Example sentences of "[pron] that [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Nothing that preceded it could have prepared its audience for a work of such comic brilliance , masterly characterization , and sheer breadth of conception .
2 I 've got the Graham wanted to well unfortunately Graham this one 's a bit dangerous so I 'm having to do it so if anything goes wrong it 's me that gets it and not you .
3 Trouble is , there 's only me that eats it !
4 This really is committee work but I , it does occur to me that mention it that erm , if in our advertising we point out that we have a car park attendant and if that car park attendant were to let one slip through his fingers me were , we may well then be liable to be sued by the person who
5 You sure it was n't me that wrote it ?
6 The other element is that the county 's are so dangerous , and that 's actually quite unusual , they 're so dangerous that we consider they present a risk and it has to be me that considers it presents a risk to life , and I can either restrict the use of premises , but I can prohibit the use entirely .
7 It definitely were n't me that checked it .
8 It 's usually me that does it .
9 you to find that was , it was me that did it .
10 I said to Bev erm do n't mean to say , I mean I might get home and find she 's got a phone call but she said to me yes I mean we , she did think of going out yesterday , and it was me that stopped it but if I feel so inclined today we 'll go down if she 's in
11 It 's them that made it worse for the others , if everybody had a stayed up together , and and stayed out , we we everybody had the same troubles , money trouble .
12 They 've got to make a law , like , an' them that break it … well' — he drew in his breath noisily ‘ I would like to see them swing . ’
13 It 's not them that pays it int it you know
14 " The Lord 's day is holy ; them that profane it , God shall judge . "
15 ‘ It 's nuts like you that put it there .
16 I saved you that put it on his bike .
17 When he saw on television the public cheering me and reaching out to shake my hand , he said , ‘ You know , it 's not everyone who says ‘ well done ’ to you that means it .
18 No , it was , above all , the very conduct of the campaign itself that made it such a sickening mockery of anything approximating democracy .
19 This suggests that there is nothing inherent in Broca 's area by itself that makes it crucial for speech .
20 It was partly the language itself that suggested it .
21 Yes chairman , I think that before you phrased that motion you might have enquired as to the circumstances of this , and , and everything that surrounds it .
22 He did not even know that most of the Scottish host had already cast off everything that weighed it down , and taken to flight , acknowledging the truth of this meeting .
23 As once you have dealt with history , you have to put in place something that keeps it up to date , without too much labour and without erm , a major hole there where things fall into the middle cover and come out .
24 I wonder if , it Mr , was it choir or his father or something that had it , I can if I can remember somebody saying .
25 But it was something about her , something that made it work between them .
26 Theists describe a constant dependence of the world not upon something outside it — if we define the universe broadly enough nothing can be outside it — but upon something that transcends it .
27 Will he take this opportunity to confirm that it is the three strands that will form the basis of any future talks , and that against that background there will always be the Anglo-Irish Agreement , until the two Governments feel that they have something that transcends it ?
28 The Old Man said something that suggested it might only be a temporary suspension .
29 In contrast to the old familiar setting , Alison says this is an exciting new venture for her : ‘ It is being in at the start of something that makes it so interesting .
30 I 'm a layman to you and you 're a layman to me in many senses , and therefore erm the , the , the fact that our students are in effect very often laymen is not something that detracts from their motivation to study , in many instances it 's something that gives it stimulus and underlines it .
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