissed because the judge found nothing which could properly be covered by the Miller test , no ‘ lewd exhibition of the genitals ’ , no representations of ‘ ultimate sexual acts , normal or perverted ’ .
3 In 1984 , when the InterCity Charter Unit was first set up , it had at its disposal some twenty sets of Mk 1 stock — principally second-class tourist open vehicles — but nothing which could credibly be described as suitable for the VIP trains it was seeking to introduce .
4 Defence against acqua alta concentrates on the restructuring of the Lido , Malamocco and Chioggia entrances to the Lagoon , and the positioning of mobile barriers across them which would normally lie flat on the sea bed .
5 Although he died in 1807 , he had by then planned the ‘ canalization ’ of the three rivers and the construction of the walls alongside them which can still be seen today .
6 The present stance involves banning the people of the province from its ranks yet drawing up policies for them which will radically affect their lives .
7 I know that our children by enlarge er their vocabulary does n't extend to erm what er , polysyllabic words which which might really sum up for an adult what they 've been going through , how they 've enjoyed it but what is the terrible form we had last year in seventh year , was it seven G ?
8 erm software one which which could possibly have
9 He played that aspect of himself which could well have been in a war — after all he had trained long enough for it — and the result was the sort of performance he was to deliver several times in his film career and none the worse for that : professional , convincing .
10 At the time of Chamberlain 's appointment he had written to his mother : ‘ I am pretty certain that I shall be left where I am which is what I wanted , for the only promotion I should care about would be the Exchequer itself which would never be given to a minister of only two years ' experience .
11 This creates a lack of popular confidence in democracy itself which can only be rectified by bringing more and more of that power into the public and accountable sector .
12 It can direct that the application be re-heard by a magistrates ' court or it can make an order itself which will then be treated as an order of the magistrates ' court for the purposes of enforcement and variation ( s94(9) ) .
13 In awareness of everything relevant to the issue ( = everything which would spontaneously move me one way or the other ) , I find myself moved towards X , overlooking something relevant I find myself moved towards Y. In which direction shall I let myself be moved ?
14 The Data Protection Registrar has also commented that the mere fact a breach of security has occurred will not be proof that the data user has been negligent , provided the data user has ‘ done everything which could reasonably be expected ’ ( DPR Guideline 4 ) .
15 First , again , Nozick relies on the argument , internalist or not , to provide the independent support for something which would otherwise look like a counter-intuitive consequence of his theory .
16 The poem is rich in language , vivid in imagery , mysterious and enchanting in its overall effect and uses to its best advantage various language features to evoke an atmosphere of grandeur and magnificence conveying the author 's passion for something which would otherwise remain a mere vehicle to the reader .
17 Virgin , he said , were planning something which would effectively wipe out the manufacture of records , tapes and home hi-fis — direct cable music .
18 William Wordsworth described the river Duddon as something which would always be recognized by succeeding generations :
19 Twisting the wire tie is hard too , but the binning itself is something which would certainly have earned me a Rainbow Award at play-school .
20 Their history , the interests of their members and the circumstances of conflict in Northern Ireland do not permit the evolution of Orangeism into something which would still have meaning if it abandoned its evangelical Protestant symbols and stated beliefs .
21 Within a few months of her husband 's tragic death Annette knew she had to do something which would still involve her in politics .
22 She has not cut herself off from her parents , however , as this is something which would only have led her to feel guilty and therefore decreased her confidence even further .
23 A survey conducted in the United States in 1981 revealed that directors considered the feature that made a company most attractive as a take-over target was that it had ‘ excellent management ’ and the majority of respondents regarded management inefficiency as something which would actually put them off .
24 Right , well we , we have something which would actually solve that , erm , which would be of benefit to you , and would actually cut in at the six month period , and would continue paying your policy and your premiums , until your retirement age if necessary .
25 He was knowingly , deliberately and secretly acting , setting out to do something which would inevitably inflict great harm on his principal .
26 That term was automatically held to be satisfied when the effects on the interests of the individual were felt to be serious enough to warrant procedural protection , and this was so whether the context was deprivation of an office , expulsion from a trade association , the destruction of one 's property , or the loss of something which would juridically be called a privilege .
27 It is important to understand Griffiths ' proposals because some of them formed the basis of new government legislation in 1990 , although other fundamental recommendations were , unfortunately , rejected — something which may well cause difficulties in the future , as we shall see later .
28 This view , however , may be to perceive only as a weakness within the British scene something which may more interestingly be considered an incentive to , even a necessary condition of , modernist and postmodernist writing generally .
29 The Coroner said : This is something which ought never to have happened .
30 If the explanation for the violent outburst lies in something which might understandably lead a person to be so angry as to lose self-control , then this supplies an added reason for mitigating the offence and the sentence .
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